posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 12:12 PM
one year ago I was browsing the web and found a video that highlighted that obama's "Yes we can" reversed audio is saying what sounds like "hail
satan", many on ATS have viewed the thread posted recently. But I am Pro audio specialist and decided to see if it would register the "hail
satan" on a speech-to-text program. I actually took the song done by an array of artists who sung, "yes we can" over and over. with other lines
in between. (can be found on youtube). I reversed the song with cakewalk, and exported it, ran it through the speech to text on high sensitivity,
what I saw was a paragraph, mentioning in the beginning-CIA, a van or van company (sorry i no longer have the printed text but if you have a can see for yourself.) Several names were mentioned also and it was not coherent, the words were not linear sentences. I find it
interesting because if the Obama/Soetoro campaign is a CIA invention, it makes sense that they might embed a code within a code, satanic messages
hiding a deeper secret perhaps? Who knows, do it yourself and find out. Maybe his reversed speech's hold other speech to text code transmissions?