posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:20 PM
The writer of this article can be none other than a typical male in that everything in his world has some connotation to the vivid pictures in his
mind. He is likely immature emotionally yet intellectually equipped.
As for "pessimistic porn", my journey here at this point in my life has been a Spiritual path. My entire life has been spent trying desperately at
fitting in and making it work. I followed orders and then some, typically I would find myself going above and beyond my duties and this is where I
ran into trouble. Inevitably I ran into managers, supervisors, leaders, and chiefs who wanted nothing to do with working harder or working
reasonably. My ability to see beyond the common practice of the day caused strife, upset, and eventual harassment. I hated hearing, "your making us
look bad", or the denial that there was anything wrong with how things get done.
For years I felt I was missing some sort of equation that would enable me to finally fit into the working world, but I could never find it. So many
people made me feel inadequate like I was missing something in my thoughts and processes. Often I attributed it to be overly sensitive or more
connected emotionally. I came to the conclusion they were all idiots! LOL
It was the reaching and questioning and the constant tearing things apart that was my answer all along. I knew I could find a better way to life, an
easier way perhaps, but definitely a healthier, happier, cleaner way of life. Along that path I realized that the only way my "future" could come
to pass for everyone would be that it all had to come to an End.
I think this was about the same time R.E.M. sang the song that goes, "It's the end of the World as we know it, and I feel fine"
Of course my beginnings with all this was not online, I am from the Generation before the advent of the Internet. I did not find myself getting
online until years after I began to question the World and its teachings and even then I believed all of this would come to an end.
So as for the snippets of doom and the meanderings of gloom, I would say Yes! I gobble it all up because it is coming! I used to be frightened, but
the more and more I embrace every aspect as the worst aspect I find myself able to better prepare.
I guess in Porn if you view it enough you eventually are desensitized to it. Watching the NFL in the nude might be more entertaining though! LOL