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Mom says she slapped baby who kicked her on flight

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posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Mom says she slapped baby who kicked her on flight

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A mother told aviation police she slapped her crying 13-month-old daughter on a flight between Dallas and Albuquerque because the child kicked her, authorities said. The explanation came after Southwest Airlines flight attendant Beverly McCurley reported taking the child from the mother during Monday's flight after seeing the child slapped on the face and hearing passengers complain. The incident has sparked an online debate about when onlookers should intervene in child discipline. McCurley also told authorities the child had a black eye. Both parents told aviation poli
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:15 PM
I’m all for disciplining a child, including spanking. But bruising, scratches, or broken bones goes way too far. This woman claims a dog caused the black eye? I’ll go out on a limb here, but that’s Bravo Sierra! Should the flight attendant taken the baby away? Well, the witness states that the mom slapped the baby’s face! That’s too far. I think anger management is in store for this woman, before the child suffers from shaken baby syndrome. I’m not sure whats happening in America, but we seem to be having an increase in mothers abusing, yes, even killing their children. The days of women feigning innocents has gone too far. The old story claiming that they were the victim is gone, but will the law or courts believe it?
Even the police officers let the woman go after witnesses provided the statements of child abuse. Even the husband was heard to object to the overt physical slap to the face. If this would have been a man, the cops would have led him away in chains.
There is no justice!
G_D help our children.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Violater1]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:16 PM
indeed the days of innocent women are gone,nowadays men are the suckers.
how sad...
i should really look out around women -_-

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Violater1

If anyone else but the mother had slapped the child they would be in prison right now.
And the father if he did comment on it needs to be told by authorities that he has a responsibility to see that his wife is not stressed with the child and takes some anger/stress management classes.

I do hate how parents become more anxious and increasingly more violent in public. It is as if they think their child should never cry, act out or anything in public as it will be seen as an example of poor parenting skills.

Frankly I think the bad parenting skills come into play when the parent doesn't let the child be a small human being. Children are going to cry and be grumpy and upset on planes. I know it is annoying but slapping the child sure as heck isn't going to make the child cry less.

The child should have been kept away from the mother until authorities could be called. And then the police should notify child services in their area and see to it that the mother learns some self discipline and the father should be held responsible if he leaves that child with a woman he knows behaves this way.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:02 PM
A trashy mom on a flight would piss me off too.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:04 PM
I definitely do not agree with hitting a strangers kid.

I was on a 9 hour flight from the UK to the USA, after an hour or so the bored child behind me started kicking the back of my seat, after 5 minutes or so I turned around and asked his (grandad I think) to stop the child kicking the back of my seat - he just grunted.

I put up with this for about 45 minutes, I asked a stewardess to address this - she ignored me (nice), about 10 minutes later we hit bad turbulence, seatbelt, all that sort of stuff... turned round, said to the "grandfather" - "I wish you'd told the kid to stop kicking my chair" and then stared the kid straight in the eye and said "We're all going to die now". The kid screamed for about 2 hours - but it was worth it.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:04 PM
I definitely do not agree with hitting a strangers kid.

I was on a 9 hour flight from the UK to the USA, after an hour or so the bored child behind me started kicking the back of my seat, after 5 minutes or so I turned around and asked his (grandad I think) to stop the child kicking the back of my seat - he just grunted.

I put up with this for about 45 minutes, I asked a stewardess to address this - she ignored me (nice), about 10 minutes later we hit bad turbulence, seatbelt, all that sort of stuff... turned round, said to the "grandfather" - "I wish you'd told the kid to stop kicking my chair" and then stared the kid straight in the eye and said "We're all going to die now". The kid screamed for about 2 hours - but it was worth it.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:07 PM
She defiantly should intervene I've seen mothers being harsh with their children and I've stopped and said look you might want to tone it down. I've seen others do it to. Its sad women get away with it. As a woman I am shocked. My former step mother was abusive to her daughter and child services came and said oh well she should be with her mother. We can't take a child from her mother. This girl at age 12 was kicked out of her house in the dead of winter with no shoes and no jacket and told to walk to her fathers house 10 mins away."and pray to god he's there I have no sympathy for you"

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:09 PM
this looks like an open and shut case of self defense to me. that freakin baby deserved it! when a pack of babys get together they take on a pack mentality like a group of feral dogs.. she had to do what she had to do to defend herself from that bloodthirsty infant. that stupid baby is lucky we can't bring guns on airplanes anymore.. thanks a lot, bin laden.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:26 PM
this shouldn't even be in the news. a mother disciplining her own child and the whole world has to open their mouth on it. she has every right to do what she did and everyone else need to stfu. people are so brave when a women and her daughter is involved but in a real crisis they would buckle. they'd walk pass a woman being harass by teenagers and keep their mouth shut when a guy is abusing his wife/girlfriend in public.

events are unfolding around the world and this should not have gooten the kind of attention it did.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:47 PM
I dont care what this kid did, no one should be slapping a 1 year old in the face. period. I am all for spanking an older child as discipline, but this child is too young to be hit like that. At that age its not discipline, its abuse.

I agree with the fact that it is really not news worthy. Just another story used to divert our attention away from the real atrocities going on in the rest of the world.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
this shouldn't even be in the news. a mother disciplining her own child and the whole world has to open their mouth on it. she has every right to do what she did and everyone else need to stfu. people are so brave when a women and her daughter is involved but in a real crisis they would buckle. they'd walk pass a woman being harass by teenagers and keep their mouth shut when a guy is abusing his wife/girlfriend in public.

events are unfolding around the world and this should not have gooten the kind of attention it did.

So how often do you beat your children?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Violater1

Hmmmmmmm they won't release the lady's name, and they never gave a description of the parents, the woman who hit the baby had to demonstrate what she did, sounds to me like maybe they're hiding some important facts like maybe they didn't speak english, and maybe they weren't legal citizens? PERHAPS???? Maybe they're so caught up with PC they were afraid to arrest her and have the Gestapo come after them crying foul. Bet your bottom dollar if it was one of us and even if it was a tinsy little tap on the leg for kicking us, we'd have been dragged through the wringer, and also had have a bunch of BS and outright lies and exaggeration over what really happened!!!!!! We'd have been arrested and the child placed in state custody. I guarantee it, this sounds like a lot more of this PC catering BULLSPIT!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:17 PM

...I’m not sure whats happening in America, but we seem to be having an increase in mothers abusing, yes, even killing their children...

Is this perception or reality?

[edit on 18-8-2010 by LadySkadi]

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