posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:06 PM
Sure the add is one sided, all adds are,
"Come to our church and Jesus will save you"
Buy the toyota it's better than Ford"
That's the nature of advertising, but that's not the question.
Should it be censored?
If you think it should be censored then you hand over the access to all points of view to some "panel of elders", then what if they want to sensor
your "Come to ATS for the truth" add?
The Islamic leaders would build more bridges and advance the view of their Religion 1000 times more if they came out and said " Yes we can build here
but because of the emotions involved we feel it more prudent to build somewhere else."
Counting the total number of people effected by the 9/11 deaths would be a huge task, brothers, sisters moms, dads aunts, uncles, etc, etc, you get
the idea.
How could you possibly think that people would have a better view of your Religion if you force the issue, unless you want the American Infidels
fighting among themselves? Remember we all saw them dancing in the streets all over the middle east the day of the attack.
There are some rights we have in this country that we have that at some time it is not prudent to exercise them. And if we do at that time, we should
expect controversy.
Maybe that's the goal??