posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 01:45 PM
post by xoxKatiexox
Hi there. Here in the pacific northwest, Washington State to be exact, we are currently having what is called a deep tremor.
HERE is a thread I started on it, with all sorts of info.
Now, a few days ago there were widespread reports of two massive booms that were eventually written off as sonic, although everyone who has
experienced both sonic booms and close-to-the-surface quakes can tell the diference.
HERE is the thread someone started on that.
I bring these up because I think they are related. Now, what does that have to do with you?
Because, although I believe these recent booms are related to the deep tremors, there was no associated quake recorded....BUT there were several
HUNDRED deep tremors recorded that day. I am speculating that is possible these deep tremors are capable of creating this phemomenon, but it is not
recorded as a quake. Make sense?