Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch
I too, say that we are the top of the food-chain here on Earth.
We eat almost anything (Unless slimes comes out of it) and we are capable of killing everything.
Once again, I think it's important to examine such a claim much more closely.
Facts that allegedly put us on top.
1.) We can eat almost anything. Meat, Grains, Vegetables, etc. We are Omnivores in other words. That being capable of both Carnivore and Herbivore
at the same time.
Facts that show why 'Top' is all about perspective.
1.) Omnivorous creatures do have the advantage of being able to properly Hunt, Consume and Digest a variety of substances for survival. However this
also makes our diet more complex and when neglected results in lower immune system, physical deficiencies, sickness or even death. There's not too
many other creatures out there having trouble with things like Scurvy for example. Also, omnivorous design is not unique to us either. Dogs are in
fact classified as omnivorous too and can survive as long as they receive a balance of what they need. Much like us however, they Thrive, let alone
just survive when Meat is included. Cats on the other hand are classified Carnivore and need meat.
At the same time, dogs also very good hunters as well, and their ability to consume both food and water that is usually too 'dirty' for humans on
account of their Higher Acidic Saliva and body chemistry, again puts them at an advantage over us. Dogs also have better hearing and smell than us.
Really, our advantage comes more from our Brain than anything else and even more specific it is our ability to use complex logic, mathematics,
abstract thought, complex language, and so on. While it may be an Evolutionary Plus that we have the brains capable of such things, our Intelligence
or methods of applying that knowledge are not evolutionary, they are learned by us, the evolved brain just allows for more complex ideas. So, while
we can thank nature for our dynamic brain design, we did not evolve math, language, etc., only new ways of storing info about them and ways of using
As far as being able to Kill anything and everything, that is far from making us the Top either. If that was a big factor on the scorecard, things
like bacteria, viruses and the like have us all beat. Then there is the fact that after them even would come all the insects and things that are the
decomposer's. I can assure you that long after we are gone as well as many other creatures, it will still be smooth sailing for Flies, Roaches,
Ants, etc. Another reason our ability to kill isn't so special is that when placed into a fair one on one match, there are many many creatures that
can take us out no problem. We are actually very fragile creatures in comparison to most other animals, but the trade for Higher Brain Function
obviously has it's advantages when used correctly. The last thing that makes killing a low value on the score card is the fact that killing stuff or
killing other forms of life is one of the most basic functions that all creatures have and do, as it usually is how they survive.
In fact, when you compare the fact that our mastering the ability to kill along with are heightened intelligence has shown time and time again to be
too much for us to even control, I'd say that actually bumps us down that scale before it puts us higher up. We are so stupid we can't stop our
destructive ways most of the time resulting in us creating holes (Extinction) within natures natural cycles. Sometimes we don't even do it for
survival but simply cause we are just a bunch of psychopathic maniacs on the loose. For a good example of this, look up what happened to the
California Grizzly Bear, which is also Ironic that it is the State Animal and Extinct at the same time.
It is just like mans vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. Heaven is by favor; if it were by
merit your dog would go in and you would stay out. Of all the creatures ever made he (man) is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only
one...that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong
proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that
cannot." - Mark Twain