reply to post by Quasar_La-Zar
I have tree cabinets of books at my place. All of these books are SF. You know, the old fashioned kind depicting the year 2419 with people smoking
cigars, feeding punched cards into bulby computers occupying the bulk of huge rocket ships. No storyline is to weird for me, as long as it's backed
by a speck of science. I see myself as an open-minded person when it comes to wild and cool theories.
But for every cool theory there is a counter theory lurking somewhere. For me to go along with the cool theory, the not so cool theory has to be found
and shattered. I see this as my fail-safe to not leave the earth before I have solid wings.
The whateverse to be teaming with life is not a new theory to me. In fact, I've been on that bandwagon for quite some time. I stepped off because I
felt things needed some hard backings before it earned my support. I am sympathetic to the idea, but will no longer support it for lack of hardness.
The Rare earth hypothesis -to me- holds more hardness, so I stepped over to that side. That situation is by no means solid state.
You can see it like this: Whenever a leap of faith is needed to go somewhere, I will not go there. Whenever stuff needs to come out of thin air to
make something work, I will reject. One lie will make me walk away to not return -rejecting the presented information as well as the one that deemed
such behaviour necessary to get others to believe. Propaganda techniques - sensationalizing - half truths - cliffhangers - what ifs and all those
other shady ways to not go straight to the core of proof 'Ill reject at an instance. Good science/ utter truth does not need any of that.
the existence of aliens is sort of my religion in a way.
I simply cannot go where you are going for there is no religion that gets to the other side of my rejection curve. That does not mean I am into
rejecting anything I can't understand. Those topics I'll be open-minded towards, but that does not involve believing. I keep my distance, for I've
been sucked in way to easily in the past. Once behind the event horizon of a fantasy/religion/good story/hoax you can not see clearly beyond that no
more. The energies involved to get back into free space are enormous.
I can enjoy – respect - sympathise - take in account - amaze - like - play with - be open-minded about - new viewpoints, but I can never ever take
that leap beyond any horizon again for it will suck me away from the free space I have fought so hard to get back into.
What would change the world as we know it?
Someone knew a world where it was normal to have slaves. We are slowly leaving behind a world where half of the population was considered to be lesser
than the other half. Good to bare children and make house. We had a world where two powers where locked in a deadly stalemate where the slightest
mishap could unleash utter worldwide destruction. We had a world where one was dependent on news- papers and television for ones information. Change
is all over the place and is not likely to stop doing that for eons to come.
The hypothesis that we were genetically modified to be intelligent came from other intelligent beings would mean that we would not be the
first for that to happen. Either way it still means we somehow became intelligent.
In this light, it is fair to theorise that those gene modifying aliens could come back some day and threatening to destroy earth for they are fed up
with our species wrongdoings. The leaders of the world might ask for some time to make things right. The aliens, not understanding what could be done
in a few days, grant the request anyway and stand down.
What would change the world as we know it? Either a eco/manmade event where the masses die, Also new species of higher intelligent species
coming to uplift us technologically and change our warlike attitude
After a few days, the leaders of the world step forward to the alien council and proudly present a world peace treaty. The aliens are stumped for a
while then start rolling around the floor in laughter.
"That's the problem with you earthbugs", one of the floored god's manages to squeeze out. "We don't know what went wrong, but your species went
looking for peace the minute we gave you warrior brains and weapons. You are a disgrace!"
(this story isn't mine, but an out of memory summary of a short story I have read a long time ago of which I do not remember the title nor the
You see, for every cool theory there is a maybe lesser cool counterpart that is not lesser possible.
If aliens exist, as I hope they do, they might one day be hovering above our cities. Now to take for granted that them would be peaceful, that's
another leap of faith I am not willing to take.
We might just be made to be harvested to fight as engineered warriors in our creators stellar wars.
Which I hope not...