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Best laid plans of mice and men

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posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:17 AM
What if this famous line is The answer to the universe? If a committee of mice assembled to reach out to me as ambassadors for their species, I wouldn't care and would scream and plan to kill them if they were in my kitchen.

I am not a horrible person. I like animals. I communicate well and I am open and intelligent with people but am not a rat whisperer. I live near a Forrest and we get rats and mice and their pee smells and they are a pain. That said they seem to be less and less annoying. They seem to be hearing or understanding what will bring me to the point of traps and what I put up with. If they stay out of sight, and never leave droppings any where but one cupboard...

Obviously pet owners can communicate with their pets and in the wild researchers get very knowledgable about species.

Why this old phrase of mice and men?

Is it because we are both lab rats?

What if the way we dismiss our treatment of rats is how our dispensability is considered by a more dominant species.


What if earth is one living female entity and we are her head lice.

Either way could you stomach our insignificance and how futile our plans are?

Would it change the way you lived your life?

Would it change the way you treated vermin?

If disclosure was to be this revelation would you want it?

Do mice know that we think there is a food chain and that they are not at the top?

Or are they smarter than us? Many of us are still unclear that worms get to eat us and that there is no top as long as there is death.

What if movies and books and art throughout the ages have prepared us for aliens and gods and invasions and disasters and the end of the world but the real truth is much more stunning.

What if the real truth is about validating our existence - pourquoi j'existe planning and fulfilling and destiny?

Insignificance is a really hard pill to swallow.

So is no future - no point in planning.

Now here is the most disconcerting concept of all...

What if we are not what we think we are? Or more correctly put what if we are not always the same thinker?

Why do we use mice and rats in our labs? That's an easy answer - because they breed fast and grow fast and show results fast.

Let's say that earth lab 101 was a hot ticket. Like getting to work in Harvards research labs. But humans aren't only the research they are also the researchers. Souls or intelligence of some kind take turns. We are vessels.

When you do research you make a theory and you test it. You make a plan. Or you collect data and make a hypothesis - order from chaos.

Some studies show that every 7 years we replace all of our cells. We are not the same cells we were in 2002. None of us.

The plans made for us by those cells are what we are arranging to fit what we want during our reign.

Any one who has ever done research will attest that mice don't want to be in the lab and that it takes generations of testing mice to get the lab results for men. Lots of game over -play again?s

So what if the mystery of the universe is the microcosms and the macrocosms. Insignificance and significance spelled out in the integrity of a framework that holds promise and nothing else.

The best laid plans of mice and men... Often go awry - Robert Burns 1759-1796

[edit on 8/16/2010 by trusername]

[edit on 8/16/2010 by trusername]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 01:15 AM
A lot of ranting...

I think this can be summed up with the fact that we would be ants to a greater creature.

Would that change my world? No. Would I try to kill rats after they communicated on my level? I'd offer my thumb to build them a city.

It was all put in perspective for me when I heard about complex numbers.

the universe is so big it is easy for me to imagine then that we are living on the smallest imaginable particle that another species could imagine. Much like our vision of light is only a small spectrum of the truth, our vision of small and large is only the same, a small fraction of the truth. It could easily continue much smaller just as easily as it could be that immense. My thoughts are that the universe is so big that its not just possible, its obvious.

I would try looking up the structure of the known universe and the size of it as well.

When you go out far enough you can almost see that the clusters of clusters of clusters of galaxies which is the biggest thing we can surmise, looks strikingly similar to what we think the smallest things we can surmise look like... Which brings me back to where I started... Good thoughts though!

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Your rant kind of reminded me of the Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, I was soo waiting for you to say 42. lol

I also laughed again in my second line.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by SeekerForLight

I love this!


posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by Jedite

I know I thought that too when I read it over.

But I don't know what 42 and mice have in common. Maybe that only work a for dolphins.

One funny thing. Disney supposedly started saying - it has to have a mouse. Which I always thought was an odd sentence but he was a mystic.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by Jedite

I know I thought that too when I read it over.

But I don't know what 42 and mice have in common. Maybe that only work a for dolphins.

One funny thing. Disney supposedly started saying - it has to have a mouse. Which I always thought was an odd sentence but he was a mystic.


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