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Florida AG McCollum, Lawmakers Unveil Immigration Bill Modeled After Arizona's

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posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Florida AG McCollum, Lawmakers Unveil Immigration Bill Modeled After Arizona's

The Florida proposal would, like Arizona's, require law enforcement officers to check the residency status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant in the course of a "lawful stop."

It would require state businesses to use a national registry to ensure new employees are legal and would increase penalties for illegal immigrants who commit other crimes. The bill would also require non-citizen immigrants to carry immigration documentation or face a misdemeanor charge that could carry up to 20 days in jail.
(visit the link for the full news article)

BAN Guidelines: Copy the exact headline

[edit on 8/11/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:22 PM
This is what the Arizona law does too, in respect to the "checking immigrant status for a 'lawful stop' ". They will NOT be stopping Jose Anonymous who is just going out for ice cream, unless he then robs the ice cream store.

Excellent. If the US Government are refusing to deal with an issue that it is rquired to deal with, such as illegal immigration, then it falls to the states to enact their own laws.

I think this is how the Arizona law will stand up to Constitutional challenges, by them proving that the federal Government has failed in their duty to protect the state, so therefore the state can take matters into their own hands.

The ONLY way this would avoid racial profiling in any state is if law enforcement required that ANYONE stopped or interacting with police be required to show proof of citizenship, not just people they suspect are illegal immigrants.

In most other countries around the world, if you have any interaction with law enforcement and don't have ID, you have a lot of trouble for yourself. It should be the same all over the USA.

I also like the idea of tougher sentences for crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

I would expect that the Federal Government will now have to sue the State of Florida as well, otherwise their lawsuit against Arizona would seem to be singling them out.
(visit the link for the full news article)

BAN Guidelines: Copy the exact headline

[edit on 8/11/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Well to be honest, I've always wondered how Miami became "Little Havana". Of course now it's "Big Havana". Maybe with a little of this law in effect, it might become "Little Havana" once again. Prepare, Fidel, cause some Cubans probably gonna be coming your way.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:35 PM
Hopefully they can get this pushed through, way to go Florida!

I'm glad this idea has spread like wildfire, because it needs to be kept fresh in people's minds. It keeps pressure on the feds and keeps throwing eggs on their faces for failing to act to secure this country. The more states that give the finger to the feds over NOT enforcing our laws the better chance we all have of getting the offenders out of office in the next election.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:41 PM
Good, if your not here leagly than you need to get packing

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Yup. I'm a Canadian, and you can bet your last borrowed dollar that when I'm in the USA, I always carry my ID, just like I do in Canada.

I expect to have to produce it any time I have to interact with law enforcement officials (which is rarely).

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
This is what the Arizona law does too, in respect to the "checking immigrant status for a 'lawful stop' ". They will NOT be stopping Jose Anonymous who is just going out for ice cream, unless he then robs the ice cream store.

The problem with the Arizona law is that it DID give police the power to question anyone they thought were immigrants for ANY violation. So any kids standing in a group could be stopping for 'loitering'. Any adult motorist could be stopped for not using a turn signal, etc. Everyone was shouting that only criminals would be questioned but the law was clearly open for abuse and anyone who thinks cops don't abuse obscure laws is not being honest with themselves.

In most other countries around the world, if you have any interaction with law enforcement and don't have ID, you have a lot of trouble for yourself. It should be the same all over the USA.

ID yes, but I don't know of a single country where you have to carry proof of citizenship or your immigration documents. I lived in Germany for 4 years and you needed to have a form stamped just to go take a pee, but they would never dream of making immigrants carry their passports and registration documents. That's too German even for the Germans.

I also like the idea of tougher sentences for crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

So much for the rule of law and blind justice...

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:16 PM
what i can't figure out how they can deem it unconstituional when that should only apply to legal immigrantsand american citizems.- this does not cover people invading our country.if you haven't gone through the proper legal channels and just come here for "anchor babies" then tough go back where you came from-let your gov't and taxpayers take care of you- if they won"t then sorry. my taxes should not be spent to help illegals.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by bigfoot1212]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:21 PM
I am in favor of these laws, since the federal govt refuses to enforce the federal ones.

However I thought Cuban illegal immigrants were treated differently than the Mexican ones? On account that Mexico is a free country and Cuba well... isn't exactly.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

It doesn't matter if they're from Jupiter and armed with death rays, all laws we write in this country have to be within the framework of the constitution. If you don't mind them writing a law to make not carrying immigration papers illegal, they can go right ahead and make carrying a gun illegal.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

Does this not remind anyone of the way Germany was treated and the control over the population was accomplished there, does no one REMEMBER history?? the problems are at the borders and not within them, NO ONE SHOULD BE asked to present papers for merely curiosity sake, a lot of people look ethnic (Spanish etc ...) even when there not.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by svpwizard
the problems are at the borders and not within them

This is simply not true.

The problems are both at the borders AND within the borders as we have an estimated 10 million + illegals in the country already. These people have no right to be here, and it's a slap in the face to the LEGAL immigrants who did all the right things to get in.

The factory farm industry should be severely punished for basically squeezing out all the black workers they cut in favor of cheap labor smuggled into this country. They didn't want to deal with a union, they don't want to give out benefits... being a meat packer USED to be a point of pride in this country, now it's in the hands of criminals.

Don't believe that? Well feel free to pick up a Mexican newspaper and browse through the job ads, they freely advertise for $10-11/hr. jobs in the U.S.

It's just a shame, and needs to be stopped and completely reversed to give our own citizens the right to have decent jobs again.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Soloist

The factory farm industry should be severely punished for basically squeezing out all the black workers they cut in favor of cheap labor smuggled into this country.

Squeezing out the black people

Care to elaborate some more on this.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

Cubans just need to touch a grain of land and all papers are given to them. There is no such thing as an illegal cuban.
It is not because they are treated differently then other countries it is because there is an embargo in place with Cuba.
So to the poster who said that 'big havana' will become 'little havana' your soo wrong. Anyways if you go to miami you will see that the area of little havana in Miami, is now little Managua. Nicaraguans all over the place.

Funny how my country is given this benefit and we are the least concern for immigration problems in this country, even though we are all over the US, the majority of the immigration problems come from central and south america.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Squeezing out the black people

Care to elaborate some more on this.

A large majority of meat packers and other factory food workers were black. They had good, proud jobs with nice wages, benefits, etc.

Now this is not the case, they smuggle in workers from Mexico, bus them into work for free in a 100 mile radius once they are here, and the feds arrest a few every month so it looks like they are doing something.

It's a scam, and it's screwing our own citizens out of work.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:25 PM
To add a little more, from :

n the 1930s and early 1940s, however, workers achieved unionization under the CIO's United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA). An interracial committee led the organizing in Chicago, where the majority of workers in the industry were black, and other major cities, such as Omaha, Nebraska, where they were an important minority in the industry. UPWA workers made important gains in wages, hours and benefits. In 1957 the stockyards and meat packing employed half the workers of Omaha. The union supported a progressive agenda, including the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. While the work was still difficult, for a few decades workers achieved blue-collar, middle-class lives from it.

The meatpacking industry continues to employ many immigrant laborers, including some who are undocumented workers. In the early 20th century the workers were immigrants from eastern and southern Europe, and black migrants from the South. Today many are Hispanic, from Mexico, Central and South America. The more isolated areas in which the plants are located put workers at greater risk due to their limited ability to organize and to seek redress for work-related injuries.

So this industry specifically targets illegals by advertising now INSIDE their own countries, and has screwed over our own LEGAL minorities in the process. And nothing is being done about it.

This is why I said the problem is not only the border but inside the border as well.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:50 PM
This is great news for the country. Hopefully, more states will follow suite and make America a safer country. What ever happened to Texas and New Mexico adopting the same type of law?

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 11:01 PM
this is what you get when you allow
illegal immigrants who don't speak or
write english to work American jobs.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 02:12 AM
You guys are really screwed, not for the illegal immigration but the internal back biting and hatred ya'll have, you have learned absolutely NOTHING from whats going on and have gotten exactly what you ordered.

CORRUPTION and special interest groups running the government. causing the people to hate groups of people for assorted reasons while the whole time keeping you guys hating each other stealing the country from right IN FRONT OF YOU.

If you had 3 brain cells to rub together you would see, all the outsourcing for corporate greed and profit, consumer demand for CHEAPER products has pretty much made the US a consumer nation with little to no manufacturing base and those 10-20 million Mexicans are not ALL working illegals so the numbers are like 5 million are not taking your middle class jobs some (21% Unemployment = 42 million lost jobs)

Not that any logical explanation will get you to look at whats happening, because its easier to blame big bad immigrants for your stupidity. THE GOVERNMENT IS OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!

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