What are your thoughts on this new sci-fi?
i enjoy it although it's very different from SG1.
all my friends can't see how good it is because they keep comparing it to SG1.
it seems more sci-fi-ish and less humourous.
i especially like the special effects.
does anyone know if they'll be making season 2?
No one else is posting about this series? I don't understand, to me this is an amazing series on sci-fi. I'm on the edge of my seat for just about
every single episode. God, I so wish I could be on Destiny working with Dr. Rush and all of the crew. Really great series. If you love space, then
this is definitely a show to watch.
I've really tried to give this show a fair chance, and I'm a huge fan of almost anything in the genre of science fiction.
I struggled through the first season, faithfully watching every episode. The premise is good, as are the special effects. Even the writers seem to do
a good job with some very original material.
I'm a big fan of both SG1 and Atlantis and i was very happy when i heard about the SGU.I only managed to watch up to episode 11 of the first season
and i thought it was boring.The general idea was really good,not very original though.The cast (except Robert Carlyle) is like they are bored,the side
stories/love stories are there just to waste our time and this Eli Wallace character is more annoying than Wesley Crusher.
I'll give it a try again at some point and i hope it will get better.