posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Cosmic4life
No; not standing waves and not cymatic waves.
my model, regular energy is shear waves, which
propagate at the speed of light; dark energy is pressure waves, which are at least 20 billion times faster than light. When a pressure wave collides
with a shear wave, there is a small exchange of momentum between them. The character of the exchange varies according to the phase and polarity
relationship between the two waves. So a shear wave in a uniform flux of pressure waves will alter that flux in a certain pattern which is
asymmetrically distributed according to the phase and polarity of the shear wave.
Consequently, a pair of shear waves may feel a force of attraction or repulsion, depending on their phase and polarity relative to one another. Under
the right circumstances, a force of attraction may cause a pair of shear waves to orbit one another at the speed of light. That converts the energy of
the shear waves to the rest mass of a particle.
The pressure-wave flux pattern around each shear wave in a particle is then spun into a spiral pattern. At close range, two or more spiral patterns
may mesh like gears, and that is a higher order of force; perhaps it is the strong nuclear force.
My website explains where shear waves and pressure waves come from. It's all driven by expansion of space. Alternate universes run in opposite time
directions, so the expansion of space in each universe drives the expansion of space in the next universe.