posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 03:32 PM
As much as I would love to help, I am not educated as of yet to what you might be looking for. The only reason I am responding is because at first I
thought this was going to be a great thread and I was eager to learn something new, and also go see what I could possibly find.
Your attitude towards some of the other posters trying to help, even if they may have missed "your" point, strikes me as a bit uppity. Not everyone
is a genius, but most do have heart and want to try and help if they can. I think the more you respond in the negative is going to be more doors that
you close.
Try to keep in mind that the innocent are actually quite capable of coming up with things not before considered. You never know where a unlikely
branch of the tree may lead you. Im kind of sad this thread took this kind of turn. It had so much potential. You came as a student, seeking
knowledge, dont be so quick to disregard a possible teacher, as they come in many forms.