posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by askforhelp
welcome to ATS. No worries about your English being poor. My Mandarin is not that good to be honest with you.
I am 38 years old, and English is my first language. And i am still learning about it, and often find myself looking up the words in the dictionary
I hope you enjoy your ATS experiences. And it is great to have more people than just the English as a first language type here on ATS.
I enjoy learning views from other people from other cultures and nationalities.
there are often some heated debates on topics here on ATS, and i think you might find 3 videos in this thread helpful:
A brief guide to scepticism
also, when you find a word that you are not familiar with, or if you are unsure of the context in which the ATS member is using it, since English
words can have multiple meanings, you may find this useful, i do:
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
If I may ask: What country are you in?
hope this helps, and i am looking forward to seeing your posts out in the forums.
Thank you for joining ATS,
[edit on 25-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]