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Against Illegals? You Are Anti America!!

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posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:03 AM
I have a theory, let's discuss it. I invite all to rip it to shreds and tell me why my theory has no legs.

My theory is if you are against illegals being in America, you are Anti America.

Here is how I arrived at this theory.

If one loves America, that makes them Pro America, which means they love their country.

I love my country because it is strong enough to support not only its own naturalized citizens, but human beings from other countries as well, still while offering money and services to the world when needed.

That sounds like a great country to me, a strong country and a compassionate country.

So if you are anti illegals, are you not really just saying you do not have the Faith and Confidence and Trust amd Love in your Country to support and care for ALL the humans calling it home? That to me says Anti America.

If you are anti illegal, then what you really feel, in my opinion, is that our Strong Great Country of Good People cannot support or handle these new humans, and of course, a country that cannot support those upon whose soil take refuge it is a Weak country, and to consider your country weak and unable to provide is Anti America, because you are going against America by finding her Faulty.

We should be proud of the fact we are lucky enough (I speak to my fellow Americans) to live in a country that is STRONG enough to support this type of culture.

Every person I have ever spoken with from another Country has had a positive look on my country. America is beautiful. They want to come to visit my country.

I think people from across the world would not want to come to a weak country, where they thought the country would collapse.

And to be a country that can support both legal and non legal persons looks like a strong great country to the rest of the world, it shows we are strong and should be a threat to anyone who wants to hurt us, because weak countries cannot support their own people much less a bunch of others too!

That is why I feel if you are Pro America, then it should be a source of pride and comfort to you that your strong beloved compassionate country can do a fine job of supporting not only its own people but show the world we care about ALL who enter our doors.

If you disagree, then you must be anti America, for the reasons I laid out.

+14 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:15 AM
I think that being invaded by some thirty million illegal aliens, while having thirty million unemployed doesn't make any sence.
Especially when you get stopped at the northern boarder and not allowed in just because you don't know for certain what store you are going to shop at.

Essential to being an American is being a law abiding citizen...
"Illegal" invaders, ooops excuse me, "immigrants" fulfill that requirement how?

the huns, the mongols, the romans, the germans, the japanese, the barbarians that sacked rome, etc, were different from the 30 million illegal immigrants how?

+15 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:27 AM
part of what makes America great, at least in my opinion, is that we are "A nation of laws, not of men". So, if your first act upon entering the USA is to break a few laws, then in my opinion, you need to be deported.
Now let me clarify, I am not anti immigrant, we need immigrants, I welcome immigrants. How could anyone want to persecute a person for trying to better their own, or their family's life? There is a proper and legal way to come to this country, and to let the illegals in and not hold them to the same standards as anyone else who breaks the law of the land is distinctly anti american. As America is supposed to be "equal justice for all". The illegal immigrants also cheapen the accomplishment of those that do work hard to come here legally.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:32 AM
I am what you called "anti illegal" but disagree that I am "anti America" as you put it.

If someone wants to move to this country and does so according to whatever procedures my country has put in place then I have no problem at all. What I do have a problem with is people from any other country coming here against the laws of my country.

It is that simple for me and I consider myself to be a rational person who loves America. I do not need to "rip your post to threads" since it does not have merit with me. I am not taking the bait and I could not disagree with you more that I am "anti America."

Good luck with the whole "open door thing" you advocate.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:35 AM
All countries have laws on who can come live there legally, not just America.

Try going down and living illegally in Mexico and see what happens to you. Mexico deports more illegals than the US annually, Google it.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by jjkenobi

guess where then send them, if they don't just jail them apparently?
second line

Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 8/26/2010 by maria_stardust]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:06 AM
you are fos. I dont like illegals, because they are doing it illegally. if they came here the rright way, I wouldnt mind. get your info straight.
my grandparents , and father had to register, and file for residency and citizenship to come here, so should they.

i dont like the system. not the people. b amaerican you wanna be

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I think your theory is flawed. Why? Because The USA can still be the great country you speak of without the need to permit Illegal Immigrants. It seems like you are implying that Illegal Immigrants enrich the lives of Legal Immigrants, which makes little sense.

I think your heart is in the right place, but your theory is still fundamentally flawed.

[edit on 26/8/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Perhaps you should look at the reality of handing out money that you don't have, rather than going on some convoluted nationalistic pride.

California's economic situation would be a great place to start.

But really? Anti-American because we think America is fallible? That's absurd.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater


Great thread

You see the problem I have is that between all the illegal immigrants coming to a country there are always one or two that actually have a good excuse for entering the country illegal.

Therefor you cannot dismiss an entire group of people because they did something illegal. You do have to separate and screen them but you have the obligation (ethically) to take them in if they need shelter.

What is causing problems however is the notion, with some immigrants, that the laws of this land are somehow inferior to one's own definition of law and justice.

How about a basic contract for every new person entering America which states that the laws of men are above the laws of God. If you cannot agree with this then you cannot live here.


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:38 AM
They are called ILLEGAL immigrants for a reason. Hint is in capital letters.

Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 8/26/2010 by maria_stardust]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by HoldTheBeans

I agree. Coming to this country by means that are not legal is like obtaining money by means that are not legal. Oh wait...that IS EXACTLY what these people are doing! They're coming here ILLEGALLY to obtain money and run off with it.

Sound like the very definition of CRIMINAL to me!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by starsyren
reply to post by HoldTheBeans

I agree. Coming to this country by means that are not legal is like obtaining money by means that are not legal. Oh wait...that IS EXACTLY what these people are doing! They're coming here ILLEGALLY to obtain money and run off with it.

Sound like the very definition of CRIMINAL to me!

Many in power are too worried about garnering votes than anything else.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by starsyren


We all know every illegal immigrant comes to America to make a quick buck and be off with it...........??

Aren't there illegal immigrants in your country that actually had the run for their lives. Leaving everything behind in the hope of finding refuge from some dictator or regime??

Nope, they all run to America to make a quick buck.....

You are correct in summing all illegal immigrants into one group!!


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:28 AM
Honestly, I don't have a particular feeling on immigrants. I live in the northeast and it really isn't a huge topic here.

However, I am a natural citizen. I was born here, as were my parents, etc. I expect my country to take care of it's natural citizens first, before immigrants from any other country. Instead it's always one extreme or another. Either we're giving people the finger and sending them back to their own country, or we're spending billions of dollars supporting them.

There never seems to be a happy medium. I firmly believe natural citizens should be the priority in nearly all circumstances. You have to solve your own problems before helping the rest of the world, and we certainly have plenty of our own problems that never seem to get resolved.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

I was actually born & raised in southern California, now living in Arkansas. California is (and has been for decades) rife with illegal immigrants. Didn't expect to see it much out here in AR tho...but it IS here, en masse. Most southern states are real big on agriculture, we have massive meat processing plants, and what-not.
Tyson, one of (if not THE) biggest of these, used to get in trouble all the time for bussing illegal over here to work in the plants. A plant that I actually used to work at. 2nd shift was 98% illegal-hispanic. I know this for a fact because one day word got out that INS was going to perform a "random check" and our line-supervisor actually shut down all but 3 second shift lines for that day. Didn't want all that cheap labor gettin away you know.
Here in Arkansas (and this fact isn't widely broadcast, only found out about when I was told this by a real estate agent), one's home and property value will decrease if you're in a neighborhood with a "known overly hispanic or otherwise".

Just because people voice an opinion on a matter, doesn't mean you should automatically assume they're nothing more than opinions and not based on people's actual first-hand experience.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by starsyren


Fair enough. I am willing to accept a majority of illegal immigrants come to the U.S. to make a quick buck.

They're coming here ILLEGALLY to obtain money and run off with it.

But please explain how you can be so sure of the fact that your impression goes for ALL illegal immigrants??

I am sure you have experience with a lot of illegal immigrants but all of them??

There has to be an exception in there somewhere?

By throwing them on one big pile you are condemning those that do not fit your impression.

That's actually all i'm trying to say...


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater

That is why I feel if you are Pro America, then it should be a source of pride and comfort to you that your strong beloved compassionate country can do a fine job of supporting not only its own people but show the world we care about ALL who enter our doors.

If you disagree, then you must be anti America, for the reasons I laid out.

I disagree with you in oh so many ways.

I am not anti-America. I really don't care what you "FEEL".

Our country is no longer strong. It is a false strength borrowed from abroad in the form of trillions in money we will never be able to repay.

America is not compassionate. It discriminates against the citizens who abide by the law and pay their taxes.

Pride means nothing when it is based on lies.

Comfort...? Are you kidding yourself or the rest of us?

Show the world we care?

About who? Anyone but Americans?

I'm glad this is all based on your feelings and no one is actually forced to agree with you.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:13 AM
duplicate post

[edit on 26-8-2010 by badgerprints]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:15 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
I have a theory, let's discuss it. I invite all to rip it to shreds and tell me why my theory has no legs.

My theory is if you are against illegals being in America, you are Anti America.

Let's approach it this way. Since we all know the difference between what's legal and what's illegal is the stroke of a pen, this issue goes away as soon as we decide to declare open borders and an all-skate.

So, if someone isn't an advocate of open borders and -0- immigration laws, they're anti-America? In essence, I think that's what you're saying but I'd like clarification if that isn't it.

Just for clarity, I think there's room for difference of opinion on most things, and have a bit of a problem in most situations with the alternative view being branded as "anti-America".

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

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