posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Hefficide
[color=414141]Thanks for the response, i really appreciate it. personally i use dark also. and i pretty much have since it began a few years
yes, it does have to do with a study of subliminals.
in a few posts on ATS i have used subliminal messages. if you scroll look above the first sentence, there are the words in a slightly different shade
than the dark ATS screen.
written in the color 414141. if you quote this post you will see it more clearly. but since we are conditioned on ATS to see the words of this
shade/color it is easy to consciously look them over, but the subconscious mind does see these and take them in, i believe. there is a video in
NoRegretsEver's thread (4th video) that deals with this. the link is below in my signature.
incidently, the only "subliminal" messages i have been sending are just the title to that thread, written in a slightly different shade in my post,
but bright as day in my signature.
so, for future reference i was just wondering which most people use, although i suspect like you and i, most people use the dark. but, i may be
thanks for answering, and take a look at this post by quoting it or by highlighting it.
Subliminal Manipulation today. Can you see it?
Subliminal Manipulation today. Can you see it?
thanks for answering my question.
Keep ATS fun,
[edit on 24-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]