posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 01:38 PM
The cause of violent social disorder and government upheaval has not changed since the fall of the Roman Empire or the rise of Hitler or Pol Pot.
Overthrow of a government involves dividing the people into classes and then getting the poor uneducated class to destroy the educated middle class.
Class warfare resulting in anarchy and blood lust like the Rwandan Genocide is known as "Helter Skelter."
In Rome's case, one of the first steps involved the military. The Marian Reforms instituted by Gaius Marius were laws that waived the property
requirement for men wishing to serve in the legions. Those recruited under these laws would receive their equipment from the State, and serve a
sixteen-year term of service (which was later raised to twenty). After that, they would be granted land upon which to settle. In addition, allies
(foederati) who volunteered were granted Roman citizenship after the end of their service. The Marian Reforms also created class within the military
ranks. Roman Citizens were well armed while Foederati and poor classes may only be given slings. The slim chance of surviving 20 years on the front
lines without armor or uptodate weapons and eventually becoming a Roman citizen was all it took to support the "lottery-based" system.
After being weakened by the Alaric and the Goths, Attila and the Huns, and Gaiseric and the Vandals, the Roman Empire was finally fragmented by the
infiltration of Rome by Germanic Barbarians/Foederati who were brought into Rome as marginalized illegal aliens through Social Welfare programs and
subsidies. These Federal Troops were contracted to provide warriors to fight in the Roman armies in exchange for food, gold, weapons, and eventually
land in the Empire. Alaric was the first to lead barbarian Foederati hordes against the Empire Later, Odoacer in collusion with Emperor Zeno, led the
Barbarian Foederati who lived in Italy in an insurrection against the Romulus Augustus promising them control of a 1/3 of Italy.
Rome was economically weak because of a huge trade deficit with China as well as huge social welfare programs promising free grain and entertainment
(roman games). Rome was sending all its gold to the East in exchange for silks, cotton, china, spices, and wild animals. Rome had also outsourced
grain production to Egypt. Despite higher and higher taxes, so much gold and silver was being sent to China, Emperors started debasing and diluting
the currency. Also, because of the huge trade deficit with China, Rome lacked the wealth needed to pay and train a professional army. At that point,
Western Roman military strength was almost entirely reliant upon foederati units. When the Empire was bankrupt, they no longer had money to pay the
welfare, the Foederati were perfectly placed to bribe and manipulate to stage a Coup attempt. This is the power of impoverishment.
This kind of thing really works when the middle class stands up and says, "in order to save the government from bankruptcy, we no longer can afford
social welfare for the poor." The poor who have become dependent upon the subsidies focus their anger on the middle class and against the government.
The entitled masses will support any leader who stands up and makes promises to continue the welfare.
So, do we see the American and European governments following in the footsteps of Rome?
[edit on 21-8-2010 by davedan978]