posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 07:49 AM
People do this all the time in my office building. It's disheartening to see primped up 30-60 year olds playing this silly game. I usually move out
of the way because I can't stand to be close to them, but after reading all these posts I'm inspired: I'm going to start either just standing
still, walking on my path and not moving for them, or calling them out on taking up all the space. I agree that it's a total lack of respect for
other people. Granted, I didn't learn respect from my parents, but I DID learn it from all my years working retail, as in, I'd like to get some
respect so I'm going to show some and treat people how I would like to be treated. Of course, in the jobs I know they have, having respect for other
humans is a liability to their income, so what do I really expect?