posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:05 AM
In this cycle of involution that man on terra has been experiencing, it would seem to most beings that reality has been hidden by a strange shadow of
One experiencing this reality needs not control any other conscious sentient beings, for the need to control others is fearful and egoic by nature. If
others aren't willing to follow that who attempts to push an adgenda... why? Ask your self why would one not follow a being, or even a fictional
entity such as a corporation (some people like to call them countries) who wishes to enact a state that does not allow a universal exchange of energy?
More importantly, ask yourself why self-proclaimed patriotic subjects would defend a matrix that controls them, then you are on the path to
discovering a vibrational understanding of the phenomena of belief. If one goes with the flow, observes, and acts as objectively as possible, that
being will be in a process of working with the energy, towards universal and intelligent exchange. If one is trying to force and kon-troll others,
either without their awareness or consent, then this most certainly is not universal or intelligent by nature.
If the secret to self-determination lies at the doors of perception, then it seems that to hate one's external experience is to hate one's internal
experience (self). As above, so below. Within, without. If one senses that it must go against the program, the resistance must be intelligent, and not
stained by egoic manipulation. Else one simply "adds fuel to the fire". One must question everything, especially its own thoughts (messages/data).
Only then can one's ego become transparent enough to know the real.
Beliefs cast shadows. I still catch myself at least once a day, and when I do... I search inward, re-search for possible thought adjustment, deduce,
decode, and find any options that I can to shatter belief systems that dominate my own mind, at least as my own energy, consciousness, will, and
vibrational status permit me to do so. Often I realize only later in my experience of shadows that I have cast. I don't always go out of my way to
illuminate shadows of the past (correct my past errors) when it comes to exchanges with others. However, when the opportunity presents itself, it can
be a very healing experience, for all parties! It is important to constantly be testing one's own operating system and be as objective as possible.
If your mind contains code (belief systems) that don't make sense, they can be re-written or just simply deleted. This is important to know.
Beliefs seem primarily to be polarities of "truths" and "lies" wrapped up in a program disquised by a plot of conditioning (which usually contains
facts to help sell the belief system and its intended manipulations). Beliefs are tools used to produce articulate crowd control. They can manifest a
version of reality which is useful for oppressors to establish a matrix of kon-troll over a collection of subjects. Beliefs seldom, if ever encompass
the entire spectrum of fact (simply, what is) or rather the state of being as a singular configuration of the real. Beliefs help manifest a reality
for those "kon-troll-ers" who need subjects to "believe" in order to support a reality that is convenient for those "in kon-troll" so the
subjects can be used as a resource of energy. Yet, it doesn't seem to offer much but material bribery, soul experience, and ultimately mental
domination for the subjects. When one stops believing, it can start knowing... then only then, can it begin to discover what real freedom is.
Very respectfully,
[edit on 19-8-2010 by deadruby2006]