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new almost nation wide law:move over one lane AND drop to 20mph BELOW posted limit if cops pulled ov

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posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 11:45 AM

new almost nation wide law:move over one lane drop to 20mph below posted limit if cops pulled over on freeway

so basicly cops can give you a ticket in all states but hawaii and new york for not changeing lanes if there is a cop pulling some one over on the side of the road
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 11-8-2010 by KilrathiLG]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 11:45 AM
ok i dont know where else to put this as every time i try to submit a story it only gives me breaking news cattergory

and as the ariticle i linked wont let me copy and paste i cant realy summerize it well but basicly if any emergency vehicle including those doing speed traps are on the side of the road you have to merge one lane over and slow down to 20 mph!! or you could get anything from 175$ ticket all the way up to some ladys quote of 754 dollars(more then a dui in some regions) this is complete nonsense yeah its for the safty of cops but all it does is let them set up more EVIL speed traps and attempt to squeeze more money out of us in a recession im getting tired of this stuff and the article also says that something like 60-80% of americans dont even know this law is on the books (why i think this is relevent is if i suddenly switched from the slow lane to the fast lane and dropped my speed to 20 infront of you in the fast lane what would you do)this is getting to the point where its almost not even worth it to drive for fear of harrassment,if cops dont wanna run the risk of getting run over why dont they have you PULL OFF the highway at an exit for the safty of every one not just them im tired of there special treatment

(mods if you could explain to me how to change cattergorys to post in id be much abliged as im pretty sure you guys are just gonna delete this and i think people should know about this so they dont get fined for this nonsense)
also check out the snopes link its more informitive
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 11:59 AM
You misread/heard. You are supposed to drop 20 mph from the posted speed.

We've had something similar in Ontario Canada for as long as I remember. Really its not enforced that much (meaning there isnt someone posted with a radar gun right before the pull over to give you a ticket).

This is obviously for officer and the pulled over persons safety, because boneheads have nothing better to do then rubber neck and actually start veering into the pull over while gawking at it. In fact, you can get a ticket for rubber necking as well in Ontario.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Are you complaining about this or supporting it? I can't imagine why anyone would be against it, it's like being in favour of nun beating or something. From the web site:

More than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999 after being struck by vehicles along America's highways, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. To lower that deadly toll, a new coalition of traffic safety and law enforcement groups is launching a nationwide public awareness campaign to protect emergency personnel along our nation's roadsides.

Seems sensible to me.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:11 PM
I always move a lane for emergency vehicles and usually motorists that are pulled over.

I never knew about the dropping 20 mph though.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:22 PM
I've never heard of the law but I've always moved over a lane or slowed down for any vehicle on the side of the road with people around. It's common sense and courtesy to me. If people actually used their gray matter we wouldn't need other people to tell us what we should do.

And the video said move over OR slow down.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:23 PM
These things dont piss me off because I'm against giving cops room to work. They piss me off because it's a pointless law that will only serve as a means to ticket and prosecute without ever making working conditions safer for any cop.

If you arent a complete imbecile you already have been slowing a bit and moving into the next lane to give cops, constructions workers, folks changing tires, etc... that little bit of comfort and courtesy.

If you are a complete imbecile and have not been doing this all along are you suddenly going to start doing it because you just might get a ticket? Of course you arent. You're a complete imbecile.

This is why laws dont ever get the purported result. If you arent an imbecile you dont need any law to behave yourself. If you are a complete imbecile you either dont care about any law or are too stupid to know there is a law.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by helta

thank you! i didnt catch that part it dose seem less shady now i was mainly talking about how they had the 4 cop cars parked at incriments down the road from the snopes ariticle which wont let me copy paste it here.

but in seeing that it says DROP 20 off the speedometer and not slow down to 20 it makes a bit more sense my bad least i learned something and thank you for correcting me i just took it more as a revinue booster which may or may not be the case

and to be honest i had never heard of this before so i figured id share it

i dont understand why we cant just make it so police when they pull you over have to move off the freeway as that would problay be safer in either regard

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

If you're already doing this, how are they going to ticket and prosecute you?

I would venture to say that "complete imbeciles" are whom this is intended to legislate anyway. Without this law, the cop who gets dusted, but not hit, by an idiot whizzing by at the speed limit two feet away has no recourse, and the idiot will continue to do it until he hits someone. Obviously it will make things safer for the police, if only at the rate of one idiot at a time.

Again, I fail to see how this isn't a rational law. Seat belt laws, helmet laws, there's a point to be made, but this isn't about protecting you from your own stupid decisions, but protecting others from your own stupid decisions.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:41 PM
I dont have to worry about this in Los Angeles because if there is a traffic stop everyone slows down to 10mph or comes to a complete stop anyway. If there's an accident...forget it!

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by KilrathiLG
i dont understand why we cant just make it so police when they pull you over have to move off the freeway as that would problay be safer in either regard

Unless there's an accident, they already do pull off the freeway onto the shoulder. Have never seen a cop handing out tickets from a driving lane. If you mean "off the freeway," as in "take an exit ramp", you're merely relocating the problem, and, in my state at least, you can be 12 or 15 miles from an exit ramp, it seems foolish to ask someone to follow you for 15 minutes so you can give them a ticket.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by adjensen

...but this isn't about protecting you from your own stupid decisions, but protecting others from your own stupid decisions.

None of these laws accomplish that task. This is my point.

To be ticketed or fined means you have already done the thing you werent supposed to do. How many drivers who speed have gotten a ticket and never sped again? How many thieves have been arrested stealing and never stolen again?

The goal and intent is always noble: save us from the cost of others stupidity.

The result is never the goal. The stupidity of others continues unabated but now we have one more excuse for the cops to pull us over and run their sometimes less than legitimate game. All it takes is one cop having a bad about 5 minutes to effectively ruin your life if not kill you outright. Do they really need more excuses to come into direct contact with us?

Understanding the futility of punitive punishment and Western law as we know it is fundamental to growing as a species. The fact that you cannot understand this law does not solve this problem is testament to the lower state of being most Americans live and die trapped in.

It's very simple. Problem: cops getting hit on the freeway. Is this law the solution? Think about that. I dont want to hear any "maybe" "could be" "possibly reduce" type tripe. I want to know if this law is the answer to this problem.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:13 PM
The way I read it is you only drop 20 mph if you can't get out of the lane next to the shoulder the cop has pulled someone over.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

Do they realize they will just be causing tons of traffic for no reason at all.

it's safe. I understand why...but 20 ???

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
It's very simple. Problem: cops getting hit on the freeway. Is this law the solution? Think about that. I dont want to hear any "maybe" "could be" "possibly reduce" type tripe. I want to know if this law is the answer to this problem.

Your question implies one solution, though I'm sure you don't believe that.

If you want to prevent, unequivocally, cops being hit on the freeway, there are a number of solutions.

1) Fire all police. No cops, no cops getting hit
2) Take away everyone's cars. No cars, no cops getting hit
3) Repeal all laws that require police to pull anyone over. No tickets, no cops getting hit

Those are the absolutes. Not sure any of them is practical.

Beyond absolutes, the solutions are in varying levels of usefulness and intrusiveness. Having no law says that it's okay to disregard police and other emergency responders' safety. This law, it seems to me, is a reasonable balance of usefulness and intrusiveness. Disregard a person's safety at your own peril.

Telling them to get off the freeway doesn't help when they are in a situation that prevents that, responding to an accident or medical emergency, for example, or where it's not easy to get off the freeway.

Rather than just saying this is a bad law, what do you propose as a better solution?

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by adjensen
Having no law says that it's okay to disregard police and other emergency responders' safety.

No it doesnt. There is absolutely nothing saying it's "okay" by any stretch of the imagination to violate or potentially violate another human being.

The absence of a law written by man doesnt negate natural laws of decency.

If this were the case why have I always been courteous and conscious of those along highway sides the past 30 something years I have been driving down them?

This isnt remotely a solution of varying degree. It's merely an income generating scheme of the military industrial complex sold under a "feel-good" guise "won't somebody think of the children" style stupidity.

My solution is to permit the imbeciles to die off accountable to their own gross stupidity and show the rest of the television hitched drones that real life has real consequences so perhaps you should all start living mindfully and purposefully.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

This law is the only obvious answers to the problem.

It's not nefarious.

It's not illegal.

It's not a way for cops to come after you.

It's a law that sadly has to be put on the books because people are either a) stupid or b) inconsiderate.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
It's a law that sadly has to be put on the books because people are either a) stupid or b) inconsiderate.

But the law, no law, prevents people from being stupid or inconsiderate. That's my point.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I get that's your point.

Your other point is it's some gibber gabber about the military industrial complex.

It's not.

We have seat belt laws. To make sure those of us with less than average intellegence don't splatter their skulls on our roads.

We have speed limits so hot shots don't barrel into me doing 120.

And now we have another common sense law.

Will it 100% stop cops from being hit by cars during stops? No. Nothing will.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by adjensen

ah forgive the way i worded it i ment like getting off the freeway/highway all together and using an exit ramp and then idealy pull into a parking lot or atleast a less travled road does that make more sense?

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