what is it with all the hate on ATS recently??? if i had of known people would be hating on each other so much on here I would never of started this
This is just a thread people!! not a hate board.... a simple thread where I have asked peoples opinions on what they think the orbs and voices are in
the videos and whether iv captured a demon or just some weird light source or camera artefact.
So please can we get back on topic??? and take the hate somewhere else?
Joe, I can see why you think there is something there and to be honest it looks like a dog to me but I really think it's nothing or, if anything,
But with such low resolution pictures artifacts really are the most likely cause.
ok thanks... i will try and get the same pic in better resolution, its just in the video there is like an orb that moves past the chair, and i paused
it and noticed a facelike thing...
but like you say it could be that thing where the eyes see shapes and that... cant remember the name haha
Honestly orb's are nothing special as you can't prove it's anything but dust in a photograph. Now orb's in a video can be harder to just disprove
if they have unusual movements that the typical dust particle or bug doesn't express. Haven't had a chance to listen to the evp's yet, me lil
hellraisers are awake and make a ton of noise. I'll check those out later on tonight. As for the face I can see parts of what you do but not all
aspects that you describe and once again it's next to impossible to get a definite answer either way. You will have the hardcore skeptics claiming
it's just matrixing and the hardcore believers will so it's a definite spirit. This is just my humble opinion though, personally I'm a believer in
the paranormal it's just unfortunate that it's so hard to get definite proof outside of personal experiences.
My friend you are dabbling in the occult, using a ouija board - most anything can happen. I don't really see a demon in the image but that sure is
one large orb on your chest. If these things are frightening to you - throw the ouija board away, do not pursue your film or at least turn it into
something positive. Stay safe!