posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 12:37 PM
Anywhere you do buy land there are Zones, growing zones, those places that can support growing veggies and flowers.
In BC they are Zone 8b which puts them slightly more like my 8a, although I am in the desert southwest.
The Zones are a measure of the highs and lows, especially the lows because not all plants are frost-proof, and the zones will measure the length of
"growing time" in one year.
The next thing to account for is the Annual Rainfall, or the availability of water on the property. There will always be dry-spells anywhere and
those moments might require that you water the crops versus nature watering them.
As for TEOTWAWKI, you should put elevation into this equation. Take for instance the reason for the Queen and ole Bushy Baby for buying land up in
Argentina, they know they need it! Take for instance the reason for the Denver International Airport and all that come with that conspiracy.
Personally I would not trust anything under 2000 ft above sea level, and ideally 6000 ft would be perfect.
What you can grow in those varying elevations is going to make a difference in your survival. That is if this is your reason for buying so you can
self-sustain yourself, your family, and keep your livestock healthy and productive.
Ask yourself, do I have time to build the outbuildings to house myself, my supplies, and my animals? You might want to purchase land with
pre-existing out-buildings. You can always go with a Yurt or a Teepee.
Timeliness is probably your biggest opponent in this process. Will the Dollar collapse tomorrow? I know I was just reading some figures and to know
that our Debt has exceeded the GDP, then it is only a matter of time. Better pay cash and do a Quit-claim if you can.
Be sure and secure your water rights and your mineral rights! Otherwise they can take the land from under you and leave you what is above ground.
Better get those fruit trees started now if you want them producing in time! Better get the berry vines going!
Then you have to get there and stay there or else it was all in vain!