posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:57 PM
Dear Flood Victims:
Our own States of Tennessee and Rhode Island and others got flooded repeatedly and severely, one hundred-year flooding, and got little media coverage.
How many realize the oddity of tornadoes in Turkey? How many care that Tennessee is getting hit again? How many care that India had thousands of homes
washed away? Our media did not inform people of these incidents.
I thought by now the World would realize the the US is being torn apart and economically destroyed, bankruptcy and foreclosures, severe unemployment,
etc. People with Master's Degrees are driving trucks.
I would Love to help. The Media lies. The average income here is 30 thousand dollars, not 100 thousand. An average apartment costs at least 6,000 per
year. Ours are 12,000. The average home costs 18,000 per year. Ours are 30,000.
We have a lot of laws that say we have to pay taxes, insurances, registrations, fees, etc. If not they take our house or car.
In other words, not many of us have money to send now.
I think Buffet and Gates, et. al. are supposed to be donating monies, I would address any articles you write to them.
I wish you love, and help, and pray for our world daily.