posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:30 PM
I've bookmarked Old Thinker, looks like a great site, thank you.
I often comment about this elite agenda, which needs to get more attention.
Our evil masters are in the process of building a worldwide "Plantation". They will enjoy a "Utopia" perhaps, but we will either be killed if
we're not useful, or we will be slaves, serving them.
In order to have "good" slaves, human populations need to be radically re-engineered, with that specific purpose in mind.
Characteristics such as "docility" are important, if they are to have good slaves. Too much aggressiveness, no, they would prefer not to be
confronted by any real opposition. Thinking? Not desired, in a slave.
The deliberate "feminization" of the male? Of course, eunuchs have always been preferable.
And they have been at this for many years now, molding the peoples of the globe, killing some off, encouraging certain groups to breed, poisoning
others, using the media, and education, to reprogram, changing immigration laws, perpetrating famine, and war, etc.
Their agenda is diabolical, and I like Dr. Clymer's characterizations of this evil elite as "enemies of mankind". That's what they are.
S & F to you!