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I Am Iraq

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posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:35 PM

I Am Iraq

I am Iraq. I am old, and I am sad. Iraq is pronounced EE-RAQ, not EYE-RAQ. Actually, Iraq is not my real name. This name was given to me by the British at the end of World War I when, having defeated the Ottoman Empire (usually referred to as the Turks) with the help of the French and other allies, including the U.S., which joined in toward the end, they carved up the ancient Middle East, and created kingdoms for those whom they believed to be their friends. It was now payday for the Hashemi desert family in "Iraq," who had helped them against the Turks.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:35 PM
This is a very interesting and informative history about Iraq written from Iraq's ancient point of view up until the present time.

As the article asks - When will we learn? Probably never, but we all could use this knowledge in our thinking about Iraq and her people down through the ages.

About the author-
Vince Hodgins was seconded to the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe in 1952 to serve in Operation Paperclip, extracting German scientists held captive by the Soviets. He attended the Second Session of Vatican II in 1963 as a lay aide to Paul Emile Cardinal Leger of Montreal. He served variously from 1970 to 1996 for the Mexican government as Director of Foreign Security and Intelligence, Director General of the Mexican National Tourist Council, special representative at the UN, and President of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in the U.S.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Starbug3MY

Star, Star, and Flag!

thanks for sharing this perspective related history lesson with us.

i spent more than a few years of my life in "Iraq", and she, and her children deserve to have an equal voice in this world.

thank you for this thread, one of the better one's i've seen in the last week.

keep on ATSing Starbug,

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:07 PM
i am from iraq, baghdad currently living in the UK.

i just want to thank you for this.

stars, flags, and lots of kisses

history repeats itself:

The great Roman Empire, the most powerful on earth, whose legions terrorized nation after nation into submission, whose armor and cavalry and corps of engineers had defeated the Belgae, the Celti, the Germanii, the Iberii, and most of Europe, and had built roads and bridges from the Baltic to the Pillars of Hercules, figured that taking my land would be an easy task. Rome's famous statesman and strategist, Pompey the Great, would do what all others had failed to do, he would invade my land: He would free my people; he would bring democracy; we would have elections, just as they had in Rome. Because invading my country to free my people, getting rid of my rulers, and imposing Roman rule was so important, and would ensure Pompey's future leadership of the Roman Empire, he assigned his top general, his Chief of Staff, General Crassus, to lead the invasion. And so General Crassus, with 50,000 troops, including the most experienced infantry and cavalry divisions of Rome's imperial army, invaded my country. For the first two years he sent back to Rome glowing reports of his successes: mission accomplished, democracy has won, the rulers have been captured, and the people are free. But five years later, the reports were not so glowing: Insurgents are everywhere, Roman troops and Roman civil officials are being captured, many have been beheaded, there is chaos everywhere. General Crassus was never seen again, and Roman bones bleached on our hot desert sands.

[edit on 18/8/2010 by RizeorDie]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 09:28 PM
You are welcome! I thought I'd bump this up because of the recent news of ending combat operations in Iraq! Considering the history, I wonder what will happen now?!

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 01:04 AM
Well, here's hoping for a new Babylon rising... right where it once stood.

Just let me dream for a while.

Thanks for this thread. More people should read and understand the rich history of Iraq and Iran, the whole of Persia. Ancient History specifically - of the Middle East, is just amazing. It's a shame that the Western world hasn't the stomach for it.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 01:08 AM
I always thought IRAQ was pronounced EAR-ROCK.

I'm still going to pronounce the words that way.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 01:55 AM
Does anyone have the whole article? It seems really interresting

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 02:00 AM
Is there an article I do not have to pay money to read? That is a hinkey tactic linking to a pay site for your information.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by Starbug3MY

It's a shame that they charge you to read a single article without even giving you a chance to see how much more text you will be buying for the 1.50 they request.

The snippet even though nice doesn't say anything that new to me.

Good snippet though and for that S&F

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 02:19 AM
Great article, though I don't support the whole internet subscription theme popping up everywhere so I refuse to pay for it. That should be the real catch in this thread, the direction in which the internet seems to be turning, cutting off the free flow of information.


posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
history repeats itself:
[edit on 18/8/2010 by RizeorDie]

Definitely. Iraq will be ours again. Be patient.

With "love" from Turkey

[edit on 19-8-2010 by lalande 21185]

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 04:01 AM
I think its only americans that pronounce it eye rak. I know its pronounced ee rak in the UK any how.... interesting.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 04:22 AM
'' It was now payday for the Hashemi desert family in "Iraq," who had helped them against the Turks.

Backstabbing is a better word ...

Love from Turkey

Also if you seek a better information about the roots of nations try this link , also articles published by an American Author Gene D. Matlock

[edit on 19-8-2010 by sqfaith]

[edit on 19-8-2010 by sqfaith]

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 05:36 AM
I don't want to get ripped off for $1.50 unless it gives me a lot of pictures of the women Iran stones to death for adultery, before and after pics, really turns me on. Does the article give lots of pictures of the women Iran stones to death? Go Iran!

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by RomeoDandy
I don't want to get ripped off for $1.50 unless it gives me a lot of pictures of the women Iran stones to death for adultery, before and after pics, really turns me on. Does the article give lots of pictures of the women Iran stones to death? Go Iran!

I want some pictures of slaves being sold at auction and of rednecks shooting each other and lynching each other, Guantanomo bay tortures, maybe you can hook me up?

People in glass houses.

[edit on 19-8-2010 by Xadaz]

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Xadaz

I can help you out, I'm so happy to do so because we all know the Muslims had absolutely nothing to do with slavery ever! Go to the West Africa countries, and you can buy a slave, couple hundred bucks maybe. I think the Sudan is a great place for that and guess what-turns out -THEY'RE MUSLIM isn't that fantastic!!!!

Rednecks - any newspaper. Better yet, find a wedding party in the middle east and afterwards, you can probably find a few dead people what with their habit of shooting guns in the air straight up. Gotta love the IQ there.

Guantanamo - check with the US government. But really, the Saudis are much better at it.

I love the muslims, they're grand.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:29 AM
Great post. Its nice to see some prospective.

It is to bad that we have to pay to read the full article. Nonetheless, the full article can pretty much be found in history class.

Its strange how the Babylonia Empire is still alive and well. We have all seen the UN "tower of babel" All the sun god worship and symbols one can handle.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:30 AM
.... now I'm just a playground for the rich constipated bastards that keep sending other people's children to an unwanted war, my children and your children are being killed left and right, my rivers are being polluted with toxic weapons, my children are getting sick from the poison from their weapons. All I ever wanted was to be in peace and let my children flourish in my beauty. Decades a go I was stolen, they put a bully to destroy me and my children. The bully was sad soul, lost and confused... he did some very mean things. I don't think even he knew what he really was doing, must have been put there by someone not from here. He then forgot who he was and got too cocky. Then the people that put him there in the first place, used him as a puppet and now stolen me once again.

My children are too damn tired to care.... they just want to leave in peace and grow old. My trees are all dying, thousands of years of my history is vanishing in front of me. They're stealing my past, present and future.... my children are all dying around me, my face is all cracked and bruised. I'm sad.... sad... to see such hate, while all my children just cry to be left alone.... so they can live.

However, I'm hopeful.... something will come out of this, maybe it's an awaking, maybe it's just a sympathy for my children. Maybe, just maybe... they can see how we can leave in peace. Maybe, they'll see what I see.... a world so big, a place so beautiful can once again be.... I'm still hopeful!

[edit on 20-8-2010 by freighttrain]

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