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POLL: Are you Relativist or Dynamic Aetherist?

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posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

As this is a Scientific forum I am Not referring to any religious origin or for that matter any religious beliefs.

Cosmology is as much religion as it is science. There's no use pretending they are separate subjects. That goes for big gang, strings, M-crap, idiotic-desing, flat Earth and all the rest. Yours is no different.

That said, I fail to see the relevance of your psychological model of existence to either relativity or ether. It only exists because we created it in our minds. Fine! But what form does it take in your mind? Do you create it in the form of waves in a medium, mathematical fields in imaginary space, or something else?

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Phractal Phil

When you come to know "yourself" i.e. LIFE, you will come to know the difference between LIFE and what you experience (your human form & its environment, i.e. this little Universe), then you will discover the answers you seek...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Phractal Phil

Well we do know that there is indeed a form of drag.

That form is temporal drag.

Mass slows down time.

The clocks onboard satellites run faster than those on Earth and have to be adjusted continually.

The more massive an object, the greater the temporal drag.

And if space and time are intertwined ie spacetime, then space is also dragged.

Just thought i would throw that into the mix, so where does this lead us?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

That's not what people mean when they talk about ether dragging. Your car drags the medium of sound (air) with it. From the perspective of a person standy by the road, sound inside the car moves forward faster than backward. The same is not true of ether. Light in a tunnel inside the earth moves the same speed from any observer's perspective. If Earth dragged the ether there would be a measurable difference of speed for light inside a tunnel in one direction compared to some other direction. That is what Michelson-Morley was trying to detect. But they expected to find the effect close to the Earth, not just inside a tunnel.

In my model, matter doesn't drag the ether because matter consists of orbiting pairs or groups of ethereal shear waves. Shear waves propagate at the speed of light, even if they are in orbital paths. There is no reason for a wave to drag its own medium.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Phractal Phil

Propagating shear waves.
Does that mean that Particles, Atoms, Molecules, etc are standing waves?
The principle being resonance? Sound, Shape, Color.
The physical universe as a large complex 4 dimensional cymatic pattern say?

edit on 28-9-2010 by Cosmic4life because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

No; not standing waves and not cymatic waves.

In my model, regular energy is shear waves, which propagate at the speed of light; dark energy is pressure waves, which are at least 20 billion times faster than light. When a pressure wave collides with a shear wave, there is a small exchange of momentum between them. The character of the exchange varies according to the phase and polarity relationship between the two waves. So a shear wave in a uniform flux of pressure waves will alter that flux in a certain pattern which is asymmetrically distributed according to the phase and polarity of the shear wave.

Consequently, a pair of shear waves may feel a force of attraction or repulsion, depending on their phase and polarity relative to one another. Under the right circumstances, a force of attraction may cause a pair of shear waves to orbit one another at the speed of light. That converts the energy of the shear waves to the rest mass of a particle.

The pressure-wave flux pattern around each shear wave in a particle is then spun into a spiral pattern. At close range, two or more spiral patterns may mesh like gears, and that is a higher order of force; perhaps it is the strong nuclear force.

My website explains where shear waves and pressure waves come from. It's all driven by expansion of space. Alternate universes run in opposite time directions, so the expansion of space in each universe drives the expansion of space in the next universe.

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