posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:24 AM
Interesting topic. As a new member I am searching for truth. Just like everyone else. I think the more you read the more you can read between the
lines. The more news you watch, the more you truly see what is going on. The more you see people experiencing the same thing the more you realize
it's probably happening, whatever it is. Not just on ATS but everywhere. Consider the below anology:
It starts with the small town news channel reporting on an investigation into a company everyone thought was shady. At first it was a conspiracy and
all those people who called in, wrote letters or sent emails may have been thought of as nut jobs, trying to get something for nothing or complainers
(conspiracy theorists). Then when the news team investigates it becomes a reality. The owner of the company probably said all those people are
paranoid and think this is a conspiracy, and then in the end after the news investigation the owners of the company go to jail for fraud or have to
reimburse people or write a formal apology. The difference is this is ATS and there are 2000 companies in my example in comparing this scenario to
ATS. There are thousands of conspirators, thousands of posts, emails, tags, stories, etc.
With technology we get information faster. We can find the truth to conspiracies through people's experiences, videos, stories, links, sources, etc.
I think once people start drinking from the firehose they only see the extra water that pours out all over the place and never get back to what was
there before they started drinking. If you take a step back and watch the mainstream media, read the mainstream magazines and newspapers and websites
or listen to the mainstream radio you then realize there is something else going on behind the scenes. So when they come back to ATS they are really
paranoid because it's so obvious based on the facts collected. No, not every plane is on a mission to thwart a terrorist attack, but I guarantee you
one of those lights in the sky is a drone, an aircraft on a mission that only a select few know about or a UFO of some type.
I will say though, that reading 50 people's comments about something in the sky one night, or a sound they all heard in the same part of the US, or
people stalking them in the same manners, or the news propaganda matching documents released by wikileaks or other websites like, you reallly start to wake up and realize that the conspiracy isn't on ATS its everywhere else that you're not hearing,
seeing or reading the information you find here.
Unlike most people on ATS I found the site after something happened to me vs. reading and then seeing a UFO or Bigfoot, etc.. Something was going on
that I needed answers to. I found ATS after the events took place via research on the internet. This led me to other information that helped me
understand what was doing on and why. In the beginning in my mind it was a conspiracy and I was paranoid. Now I know the truth and I'm really
paranoid. Maybe this is the case with a lot of people here on ATS?
My two cents. Thanks,