posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 10:02 AM
well, talk about sleeping with the enemy. It was a little odd how the lame stream media all of a sudden started to talk about the pakistan floods and
wondering why the public was not offering donations to help the victims in Pakistan. Gee, maybe because people assumed pakistan is a terrorist state
and giving them donations would be considered aiding the enemy? But, since the media say it's okay I guess it's fine now. According to the director
of the "30 days show" in his movie "where in the world is Osama bin laden" I think I recall him ending outside of Pakistan, as probably the most
legitimate place Bin Laden is residing (I don't buy that he's in Iran, that's laughable). So maybe Pakistan is some type of "safe haven"
terrorist state, more than likely the jumping point for terrorist acts in other parts of the world, for example, Mumbai.