posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:43 AM
This to me is not longer a debate, but a form of division, where people don't even know what they fight for anymore. While we argue about those who
are not here legally, TPTB are changing the laws as we speak to change them.... but to benefit who?
If we argue over an illegal immigrant (no matter where your from), for a job at a factory, they will change it and make it easier for a person with a
degree, and say something like, well he has a degree, and you guys fought over something as simple as papers.
Immigration is becoming a "bad word", and until we learn how to define it, with other words, like "hard worker", and "wanting to be American" we
will be doomed, as we allow the ones who have forced this divide to make the rules.
While we fight, over menial work, places like India, and China are now buying out on-line schools, while people fight because they call a company and
speak to someone in India, the person that is teaching you, and helping you to get your degree, isnt even in the US.
As long as we DON'T stand up for the oppressed and those that would like to better themselves, we will find ourselves in the same position, but this
time without our opinions and hate, but it will be law.. who will we ask to help us?
Peace to you...