Ah, trolling. I'll sum up 99.99% of ATS responses (and my opinion):
No, they do not deserve another nobel prize. They did not deserve the first one. The nobel peace prize is now (and has been for some time) a joke.
Kissinger, Gore, Obama> shows you what the prize is really all about. Doing things to advance the enslavement of mankind.
Obama? Hell no. His economic beligerence is bordering on criminal. Not to mention he didn't actually do anything in the first place to receive a
Nobel prize.
His policy: Oh you are too big to fail? Well here is a hundred billion dollar bailout from tax payer money. Oh you spent most of it on parties and
bonuses? Ok, here is another.
I'm done with my president. I don't think I will vote again.
I learned a long time ago our votes are basically useless in the general elections. Now one of my buds voted for Obama and now believe his votes
don't actually count. he always believed it did. Of course this wasn't by my doing. His light bulb finally came on.
I had written a nice page full of incisive comments and shockingly lucid prose but realized I had worked harder on this page than the Nobel Commitee
did in choosing those two in the first place.
Obviously I should be contributing to a more important discussion.
I think the tinfoil hat forum has a fedora thread going on. I'd better check in.