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Were the September 11th attacks the second Pearl harbor?

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posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Drunkenshrew

It was very convenient for the Bush-administration, that the vile terrorist mastermind who had his base in Afghanistan attacked the USA first - just one day after Bush had secretly signed a plan to topple the Taliban regime. I wonder how much public support for this foreign entanglement Bush would have gotten without the 9/11 attack.

This is an example of what really irritates me about some people on here. The complete and total ignorance of history. Osama Bin Laden, had been responsible for quite a few attacks against the United States during the 90s.

A short list of attacks that Bin Laden is either known to be complicit in OR thought to be complicit in.

Somalia...the incident on which Black Hawk Down was based on.

Phillipines...Terrorists thought to be under the direction of OBL were apprehended during an planned assaisination attempt on Bill Clinton.

Tanzania and Kenya....bombings of our embassies

USS Cole...

Osama Bin Laden was first indicted in a US Court in 1998 for his actions, and yet, many truthers still think that he only popped up in September 2001.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by IamMe14

And Tom Clancy wrote a book where a 747 was crashed into the Capitol Building during a Joint Session of Congress...

Dale Brown wrote a book about a terrorist crashing airliners into various targets......AFTER he had make stock transactions designed to profit from his acts.

In Armageddeon, they had metorites slam into the WTC in roughly the same places as the airliners hit on 9/11.

Pretty sure I could find a lot more examples of things such as these in various books/movies.

So, were they ALL in on it?

The Running Man, the book by Steven King, an airliner is hijacked and crashed into a building on purpose - this was written in 1982

[edit on 29/8/10 by dereks]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:35 AM
Don't forget Morgan Robertson's story, written in 1898, called " Futility, or the wreck of the Titan.

Written 14 years before Titanic sailed it describes the "Titan", largest ship of its day, striking an iceberg on an April night in the North Atlantic 400 miles from Newfoundland. The ship founders with great loss of life due to a shortage of lifeboats.

The similarities with the actual Titanic disaster are much more marked than the "Lone Gunmen" ones but conspiracy ? Of course not, coincidences happen.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1

There may well have been some complacency and negligence, a failure of liaison between agencies and this is where guilt in the Administration lies. Not in crazy blood-thirsty plots.

Riiiight Alfie, because crazy blood thirsty(whatever that's supposed to imply) plots are never perpetrated by people in the military and government.

Just say it, your the type of guy who will always defend the government/military whether their right or wrong, and believe that there wasn't a single evil act committed by our government in the past 243 years.

The government learning curve theory, you gotta love it.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by PersonalChoice

Originally posted by Alfie1

There may well have been some complacency and negligence, a failure of liaison between agencies and this is where guilt in the Administration lies. Not in crazy blood-thirsty plots.

Riiiight Alfie, because crazy blood thirsty(whatever that's supposed to imply) plots are never perpetrated by people in the military and government.

Just say it, your the type of guy who will always defend the government/military whether their right or wrong, and believe that there wasn't a single evil act committed by our government in the past 243 years.

The government learning curve theory, you gotta love it.

As this thread is about 9/11 I would have thought it was obvious that that is what I was referring to. Not the My Lai massacre, Wounded Knee or anything else in the last 243 years.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Very good opening post. Starred & Flagged.

Came across this and found it very interesting on Pearl Harbor:

Fascism and False Flags = War
By Deanna Spingola

The plan to specifically attack Pearl Harbor was not a secret. Joseph Grew, U.S. Ambassador to Japan heard the rumors in January 1941. If there should be a collapse in the relationship with the U.S. then the Japanese would perpetrate a massive attack against them at Pearl Harbor. The ambassador reported this troubling news to Washington. Additionally, U.S. code-breakers had broken the code using a decoding device called "Magic" and could read every message sent to Japanese diplomats all over the world. The decoding machines were sent to London, Singapore and the Philippines but not to the military facilities at Pearl Harbor. By November 1941, alerts about a Japanese attack were circulated to the U.S. commanders in the Philippines and Panama but not to General Short or Admiral Kimmel, the commanding officers at Pearl Harbor.

Britain wanted the U.S. in the war in order to crush Germany, an axis ally of Japan and Italy through the Tri-partite pact. On November 10, 1941, Winston Churchill said that if war broke out between Japan and the U.S. that Britain would declare war on Japan "within the hour." Both Roosevelt and Churchill knew the details of the Japanese Pearl Harbor attack in advance. Britain had cracked the naval JN-25 code. U.S. Army attaché Colonel Bonner Fellers was told on December 6, 1941 that Japan planned their assault within 24 hours. A "day of infamy" attack on American soil was the only way Roosevelt could get Congress into the war for the benefit of Britain. Churchill directed Roosevelt. The big question is — who was directing Churchill? more

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

The US was warned by, at least, the governments of Britain, Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union that a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. All important Japanese codes were broken. FDR and Marshall and others knew the attack was coming, allowed it and covered up their knowledge. It's significant that both the the chief of OP-20-G Safford and Friedman of Army SIS, the two people in the world that knew what we decoded, said that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked

Source and rest of article here:

Who knows?

The people at the top pulling the strings do not play by the same set of rules the rest of us do. How can they? Most of them are psychopaths.

No one wants to believe they've been duped, but for the most part I think wars are nothing more than chess games TPTB play and they use our sons and daughters as pawns.

Google Video Link

The video is from the History Channel and goes into how Pearl Harbor might not have been a surprise attack. It may have been known by Roosevelt that this attack was coming.

The question remains why?

The rest of the article from the first link gives a plausable theory.................

Personally until 911 I never questioned Pearl Harbor.

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on
a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Hermann Goering

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 06:36 PM
No one needed their ears in the astral to make the connections between the Sept 11 event and the earlier warnings. Many of the 1013 Chris Carter episodes were allegorical references to military places and events, area 51 etc. Lots of conspiracies around the sinking of the Titanic and the collision of her sister ship the Olympia with a Navy vessel. Interesting "prior art".

Now I suppose HG Wells "war of the worlds" invasion from Mars hoax in 1938 could have been a test for the American listening audience?

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 06:43 PM
Actually, the more I look at the photographs provided by FEMA, as well as the myriad of video, research, and irrefutable science, I am beginning to believe that 9/11 was the second new Hiroshima.

edit on 9-10-2010 by thegoodearth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by thegoodearth

The designer of the WTC towers was a second generation Japanese American named Minoru Yamasaki. Since the towers were not masonry construction and apparently were designed to be taken down by demolition, Yamasaki may have known about the Sept 11 event. Unfortunately Yamasaki died in 1986 at the age of 73 so we can't ask him. Seems to me the WTC tower structure was meant to last 45 years so 2001 was a little premature for demolition. Yamasaki briefly worked for Shreve, Lamb and Harmon the designers of the Empire State building so he would have been aware of the longer term problems with a tall masonry construction tower. In 1945 Yamasaki moved to Detroit where he was hired by Smith, Hinchman, and Grylls. The firm helped Yamasaki avoid internment as a Japanese-American during World War II, and he himself sheltered his parents in New York City. It is possible Yamasaki was angered by the use of the atomic bomb against Japan and became involved in some west coast conspiracy plot, but I think its more likely he was asked to build a structure that could later be demolished after a limited life span..

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 06:18 PM
Since all the steel columns for the towers were manufactured in Japan and the tower was designed with planned obsolescence in mind the Japanese must have known what would happen.

Did the Japanese believe it would enlighten the world about Pearl Harbor and set the history books straight?

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:14 AM
There is a book called "the new pearl harbor" about 9/11 actually..

Anywho.. I personally do not believe that George Bush was a criminal mastermind. I believe that the government is very incompetent and this is why it was not stopped.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: Drunkenshrew
Here is another coincident event.

U.S. OK’d plan to topple Taliban a day before 9/11
WASHINGTON — After years of delay caused by inadequate intelligence, the U.S. government decided just one day before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that it would try to overthrow the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan if a diplomatic push to expel Osama bin Laden from the country failed, the independent panel investigating the attacks reported Tuesday.

It was very convenient for the Bush-administration, that the vile terrorist mastermind who had his base in Afghanistan attacked the USA first - just one day after Bush had secretly signed a plan to topple the Taliban regime. I wonder how much public support for this foreign entanglement Bush would have gotten without the 9/11 attack.

[edit on 29-8-2010 by Drunkenshrew]

TBH I bet he would have gotten a lot of support. People just don't care.

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