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Edgay Cayce, his methods?

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by skjalddis

the following are from a pdf file available at the ARE site, in the members-only section, titled "How To Study the Readings":

A question frequently asked is: What was the source of this information that came through Edgar Cayce? As you read the text of a reading, the answer may not seem clear. When Cayce himself asked about this source in various readings, the following was given: His own higher self—or his superconscious mind—was the source of the information. So it was not a nonphysical being speaking through Edgar Cayce but his own superconscious mind that generally obtained the information from the individual getting the reading or from what he called the Akashic Records. These records can be briefly described as a history of every soul since the dawn of creation.

Cayce’s superconscious mind often relayed information in a manner quite different from our conversational style today. Sometimes the language and sentence structure are challenging to decipher. But with a few clues and guidelines, you’ll become more proficient in being able to understand exactly what was meant.

hird, develop an understanding of the language style of the readings, which was often biblical in both tone and content. In the waking state, Cayce was a devoted student of the Bible. It is natural that some of this material would find its way into his readings. More than anything else, this characteristic shows the reverence Cayce had for the process of giving a reading. He took each very seriously, and he felt that each was like a sacred trust given to him.

It’s fair to ask, If Cayce was so smart when he was in trance, why couldn’t he have found a way of speaking that would be easy to understand? Part of the reason for this communication difficulty is that his mind was operating at another level of consciousness—one in which words were often inadequate. He was trying to convey—in three-dimensional, logical terms—information that he could perceive with far greater depth and understanding.

Perhaps, too, the source of this information wanted us to work at getting to the meaning and value of what we are reading. If everything was immediately obvious and we could read the material superficially, we might never roll up our sleeves and get involved in trying to understand deeply what this information is all about. It’s worth the effort!

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:01 AM
I believe this is what I was referring to in my earlier post.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:11 AM
Extreme relaxation, meditation, clearing one's mind of all obstacles and distractions. Subconscious relaxation, mind control. Breathing, concentration.

Keep calm and relaxed, breathe normally, do not ever panic. Let whatever you see in and do not block anything out. With time one can master it.

One other thing, you must entre anything like this with a clean slate, ie no prejudgements of anything with total and universal acceptance of things currently not know.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:11 AM
Double post and do apologize as that is not the intention. Peace & Love, D1!

[edit on 18-8-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:26 AM
You know if he had access to the akashic records, why dident anybody ask him any important questions instead of useless stuff like things about the future and past lifes or how to get rich.....Someone should of asked him to get a detailed way to access the records by themselves, or how to make a infinite energy generator, or how to paze out into a higer state, or what is the meaning of cheese and life, or even better farming techniques to use and how to live longer, or how to fly using your mind and the aether, or at least how to make the perfect sandwich.....So many questions whats with all the silly ones they asked him.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

i don't think that the general thoughts of humanity, at that time, were geared toward such things.

they were as modern as they could be, surely, and the questions they asked might very well have been of the same nature as those that you mention are to us, today.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by queenannie38
He tried to use his power to find oil so that he could build the hospital he wanted, so that he could help more people. But the well never came in, the people he was working with didn't have the same motives as him. If you haven't read "There Is A River" I highly recomend it, it is a very good book. He could also sleep on his school books and know them by heart when he woke up. I wish I could have met him, he was a truely remarkable person. Great thread.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by crazydaisy

I've read quite a bit and have studied Edgar cayce. What I knew was that he was skating and fell, thereby cracking his skull on the ice. Afterwards, he had shown the ability to pull from the ether answers and premonitions, supposedly from the universe's knowledge.

P.s. He liked Hitler so take that for what it is worth.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by queenannie38
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

i don't think that the general thoughts of humanity, at that time, were geared toward such things.

they were as modern as they could be, surely, and the questions they asked might very well have been of the same nature as those that you mention are to us, today.

Come on have you read some of the things asked, the dude even said we all could do as he did and no one thought to ask "how" in a way that they could understand and apply it, during his subconscious phasing process, but then again I havent read all his stuff, way to many prediction's I mean who really cares about the futer or futers. But your right the whole concept of modern thought is the antithesis to the universe. Nothing is modern when everything is.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by X9ballX
What I want to know is the methods. The form of hypnosis, how it was done, everything to the exact detail of what happened. Or at least as much as we can get and then I want to try it with someone also interested in this field.

The book "Edgar Cayce on Atlantis" ($7.00) is the book i read and would recommend, as it has a number of readings he did as well as a biography written by one of his children at the beginning, which may give you an idea on what he did to go into his trance states.

As far as a form of hypnosis, hypnosis is a state in which the person is physically relaxed and open to suggestion - meaning simply they can ask the person questions or tasks for which the person cooperating can oblige. In the case of Cayce he was for the most part in a state of sleep in which he was speaking from his subconscious. Rather than looking at the subconscious as a state separate from conscious reality, consider it information and experiences that happen without us being aware of them. like if i bird flies by behind us but we don't notice it. It still happened. Yes you can merge what was once part of a persons subconscious into everyday waking consciousness hence my stating there is a direct connection. (I still dream in spanish once in a while even though spanish class was 6 years ago and i don't keep up on it.)

If reincarnation sits well with you (if not you may disgard this) , Edgar Cayce is what is considered an old soul. As a person reincarnates, past experiences are carried over and a person is more developed with what is considered "psychic ability". The older souls i have met can be quite impressive though you do not have to be an old soul to be skilled.

As a couple posters have commented already, regular meditation can be used effectively like near sleeplike states Cayce used. The biggest motivator is having a reason to retrieve information. The more interest you have invested in what you're doing the easier you can pull information. Though as you gain experience it becomes easier.

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