posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:39 AM
Welcome to the fold, you will be initiated by having random members treat you like total dog crap for seemingly no reason. And the thing about this
initiation, is that it lasts for the duration of your membership, fyi. But don`t take any of that personally, it`s all part of the act. So anyway, I
hope you enjoy your stay. Oh, Fridays are Hawaiian shirt days, so...its optional, but just so ya know. One last thing, please don`t be one of those
posters who is afraid to share an experience because you`re afraid another member might label it as "crap". Sorry, just thought that little remark
needed a disclaimer. After all, "crap" is subjective. To some, conspiracy theories in general are nothin but "crap" spewed by people who wear tin foil
hats. (By the way, does wearing a tin foil hat or lining a room in tinfoil actually protect you from anything or do anything? Not thinking of doing
it, just curious because it seems like it would prevent at least SOMETHING from penetrating.)
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