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help and advice OOBE and demons

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posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:00 AM
This is my first post so please bare with me. As the thread title suggests i am looking for some help or advise with some recent OBE episodes i have been having recently,last night was the most recent.

First off i started having OBE experiences from a very early age,and continued to have them for a long time without knowing what was happening to me.I am 39 years of age now and really up untill five years ago when i started looking into it i had no idea what was happening,because i have never had to try or force an OBE,i just thought it was a wierd problem that i had whilst dropping off to sleep.

Briefly i will tell you how it happens to me.I will be lying in bed thinking of nothing, complete clear mind,this is important if i have had a stressing day or something playing on my mind i do not have an OBE.So really i am just listening to my beathing and i am focused on nothing but my breathing,after a short while i can feel my self dropping as though i am in a lift going down quite quickly.

And then the rushing noise starts very loud in my ears, and not long after i start to hear voices shouting and banging noises,also i can feel people moving around,this part used to scare me.Then i find myself looking at my hands for some stange reason and as i look around its as though i am in the same room but not quite,some subtle changes.At which point i can move around and go anywhere i can think of and some places out of this world.

I am sorry this is a long post but this is now worrying me greatly.Now to my question, very recently i read a post on here about somebody who had been astral projecting and in that post he warned people of the dangers.Basically he advised the next time you are in an OBE state to reach up behind your head and feel for a cord, and no its not the silver thread that every one mentions but a leash.

He said when you feel that leash look up behind you and see who controls that leash.Well a couple of nights ago i did and i did feel something attached to my head and oh my god when i looked behind me it was the shape of something big black and very evil looking, it scared the life out of me.

To those with knowledge,do you think when you enter this realm you open a gateway to things that should be left well alone, i dont even want to start to think that i have had this thing with me for 30 years unknowingly.

Or do you think that i projected this image into my OBE because i was making an effort to look for it.As i know you can project any image or place purely by thought alone.

I would like your views on this please ,or could the poster reply im sorry i cant remember who it was but it was on here,its something thats really freaking me out at the moment because as i said at the beginning i can sometimes slip into an OBE unintended as i did last night i could not sleep all night after

Again sorry about the length but i really do need a little help thanks.

[edit on 22-6-2004 by subzero]

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:06 AM
Everything is going to be fine, I know, and so do others. Even though I havn't traveled out of body since my child hood and early teen years, it is all vivid. There is no cord that I remember, maybe I didn't need one. Or already lost it. Either way, there is nothing to be afraid of, exept fear it'self.

So stop working yourself up, and take some more deep breaths.

U2u me if you have futher questions, if I don't know others will. They will reply to this thread also, these are popular.

[edit on 21-6-2004 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:21 AM
I never once noticed a thread myself untill this guy mentioned it in this post and i felt behind my head.


posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:27 AM
Maybe that big black thing looked evil to you just because you didnt know what it was. Maybe thats the gatekeeper watching over those of you who do this to make sure you dont do anything to harm yourselves...

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:50 AM
Well if thats the case i wish he would watch over me from a distance instead of on my back.The image really is not something you want to be seeing too often in a lifetime.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:09 AM
I think that shadow is just your mind giving shape to your fears, if it happens to you again just do this: look at it and yell without fear "go away!", rage also helps, It happened to me a couple times, and the third time I did that, yelled to it to go away enraged, and it did, never came back.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:25 AM
okay do me a favour next time you have an OOBE reach on up behind your head and see if you can feel anything .If you could post back with a reply when you find nothing there you would put my mind at rest,many thanks.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:47 AM
this is great - you see how we can create things specially in this realm very quickly. You where doing it through your own fear because you did read a story about someone's experience. And it is true what others have been mentioned that you can make things go away with telling them to "go away". You are in control with everywhere you go and it is great that you are going out of your box (body) the only thing with that is that when we fear (that is commonly with everything unknown) we create shapes of an immage that gives us fear. If you like try this out:
When you astral travel again ask for an immage that represents your real you - that is where we go back to after leaving this liftetime - it might look like a bubble (orb) *golden*.
And btw. black is actually nothing bad - just a bad perception of a propaganda from movies/storys that makes you not going further - some kind of mind control

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:49 AM
you may be in volenatrily part of a "pact" or agreement that parents or even their parents may have made with "forces" if you want a sure fire way to find out. theres two things to do. but first let me tell you my little expirience. My x was involved with voodoo (without my knowing it of course) when eventualy she did tell me about it i was flabergasted to say the least as our family was suposedly well Christian but not very religous. any way once after we broke up, while she was gone, realy weird stuff started to happen to me. i was being victemized by "forces" any way one night whil i was sleeping somthing like a small cat (i know this is gona sound weird) decended from out of the celing of my room and landed gently on my bed. i tried to roll over but i was frozen like paralized and i though at first it must be a rat trying to crawl on my bed but it was big so big that the thick comfortor depressed under the weight of its footsteps anyway i sort of could sence like an bad or dare i venture to say evil prence soming from this thing so i tried to and i could barley cal out the word "Jesus" i called out for help and instantly i became slightly mobile slightly but enough to call out "jesus" firmly instantly i became unfrozen and the presence fled at this point i was became very agresive "Pissed" at whatever just tried to get me. long story short, theres "things" that want us, to have to control and to keep, for what ever purpose, who cares these things dont get to have me! i feel willing to try and get away from them and lear about it so i can deal with it. turned out there was somthing. many nights contiuned like that. difernt things would come. im sory to confirm your story but its true. you are dealing with a serious real event it is not a joke or a nay say im a beliver i have learned. theres only one way to defeat dark beings. i went to the church, like on the movies, and talked to the preacher dude. I WAS SCARED, I CRIED! he explained to me that this earth is governed by forces of darkness. ever since the fall. and that i could live in victory if i chose. that was about all. he pointed me to the church book store and well. there were lots of books. its called spiritual warfare. you may be fighting for your soul. dont be scared because victory in this matter is a mater of choice, not skill, or phisical strength. here is the book i found most helpfull i am glad that i can try to point you some direction as this is from expirience which i speak . my question to the church was " If i am a christian how come demons are messin with me" he asked me somthing like "was your parents ever involved in the ocult" i think my dad was a mason. what dose that mean? well lets not go there. My advice for you #1. Say a prayer , Invite Jesus Christ into your heart, ask him to come into your life (hek wada ya got to loose) ask to be forgivin for anything and everything youve ever don wrong. be specific, ask for the conviction and the forgivness. accept his victory on the cross as your own! read that book The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson. the demons will fight for you, if they got a claim on you, theyll be pissed. just like a prison guard seein a prisoner makin a break for the hill. but the victory is yours, its a gift seald in blood at the cross. people will say every thing. your crazy, you need a new job, etc... but they dont know the feeling the one you got when you looked and saw. i knew it. if Christ aint real.. then why do the demons fear him? He died so that you could be set free. go ahead find out for your self. i may just be talkin. but i remember all to well... the sleepless nights. In love goes out to you. Inspecto

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 06:34 AM
interesting last post.My parents are very religious,although im not so i would not think your concerns about a past pact or something is relavant.Im just concerend that by entering this spiritual dimension you may atract the attention of some not so pleasant spirits,who all things considered may find your spirit an easy way into this physical dimension,just thinking aloud really.
How can you control a seperate entity that does not want to be controlled,surely if i can exist in a spiritual dimension so too can other spirits at the same time.Again just thinking aloud.

[edit on 21-6-2004 by subzero]

[edit on 21-6-2004 by subzero]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:58 AM
Same thing again last night ,has anybody else had this happen to them?

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 11:32 PM
yes subzero. i have had oobes ever since i was 15. i am now 30. i fought them off alot between the ages of 21 & 29. but now i just try to see where it takes me, although not very far. my biggest problem is getting over the fear that everyone goes through. it seems you are well informed , by reading your posts it seems you have read alot of this subject. i would like to talk to you further on this subject as i too have spontainous oobes. you can u2u me if you like. i also have a small message board where i keep records of my oobes, but i havent been entering them that long.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 07:26 AM
How do you oobe?

I am also trying Lucid dreamin but it dosnt work for me

Any pointers/tips would be helpful?

[edit on 29-6-2004 by Crash]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 07:45 AM

Same thing again last night ,has anybody else had this happen to them?

I have seen once in a while, yes you perceive it as evil because that is what you think, I am not going into details here, one advice, the next time you find yourself into that situation put the fears away and tell the thing to take a hike and ignore it or challenge to show his true self, remember when you do out of body travel you will attract some not to nice things around you, that they are evil, the are as evil as you want them to be, in your fears, In all my years having this experiences ( most of them with me wanting them or not) I have learn that evil is nothing more and nothing less that the fear of the unknown. About the cord that is something that helps to keep you thinking that you are still attached to your body and make you comfortable, trust me you will not die and you will be back to your body is not such a thing as loosing your body in one of this experiences.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 10:42 AM
Encountering demons (or aliens??) during an OBE has happened to me before. I learned to make astral weapons and kick the poop out of them. I use golden disks with pentacles on them that shoot out of my solar plexus--I didn't consciously make these, it was just sudden instinct. Those disks cut-up demons good.

More accessible to you might be visualising a lightsaber like in Star Wars. This weapon is made up of & powered by your own energy. You can go into a meditative state and start visualizing your astral weapon. Then if you see a demon during an OBE & it looks hostile, you can deal w/it. But use some caution don't want to end up killing a guide or guardian angel by accident...

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:14 PM
heh sounds fun

might have to go demon fightin

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Crash
How do you oobe?

I am also trying Lucid dreamin but it dosnt work for me

Any pointers/tips would be helpful?

[edit on 29-6-2004 by Crash]

I don't know why you would want to force these things upon yourself . . but if you want tips on how to not send your body into over drive; here goes: when you are having an oobe it is best to remind yourself(whatever concious part that you have control of that is) that you are still holding the reigns, It is also best for you to be in a relaxed state; deep steady breathing maybe a good thing to try.
Crash, don't try to hard. These things can't be forced.

As a respond to the orignal post, yes oobe can be a very emotionally paralysing phenom, what you should do is accept the fact that you will have these experiences from time to time.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:17 AM
Sorry it took so long for me to find your post, but I was the poster who talked about the chord. Let me start by saying that above and beyond anything else, you must find your own answers and your own truth or else it will always be just something someone told you. My experiences started when I was about 15 and with out going into a lot of detail; it was because of a visit to a psychic and at the time it seemed very harmless. I experience aprx. 4 episodes every night that are invoulantary and as many as I choose that are voulantary. I have met very few people that have been able to experiment the way I have, but I will re-emphasize that you must find your own truth!!
The first thing you should know is that you will never be physically hurt by anything you experience in oobe state. Repeat many, many,many times until it is permanetly etched into your subconscious. I have at times had other entities chop off parts of my body including my head (etheric body of course) and always the same outcome, always just fine when I get up. There are people who dable with trying to get to oobe, and some who achieve it, but only on a once in a while basis, and there are some who live with it day and night. Like everything else in the world, until you see the big picture it is hard to know what to think of it all. My advice to anyone who is trying to tap into supernatural or other energy forces, is to stay away and enjoy the bliss of not knowing. This is not like the matrix where you will wake up and find that life is a fake reallity and because you figured it out you can live outside that reallity in "the real world". The truth as I know it is that as hard as you try to understand the true nature of life and spririt you will not be allowed to have more information or enough information to actually understand anything. It just makes it more confusing. There is a realm past this world, and it is filled with spirits and entities of all sorts. Some are nice and friendly and some are bitter and nasty. What you encounter is very much determined by what you believe and understand, but not because you manifest it that way.
Anyone dealing with oobe should first go to the book store or library and learn about REM sleep, Lucid dreaming, and the functions of the brain as related to sleep. The reason is because without the basic understanding of what is happening to you in a sleep or trance state, all you have to base your knowledge on is your own knowledge. Its like math, try to take algebra before taking basic addittion and subtraction, it just gets real confusing, and you would keep making assumptions that may or may not be correct. To know how to deal with any situation you find yourself in, you must first know what kind of experience you are having. If you can change the scenery by willing it to change, you are in a lucid dream. The only way to tell a Lucid dream apart from and oobe is to actually try and change your surroundings. A true oobe is un-mistakable, because as hard as you try, you cant make or manifest your surroundings to change. A true oobe would seem as if you stepped into a new world as real as this, but the rules have changed a bit and you don't get it. If you find yourself in a lucid dream and something attacks you, just turn it into a pumpkin and go on about your business.
The true oobe and the chord: I won't attempt to convince anyone of what I say, I will only tell you what I have experienced. Because I have never been able to fully get rid of the chord, I believe it to be a critical part of the connection between your etheric body and your living body. It is nearly unbreakable and strangely enough it is anchored into your etheric skull much like a bolt. You can pull it out, but that is painfull and will only lead to your keepers adding chords. I believe that the only way to actually get rid of the chord is to either die, or to decide that you don't wish to live anymore. This gives way to the idea of walk-ins (google it). In the oobe you can always be tracked by where your chord is. I don't think that the folks in the afterlife particularly like us traveling and so they have set a bunch of obstacles in our way. You won't be allowed to rome free into a spiritual realm that you know nothing about without some kind of safeguard that you wont mess something up. If you wander someplace that you shouldn't be, you will be dealt with by these safeguards.
To the poster: As you are already dealing with oobe I will tell you my thoughts, but please find your own truth. I believe that there are demons and evil spirits, not because of my faith prior to my experience, but because of my finding faith through my experiences. I have met many different entities, hundreds, and the same always rings true. Mention God and some will be very friendly, and others will be truely nasty. My first true confirmation was while I was talking with a female in the oobe state; I was trying to find out how she had died and I asked her what she thought about God. She said that she had a little falling out with God and that they weren't speaking. That blew me away. Oobes do open doors to realms that have demons and bad spirits, but only you can actually invite them in. Not saying that they won't try to mess with you, but they cant influence you unless you allow them to. They will use fear, as long as you have it to try and conform you the way that they want. Now a days, when I enter the oobe state and walk from my bedroom to my living room there are about 20-30 people just sitting around and they all try and persuade me to act as they want me to. Because I know what they are and I know what they want, they are much more scared of me than I am of them. It took 18 years to find that peace. So I warn anyone trying to achieve oobe; Know what you are getting yourself into. And to those that are already started; Ask about God and listen to the responses very carfully. Don't assume anything and do find the answers that lead to truth. Please u2u me if you have questions or conerns.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay

More accessible to you might be visualising a lightsaber like in Star Wars. This weapon is made up of & powered by your own energy. You can go into a meditative state and start visualizing your astral weapon. Then if you see a demon during an OBE & it looks hostile, you can deal w/it. But use some caution don't want to end up killing a guide or guardian angel by accident...

That's the tactic I use for my defense. Before I AP, I focus on drawing in energy from around me. After I draw up enough energy, I 'charge' the weapon that I've constructed, basically from energy within myself. Amazingly, it's rather lightsaber-like, and has been used during lucid dreams and AP for my defense.

When I sense another presence, during AP, if I feel it may be hostile, I ask it's intentions, or just try to lose it. If it doesn't leave, I don't hesitate to defend myself.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:23 AM
thanks for all the replies folks ,and to you popeye0314.I had already resolved the encounters with that entity and i do not think it will be bothering me again.On a side note has any of you ever had an OOBE where you find your self merged with colurs and music,it was so wierd last night i felt as though i was part of the music i could hear and all the colours were vibrating to the music crazy one and the first of that type i have had.

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