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N-Word. No place in today's society.

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posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I was told by them that street slang all together was showing myself to be ignorant, as language is the most powerful tool humans have for communication and to shorten it up or act lazy in pronouncing words, takes away from my ability to communicate in an articulate and clear manner. And it is commonly discussed and understood by Black leaders that the use of the word "nigga" amongst Black youth is deriving out of a loss of a sense for self-worth and ignorance to their heritage. Actually, in my place of work if any of the kids get caught using that word, they are asked to leave the building.

You have to understand that during and after the Civil Rights movement passed, certain industries like the auto industry shut down in prodominently black cities like New York, Detroit and Chicago, and then urban development housing (projects) were flooded with folks who were just trying to survive much less than educate themselves. Yes, Tupac's mom was a Black Panther. You are partially correct when you say that some of them didn't want their kids to deal with these traumatic issues and wanted to shelter them from that pain. But some did teach their kids these things, and those are mainly the ones who made it out of the 'Hood' and went through college and became professionals in many different industries. For the most part these are the successful ones. However, a good majority of these kids from these troubled neighborhoods parents got addicted to drugs in the late 70's after the Vietnam war and in the 80's when crack came, or started selling it and got locked up, or had baby after baby, and so no one gave these kids anything more or less a sense of identity. This is what gave rise to the gang culture, a bunch of kids from broken homes who were looking for a sense of identity. Then when the gang culture entered into the hip hop culture, it became wide spread and kids from all over could relate to these stories of struggle and found a sense of home and family that they desperately sought after. Unfortunately, most the parents were too strung out, or too engulfed in their own problems, or just not there to ever guide them back and give them what they needed, which was a true sense of self identity. Now we have millions of these kids who are now parents and raising their own kids in much the same way, or in many cases, even worse. It is a problem that needs to be addressed at the root, and that partially begins with helping them regain their knowledge of self, which happens by teaching them their history. And that history partially explains how this word "nigga" has evolved into what it is today.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

I always thought it was just slang for the Spanish/Portuguese world for black (negro) which comes from the Latin word "niger". Black is actually a common acceptable term to refer to people of African descent (BET, Black Entertainment Television). Negro, although still embraced by the United Negro College Fund, would be frowned on by most I think. Funny how that works. I understand that the term "black" was offensive to use about 50 years ago and the term "colored" was preferred. (NAACP - The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

The "N-word" that we dare not say is primarily used by blacks in reference to other blacks. I haven't heard that term used by white people in years. My grandfather used to use that word but I don't honestly think he meant it to be derogatory. That was just what black people were called when he was growing up (1920s and 1930s). Now the term is reserved exclusively for those (mostly black people) who want to put up a front that they are "ghetto" or "urban" as if it were somehow cooler to be dumber, poorer, and less educated. It's essential for most rap music although this is honestly the least offensive part when compared to references and attitudes toward women, police, and drugs easily heard in many rap songs.

The OP was correct. If this term is going to die then those most offended by it need to let it go. They're mostly the ones propagating the use of this word.

EDIT: Just to point out how out of hand this is, You can't even correctly talk about a specific country in Africa without it being censored. Watch..

The Republic of niger, is a landlocked country in Western Africa, named after the niger River. It borders Nigeria and Benin to the south

[edit on 22-8-2010 by dbates]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by soleprobe

Another thing that bothers me is that people from the continent of Africa who have dark skin (who originate from many different nations and tongues from the African continent) are the only people on the planet who are referred to by their skin color (which is actually brown in most cases) and not by their nation or at least their continent of origin. All other peoples (Chinese from China, Greeks from Greece, Spanish from Spain, Italians from Italy, Russians from Russia etc…) are referred to according to their nation of origin. There is no nation that people with dark skin come from called “Blackia”.

You know my husband who is a blue eyed Blond Irishman, raised old school redneck was trying his best to be politically correct with a fellow employee,

They got into a conversation, and my husband referred to African Americans, the man who was an African American went ballistic, telling him to never use that PC crap on him, he said I am just a black American,

it depends on the person,

My African American great grandson in law is hilarious,

we were in the car one day and he and another AA in another car got into it, and my son in law said,

what a matter wit you? my ancestor didunt own no slaves, "insert N word,"

I live in the hood it is different here.

what can I say?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

I was told by them that street slang all together was showing myself to be ignorant, as language is the most powerful tool humans have for communication and to shorten it up or act lazy in pronouncing words, takes away from my ability to communicate in an articulate and clear manner.

I agree with this explanation the full 100%.

We also have urban areas, where slang has become what the youth is using and this goes so far, I don't have a clue what they are talking about.
Text messaging has also cause a dilution of language.

I think this is a major problem as there are people that read something else all together in the same sentence and then it is still my language in a flawless sentence.
I've been confronted within the confinements that make my language with people that simply spoke or wrote with the wrong word or flawed grammar ( position of a word in the sentence ) where they meant one thing but said something else. This is far from desired . With slang it's even worse.

And it is commonly discussed and understood by Black leaders that the use of the word "nigga" amongst Black youth is deriving out of a loss of a sense for self-worth and ignorance to their heritage.

I still think it does not have to be like this, but I do understand what you mean, and why . Thanks

The projects or ghetto's are in my eyes yet another mis managed system.
But... It could also be intended to be exactly what it was.A form of control, a system to divide.

Just another black page on Americas log.

Unfortunately with the brothers and sisters as victim.

To anyone that has managed to successfully leave and created a respectable life for themselves.

You got my my most outgoing respect.
Way to go

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Unfortunately with the brothers and sisters as victim.

excuse me, but white folk live in the hood, they seem to have been lost in the shuffle,

They are victims too, You have no idea.

NO jobs and the jobs that are there are few and menial labor

[edit on 103131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Unfortunately with the brothers and sisters as victim.

excuse me, but white folk live in the hood, they seem to have been lost in the shuffle,

They are victims too, You have no idea.

NO jobs and the jobs that are there are few and menial labor

What a wonderful example of the point I was making before about language.
I used brothers and sisters to include all . I tried to avoid saying blacks , N.... or colored especially because I did not want to isolate them as a group.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by dbates

EDIT: Just to point out how out of hand this is, You can't even correctly talk about a specific country in Africa without it being censored. Watch..

The Republic of niger, is a landlocked country in Western Africa, named after the niger River. It borders Nigeria and Benin to the south

That is odd indeed, especially because it's spelled differently.
Automatic sensor recoding required ... unless of course it's like this on purpose and assumes that anyone ignorant enough to use that word is bound to misspell it.

[edit on 22 Aug 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I am sorry but we call each other brothers and sisters.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 10:54 AM
Another thing we need blue collar jobs not everyone can be a doctor and lawyer, I am sixty and have watched what was once middle class neighborhoods deteriorate and the few factories we had that supported families shut down, This country was built on the backs of blue collar workers, IMHO,

I aint no rocket scientist but I like to think I have some common sense.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:40 AM
We shouldn't let our colorful culture. George Carlin said it all!

width="480" height="385"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:41 AM
OOOPS! Guess I don't know how to embed!

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:46 AM
I don't support fully the idea of Obama's 2-year mandatory national service plan or others' plans about mandatory military service, but there would come an unthought of benefit. Mixing together young men and women from all over the country and protectorates, having them live and work together for 2 years, struggle, fail, achieve, succeed, and celebrate together. It may be one of the answers to break down some of the societal barriers that we just can't seem to get rid of.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Wow you sure do need to do some reading my friend, first the US was a Christian community and as long as you were a Christian and believe that Christ died for your sins you could not be put into slavery or the title that escapes me period. And as a Christian you were able to own land and slave’s period. As far as the founders you defiantly are using what has been taught in a public socialism school system because my friend you are so far off base. Amongst all the founders there was only one that you might consider to be an atheists and that was Ben Franklin whom in is own words even said that without God this country will fail. The rest most of them where in fact bible thumpers Washington would refer to and pray over his bible multiple times a day. Every meeting that was ever held by our fore fathers was started with prayer, they may have had different religions but all were Christians some were catholic others were protestant and so on but all were indeed Christians. And it was either John Hancock or James Madison not exactly sure but one of them insisted on prayer before every meeting and till this day, there is an opening prayer given at Congress before the start of the day’s business. So again my friend learn you history before challenging another.

Also the Constitution states only that the Federal Government can not impose a specific religion on the people, but guess what the States certainty can and have in the past several as a matter of fact did just that. And most depending on the states individual Constitutions may till this day do so again. Simple have to pass a vote by there local governing body to do so and all who are not of that faith must and will be removed from such said state. So again you need to do some reading and get to the truth.

As far as public service goes as payment for your so-called slavery just doesn’t add up, sounds to me like you are a supporter of socialism, and socialism is what makes us slaves not our community. Just the opposite our community is what gives us our freedoms from big government even the bible states it takes a community to raise a child. It is the government entitlement programs such as welfare section 8 food stamps even unemployment that makes us slaves. It is not a helping hand it is a hand out period. The bible tells us if you feed him today you will have to feed them again tomorrow but if I teach you to fish you can feed your own lazy ass self. We in America live beyond our means and rely on credit instead of saving for a rainy day and this to makes us a slave to government.

As far as life being harder, I say again you have not educated yourself properly, life might have been different and if your talking about physical labor, yes it could be a little harder but we no longer use mules to plow the fields we have equipment for that and even there are many people in the world who by your definition of harder actual relish in there way of life and would consider all others lazy.

I hope I have encouraged you to seek out the truth and stop repeating just what you have heard from the ones whom wish to make slaves of us and change the school books to suit there needs and not to teach you the truth.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I don't call black people brother or sister. Yet, you knew immediately what I was talking about.

Edit to add :
It was just what came up first in my head. Nothing to discuss about really.
I don't always have the right words for what I want to say...

[edit on 8/22/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by drmeola

Not only do you insinuate I didn't do my reading. You are at the same time pushing your belief on me. I don't like that. No offense, but there is a beautiful forum created especially for religious views.

You are more then welcome to proof to me that I'm wrong, just post sources, links whatever.

But please leave your religion out of it. I am perfectly capable to decide when and how I choose to read or study my faith.

Don't assume there isn't any faith present either. I just don't blindly say yes and amen every time you say Jesus saves.

Edit to also answer some of your claims, questions assumptions.

as long as you were a Christian and believe that Christ died for your sins you could not be put into slavery or the title that escapes me period. And as a Christian you were able to own land and slave’s period.

What are you thinking actually. That I'm a black voodoo priest or something ?

What title ? I understand that it escapes you...

As far as public service goes as payment for your so-called slavery just doesn’t add up, sounds to me like you are a supporter of socialism, and socialism is what makes us slaves not our community.

Yeah... that's why I used member instead.
You pay taxes right ? What happens if you don't pay up ? You go to jail.
That could be your death warrant. Try to run or maybe on a bike. You get tasered and run over by the cop that was dumb enough to taser you when he was right behind you in a car... At gun point.

The getting harder part was what would happen if you choose not to rely on community services. Although even that will be impossible cause you will probably hunted down so they can tax the catch you've made today.

This was my part where I mentioned the states are not a Christian bla bla...

I understand that the US never was founded as a Christian nation. It was founded as a republic with a secular government and by founders that would be considered atheists today.

Read it again and tell me, does it say I know or I'm sure ?

I'd say I leave a pretty obvious room for anyone to say I'm wrong.
You did. Now please proof it ? Convince me I'm wrong. It happened before and it will happen again.

One last thing.
I'm sorry. but I'm a little agitated right now.

Kind regards

~ Sinter.

[edit on 8/22/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 12:53 PM
As long as they don't affect me personally I can live and let live however If a black guy robs me then I will call him what I want.

Screw the politically correct crowd, they have got everything wrong so far...

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I am sorry if I insulted you I for one was not pushing my faith at all since I did not even mention my faith, I was challenging you on your comment about the fore fathers and there faith and that the USA was not a Christian base country and in that you are wrong, my encouragement of study is in history not religion at all. Because I could in fact careless about any religion. I do believe in a higher power be it God or what ever I do believe in Christ and the laws of Moses but not in any organized religion since I can find fault in all of them. So again I apologize if you miss read my meanings.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by drmeola

Well... Apparently I did.

I'm sorry. I overreacted. That does not happen a lot.

Please lets have a fresh start ?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by problemsolvr
That is not true. For example, Russians from Russia... "Ros"sia. "Ros" = Red. That is why some humans call Russians the "Reds".-

How can you say, “This is not true” when the example you give is something totally different? Now assuming what you are saying is correct:

Firstly: Russia was not called Russia because the skin color of the people who lived there was red.
Secondly: Russians are called Russians because they come from the Russian Federation not because the color of their skin is red.

Dark skinned people from the continent of Africa are NOT called “blacks” because they come from the continent of Africa, they are called “blacks” because of the color of their skin.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy
reply to post by ghaleon12

"Fag is worse"? How many gay people have been lynched, whipped and pulled apart by horses tied to their limbs? Matter of fact, how many hundred years did gay people go through slavery? I am sorry, this isn't just a word, and to compare it to other curse words like Bit#h or Fa#got, is truly saying something about you level of understanding of our history in America, and about the history and suffering Black America has gone through.

Actually, homosexual persecution has been going on for thousands of years, and still takes place. Look at the holocaust, where thousands of homosexuals were killed. In fact, 78 countries around the world currently have laws banning consensual homosexuality. Even in America in the fifties, gays were put in asylums and thought to have a mental disorder, sometimes given electro-shock therapy and labotomies. Yes, they have been lynched, ostracized, scorned, tortured, etc. To say that homosexuals should not be given the same respect as blacks is pure ignorance. The same goes for women, who have and still are persecuted for their sex, something they cannot control. Look at honor killings, for Chrissake! We should not afford these minorities the same respect? Shame on you.

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