posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Hey, Bushido here on a fresh account.
Here is a bit of an update for those of you who care enough to read it:
I was finally starting to get over her when she posted something on my friend's facebook that sent me over the edge. I started a little heated fight
with her which quicken ended. After that she decided it would be a wise idea to post all of my personal information on 4chan in an attempt to have
them harass me until I committed suicide or something. She posted my address, the coding into my house, my email, my passwords, the sites I go on, my
facebook email and password, my phone number, and my IM information.
I soon had a few people take her up on her offer and harassed me, but there was one or two that warned me about it beforehand so I was a little bit
I threatened her the next day that I would press charges on her if she didn't stay out of my life and leave me alone forever. She denied everything,
Three weeks pass without a hiccup, then I hear that she calls my sister some bad names that I cannot post here, totally unprovoked. I then warned her
one last time that if she doesn't leave us alone that she will need a lawyer (I have a heart and don't want to go through the legal trouble). My
phone then blewup and someone came to my door with hostile knocking. I ignored because I knew it was her family.
My mother called them and chewed them out.
I have everything documented if TSHTF.
I am now moving on, taking it day by day. I am still lonely as hell, but I don't want to be associated with her any longer. She proved to me that the
person I fell in love with is no more.
Still hurts a lot, though.