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Angry flight attendant uses emergency inflatable slide for dramatic exit

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posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

I am puzzled by being charged with criminal trespass..

I alluded to this earlier.

Access to the ramp areas of an airport is restricted (with very few exceptions) to those that have the appropriate ID for that particular is sometimes referred to as the AOA (Airport Operations Areas). Sometimes the term "airside" for shorthand...varies.

Each airport is given some latitude by the govering bodies (FAA in the USA) and there is no national standard, at least in the U.S. They simply comply with all requirements.

Some airport jurisdictons are a bit more "severe" than others, a bit more strict.

Pilots, because they operate into so many different airports, are allowed (exempted) for areas that are considered the "shadow" of the airplane they are assigned to work, because they must have exterior access. Also, company offices and such, other side of security doors. All for the purposes of doing one's job.

Mechanics, fuelers....everyone even caterers, who are working at specific airports have to have their employee ID (issued by employer) AND the AOA badges too.

Steven Slater had only his JetBlue company badge (seen in the photos plastered all ove the newspapers, by now. REALLY, REALLY stupid, that!!! JetBlue will be smart to now re-design their badges...expensive, too).

Funny (true) story:

Pilots (talking the USA here) have to endure the occasional unannounced "checkride" by the FAA. These are the "Inspectors" who have to meet their quotas, for the airline they are assigned to monitor... often, they have been on personal travel, and then use this authority to "kill two birds", as it were...especially if it's crowded in the cabin, and they might have trouble getting a seat.

We don't like visits from the FAA...everyone knows the old joke...."Hi! I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help!"

Some of them are OK, but some are real pissants....looking for any infraction, no matter how minor. Some are just full of sour grapes...resentful; envious wannabe airline pilots....

Anyway, in Guam (a Territory, so the "same" as being in the States) the airport there is VERY strict. TO THE LETTER! I won't go into more details...but, the fun part is ---- there was this Fed, and he decided he wanted to follow the First Officer on the walkaround. The preflight.

(They are really sort of perfunctory, since the maintenance people do it too, especially more intense for long over-water flights. BUT, it's also a pilot's duty as well, and extra pair of eyes never hurt). part....this Fed, FAA guy? (Yeah...he was hitching a ride eastbound, to Honolulu --- and "working" on the way). Gets nailed by the Airport authorities for not having the AOA badge!!

Took him down a peg.....

[edit on 11 August 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I missed your earlier post. You're right, this makes sense.

Ps: your new avatar tricked me. I was looking for the cartoon

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by tristar
reply to post by Libertygal

Definitely a candidate to be on the watch list, as its a fine line between madness and insanity, btw, would it possible to tell me what are the majority of colors she or he wears to work ?

Navy blue. We have uniforms.

I agree about the fine line, and I think with some people, you can truly sense when it is about to become muddled.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 06:13 PM
Yea, this poor guy, just had enough. I don't know if I could have handled myself any better if I was hit in the head with a bag and the person didn't even bother to to apologize either. Should have had the air martial arrest her for assault.

I feel for him and have to say. EPIC way to quit a job!

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 06:39 PM
i saw this on the colbert report this guy said to the peson that called me a muthaf&*%$, f$%#^ you and then garbbed a beer used the emergency exit and then when he was arrested at his home we was having intercourse
this was just too funny

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by truth_of_truth

Its getting even better..take a look at the link..reminds of the lolz catz explosion.

edit: Oh yeah..was just about to view i love this colbert..makes me rofl every time i watch him. Although some boys at the Pentagon are not to happy with him at times.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by tristar]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Carseller4

....and....BOOM! goes the record time!!!

Didn't take long for a completely off-base, vile broad-brush attack on entire 'perceived' (and totally in the writer's mind) stereotype.

[sarcasm] What a surprise. [/sarcasm]

Let's replace the phrase "openly Gay" with any other phrase of your choosing, shall we?

Select an attribute that can be used to describe you, or someone close to you....OK...ready, go!!!

(Feel free to use your imaginations.....)

I think the whole gay deal is being downplayed.

How many of you have worked with an openly gay person and experienced a drama queen moment?

After you stop shaking your head up and down in agreement, just imagine these types of people serving openly in the military.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Carseller4

you are generalizing my freind is it safe to say that all hetero men are loud mouth that dont like to share there feelings, WAIT! lol i know what you women and homosexual men will say
but it is still buching all of them up in one basket

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:33 PM
Looks like no one wants to talk about the gay flight attendent having a drama queen moment any more?

Why is that?

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Carseller4

NOT all Gay people are "drama queens"!!!

Try getting over yourself, and your bises for a while...sheesh, it's 2010!! Not 1950!

One only has to watch modern popular media to see MANY examples of "drama" and acting out, by people of both genders, and from all walks of life.

Of course....I guess you think that every heterosexual military person (especially the "males"...'cuz, you know....they're "men"...) is a "saint"? That none of them EVER go off the "deep end"??

Wasn't it a long-time 'argument' that women should not be allowed to serve?? What reasons, again were given back then?.....

Wow! I don't think you are dealing in the same reality that most of the rest of us are.....

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Looks like no one wants to talk about the gay flight attendent having a drama queen moment any more?

Why is that?

Don't think he was gay, unless i mist something

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by truth_of_truth

LOL!! Stephen Colbert gets two
! Funniest ever!

"JetBlue balls"!!

Oh....good to have such a hearty laugh, for a change....

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by truth_of_truth

LOL!! Stephen Colbert gets two
! Funniest ever!

"JetBlue balls"!!

Oh....good to have such a hearty laugh, for a change....

Oh yes, he is a blast, also agree with that its good to laugh about things, sometimes its exactly what the doctor orders.

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