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Police kill family pet during search warrant, find nothing

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posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Paschar0
Ridiculous double standard for police. They don't protect anyone anymore, they're here for control and revenue collection.

If you kill a police dog regardless of the circumstances, it's considered murdering a police officer right? Can you imagine getting life in prison for even accidentally killing a dog that's attacking you?

Go ahead, defend that stupidity.

Wrong. HOMIcide is the unlawful taking of a HUMAN life. CANIcide is the taking of a dogs life, whether legal or not. it is an urban legend that people get charged with murder for killing a cop dog, but no one can show a case in existence that proves it. Of course there are charges that could apply, but they do not include any of the human based charges, such as manslaughter, 2nd or 1st degree homicide, and no court has ever elvated a dogs life to equal that of a human being, regardless of what kind of symbol you hang ariound their necks or what authority its' handler possesses.

Cops today have a totally different mindset than in decades past: They value THEIR safety and welfare above all else, including the publics. They want to take NO chances and will go to unbelieveable measures to make sure they do not get harmed. Recall the Columbine shootings? The brave SWAT team waited until everyone was dead before daring to creep in, heavily armored but too afraid of seeing lead fly to take a chance.

We see it all the time: major tactical teams asaulting private homes for misdemeanor warrants, flak jackets and machine guns ready to blast anything that dares to growl or not instantly following a dozen shouted commands at the same time.

Cops cannot just walk up and take charge anymore, they have to wait for backup, then use a PA system and have all the occupants of the car perform a sick dance ending up with presumed innocent people laying face down on broiling pavement for as long as the cops choose..then yanked up and grilled as if under some brutal backwater dictatorship...and all in virtually all American cities.

Shoot first, explain later...thats cops today. They know that all their buddies will back up his story no matter what, and that no problems will result...cover ups are common. No matter that the suspect sought didn't have any connection to the place assaulted by the thug matter.

" Bad info? too bad..get a new dog and quit whining...we have a bad guy to catch and we will run roughshod over every last citizen until we catch get used to it". Thanks officer, we will remember that when time for payback comes..we will remember well.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:14 PM
From your link

Tonka was on the porch when officers approached the residence. According to Nishiyama, the homeowner was inside the home and the dog charged down the stairs, barking and snarling at the officer, who fired in self-defense. All three dogs then took off into the home.

I don't see any mention of there not being a "fenced porch" as the owner has stated.

Did you read something there I did not?

If the officer came on private party and killed a family pet through a "porch fence" or "yard fence", my opinion is that is wrong.

If those dogs had free reign and were able run down the stairs and onto the porch and into the street and attacked someone (like a police officer), I will agree, I don't have an issue with the police officer shooting the dog in self defense.

I do think it is wrong if the dog ran out and started licking the officer though.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
reply to post by TonyClifton

She says the god was fenced... the police says not. I believe the police.

Because the police never lie right?

I know someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time - police are in the area with K-9 unit and he is told to get on the ground. He is fully compliant and after laying face down on the ground they send the dog over to chew on his arm and the cops are laughing about it... He is taken to the hospital to get patched up, detained but no charges are filed. Now his arm has scars and he has a $1000 hospital bill to boot... He did nothing wrong and and the officer had no repercussions. You can bet if this wasn't a police dog he would have fought back and not suffered nearly as much injury and and could have probably not had to go to the hospital.

I deal with dogs all the time, and my current puppy is about 110lbs (left). If a dog were aggressively coming after me, I would probably get bit, but it wouldn't kill me. Kick it, crack it on the head with the butt of your gun, pepper spray/mace, no need to shot it. It really isn't that hard to get a dog to back off. Not to mention that most of the time when SWAT is invading your house they are going to be in full gear further reducing the possible injury. the police are much to quick to use their firearms. I think they need to reassess in what situations they are allowed to shoot. And a single allegedly aggressive dog is not a danger to anyone's life when you have half a dozen or more armed & armored police...

I remember a case where they served a warrant on the Mayor of the town and shot both his dogs when they were running away. And of course the mayor was innocent.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by CommandoJoe]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:56 PM
I have never seen a dog that did not retreat if sprayed with a good dose of pepper spray.

Not to say it never happened but the cops when serving these warrants seem never to even try pepper spray they just shoot first and lie later.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:13 PM
From the article linked in the OP..

The dog owner says..

According to resident Anna White, Tonka's owner, the police shot her pet while it was in a fenced area on her front porch. "We found the shell casing outside by the fence area. Tonka then ran into our house, got onto my bed and died."

White described her bedroom following the search, claiming Tonka's body had been dumped from the bed onto the floor and items from her room dropped onto the body and into the dog's blood. "They destroyed our house and found nothing," says White. "Tonka lived long enough to die on my bed, which we shared each night."

The cops say..

Tonka was on the porch when officers approached the residence. According to Nishiyama, the homeowner was inside the home and the dog charged down the stairs, barking and snarling at the officer, who fired in self-defense. All three dogs then took off into the home.

Somebody is not telling the truth. It could be the cop, it could be homeowner. Unless we get a picture of the porch and where the shell casing was found we have no way of knowing who is telling the truth and who isn't.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
reply to post by TonyClifton

She says the dog was fenced... the police says not. I believe the police.

Fixed spelling

edit on by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

So the dog was shot in a fenced area, after it was shot it was able to open the gate and door, stagger into the bedroom open that door, collapse on the bed and died?
Right sure I will believe that.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Ah, Lady Skadi impresses again..

Originally posted by LadySkadi
reply to post by Miraj

Internet tough guy, huh?

I'm sure it would go down just as you state...

The reason that people say what they do is that is exactly what they would like to do, and if given a few minutes to think about it, would.

The problem is that anyone except a very select few, have a 5 to 15 second disadvantage as they are unable to process what is going on in that long amount of time.

I say long because 5 to 15 seconds is a very long time to be standing about when there is a threat attacking and knows what they are going to do while you are just trying to figure out what is going on before deciding what to do.


Now if anyone shot my Viking while he was just trying to protect "his" home, I would be very angry. But I have to be honest and say that I would probably be in too much shock at trying to figure it all out, to do anything about it at the time.

But I wouldn't let the death of an innocent dog go unpunished either....

there's too dam much killing, can't we at least cut down on the killing? as a previous poster pointed out, bear spray works wonders, and there isn't as much possibility of permanent damage when compared to a bullet..

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by tribewilder

You know, I understand the love for an animal. I understand the anger that comes with having that animal hurt through no fault of its own. I understand the feelings one would have of wanting someone to account for/pay for hurting something you love.

reply to post by Miraj

My apologies for the rude post. Feeling short on patience. Am a bit caffeine deprived, today.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
reply to post by TonyClifton

She says the dog was fenced... the police says not. I believe the police.

Fixed spelling

edit on by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

Why when she committed no crime and they found nothing in her home and her dog is dead do you assume that she is lying?

If the police accused you of something with no evidence to back it up should I believe the police by default?

Most police are good but they are still just people and people lie.

It's sad that you jump to automatic conclusions about who is more truthful based on nothing more than a uniform and a badge.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Dragonsbreaths

From what I read, the dog is on the porch (as was stated by the police). The porch is fenced (as the owner stated). The police shot the dog through the fenced porch (because it was barking and acting aggressive). The dog ran into the house, which I presume the front door to the house is open because the porch is fenced off. The dog (which was shot) ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed and died. During the "search" of the house, the police somehow moved the dog off the bed onto the floor. While going through the owners things, some of the owners stuff ended up on top of the dog which was then dead on the floor.

I don't see any indication of anyone lying, just a very tragic incident.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 08:41 PM
So quick to pull the trigger. Such weakness.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

How do you know their cops? All I see and hear is a bunch of guys kicking in my door with a lot of guns leaving me no way out where I can easily run away.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:30 PM
not that it will do anything but i emailed [email protected] the cheif of police voiceing my displeasure at his shoddy work and crappy training i do this every time a dog is killed i dobut it does anything but its still worth the effort so if your as angry as i am make sure to send them an email letting them know what you think of them just make sure to be angry but non threating and it also helps if you dont live in the state with them but its atleast good to beable to vent i got alot of firends in mendo and ill be telling each one of them to make sure this faccist bastard never gets relected

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:47 PM

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:02 PM
Whatever. I hope this world burns...

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Oreyeon]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Oreyeon
Whatever. I hope this world burns...

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Oreyeon]

I am glad I got to read your post before you edited it. I agree with you 110%.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by fixer1967

Originally posted by Oreyeon
Whatever. I hope this world burns...

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Oreyeon]

I am glad I got to read your post before you edited it. I agree with you 110%.

Ya, and I hope you and your mothers go first!

Sure, let it burn, that is much easier than taking a stand, putting in some work, making the right decisions, being bold and strong for what you believe. Taking some lumps because you refuse to compromise your integrity. Why make all that personal sacrifice when you could just pray for the death of billions so that you feel a little better about your own pathetic existence.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 11:12 AM
i wonder what they would do if they broke into my home and my little "attack" cat suddenly runs up to them and starts rubbing her face against their legs and purring? maybe they will shoot her for getting shed hair on their uniform?
but back on topic i'm not a dog person but i do enjoy them-just not the pet for me. not sure who is lying in this case.and to whomever said it i agree why didn't they just pepper spray it? all cops carry pepper spray or mace around here. or maybe just taze it like they do 80 year old women?

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

My mother is already dead. I hope the police break into you house and shoot up the place for no reason and lets see how you like it.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

Sorry to disappoint, but been there, done that. I have had one wonderful experience with a SWAT team surrounding my house, with air support and it turned out fine, except for the explanations to my neighbors for the following 6 months!

I've also been to jail plenty of times and had both good and bad experiences. I have had my wife stalked by a cop for an entire summer before he finally lost his job. I have had the occasion to fight with a cop, and I didn't even go to jail that day! I have waited in a police dormitory with three accused killers. I have also been let off on a theft charge when the detectives used good compassion and common sense to see that it was all a big misunderstanding.

The point here, is that even after all of that, I still have plenty of respect for the vast majority of police. I still have zero reason to let anybody, including a cop get away with killing a dog, when the cop is the aggressor and the dog is the defender. A dog would know better! If a rottweiler runs up on a minpin, the rottweiler will yield to the minpins territory. Dogs have more respect than bad cops!

The other point is that you wished for the death of billions of regular folks, whereas I only suggested that you go first. There is no doubt that mankind will go the way of the dinosaurs and cavemen......eventually. Something or somebody will replace us, but anybody that wishes to usher in the occurence is either a sociopath or a blowhard with low intelligence. Either way, the world will be better off if you go first.

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