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Underground tunneling: don't let the facts get in the way of your theories

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posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 02:24 AM
There are numerous threads about secret underground tunnels on ATS. As luck would have it, they are building a new bore in the Caldecot tunnel (San Francisco bay area route 24). Let's look at the facts. The new bore is 3389ft in length. The tunnel portion of the project will take at least 3 years with two bore machines approaching from both ends. Cost is $420 million. Remember, this is 3 years for far less for a mile.

The point is look at how long it takes to build a tunnel IN THE OPEN. Imagine if you have to tunnel in secret. Noise and off-haul is hard to hide.

This tunnel is in a mountain, which makes the job easier since the mountain earth is more stable than what you find underground.

new bore

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 02:26 AM
Yes. But you're talking about underground tunnels.
If you dig the tunnels above ground...

never mind.
Time for bed.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Phage
Yes. But you're talking about underground tunnels.
If you dig the tunnels above ground...

never mind.
Time for bed.

Okay the only thing that I can think of is, secret tunnels are well secret and they really have to bust a move to get them done.

When done out in the open, they can take longer and suck more money and hit road blocks. Secret tunnels, someones head is on the block.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by gariac

Well if you believe all the conspiracy theories then you'd know TPTB have incredibly powerfull lasers that just melt through the earth..

Joking aside, I do know from a friend (who's dad is very big in construction) that when they built tunnels under a river here, there was a lot more dirt coming out than should have...
You'd be silly to believe the Goverment wouldn't use the chance to build a bunker or such.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 03:15 AM
I think the idea is that they have super secret nuclear powered tunnel machines that can tunnel much faster then your typical road crew tunneler. I don't know if it's true or not, but heres a thread about it from a few years ago. Page 2 has a post with patents by the government.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 05:59 AM
Always let the facts destroy the theories

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Chillimac

Power isn't the issue with these machines, so why would a nuclear powered drilling machine go faster than a normal one?

Did you know Ford developed an idea to use a nuclear reactor to power a car back in the (I think) 50's?

Same as NASA devising a plan to launch a nuke at the moon.

Just because someone has an idea or a patent doesn't mean it exists.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:47 AM
Hi Gariac,

I couldn't agree more! Closer to my home we have the Channel Tunnel. At the time it cost over £5 Billion to build, equivalent to £10 Billion today, that's nearly $16 Billion!! Now I know the black budget is big....but seriously!

Having said that, the tunnels are the only place the elite can go to avoid all the they must be there! :-)



posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by gariac
There are numerous threads about secret underground tunnels on ATS. As luck would have it, they are building a new bore in the Caldecot tunnel (San Francisco bay area route 24). Let's look at the facts. The new bore is 3389ft in length. The tunnel portion of the project will take at least 3 years with two bore machines approaching from both ends. Cost is $420 million. Remember, this is 3 years for far less for a mile.

The point is look at how long it takes to build a tunnel IN THE OPEN. Imagine if you have to tunnel in secret. Noise and off-haul is hard to hide.

This tunnel is in a mountain, which makes the job easier since the mountain earth is more stable than what you find underground.
new bore

Do you think someone dug that wormhole on the moon or was it a natural formation?
Sort of a bubble escaping and leaving a long narrow hole down into the surface. Like the holes left in bread after it bakes.

The moon may be a harsh mistress, but lately she has been giving up her secrets. Scientists have spotted a deep hole in the lunar surface that goes at least 260 feet down and is believed to open into an underground tunnel more than 1,200 feet wide. The discovery is powerful evidence for long, winding tunnels carved by lava beneath the lunar surface. Such tunnels, whose existence has long been hypothesized, could provide shelter for future astronauts or colonists against the harsh radiation and surface temperatures on the moon. Previous signs of such tunnels only existed as surface features called rilles, which hinted at hollow lava tubes below. Researchers only found the hole by poring through images taken by Japan's deceased Kaguya lunar probe.

I guess my point is, there are already a lot of tunnels in the earth which formed naturally. If you mapped them and wanted to connect these you might go so deep to drill where no one would hear.
And what is going on down there and, why does a large portion of earth under Arizona hum?

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:37 PM
Let's say they have nuclear power and expletive deleted lasers on porpoises to melt the rock. Well, the rock still cools, so removal is still an issue. Now if they vaporized the rock...oh never mind.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:30 PM
I have drilled tunnels and its no easy feat to do.

I have done it the old way drilling and blasting then mucking by hand,
mucking by air powered muckers and rubber tired muckers. gold mining projects.

I have also worked with TBMs on the superconducting super collider project in Texas.

I always laugh at the stories of major secret tunnel system crossing the US.

No mater how you dig a tunnel the volume of dirt is always 1/3 more then the volume of the tunnel.
A tunnel running across the US would leave a large mountain of of waste rock that would be imposable to hide.

If you used lasers the toxic gas cloud would be at least 100,000 times the volume of the rock removed. And yes when you vaporize rock the gasses wound be toxic

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by ANNED

I guess the dirt you haul out is fluffed (for lack of a better word) compared to how it was compacted by nature, which would explain the difference in volume.

I knew about the Texas collider, but didn't know it was canceled due to the ISS. What a boneheaded mistake that was.

Not to stray too much off the topic of tunnels, but I've met a few programmers over the years for these high energy labs. An interesting factoid is that they use a special open source version of linux:
CERN linux
At one point it was called High Energy Physics Linux, which ranks high on the geek meter for me.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:46 AM
The covert powers that be are certainly digging very long tunnels, even if they aren't to the extent that some claim them to be. Look at the pine gap escape tunnel for instance. It's more than a mile away from the main facility. Yucca Mountain, Green Brier, NORAD, etc.. Deep black can and does dig major tunnels with complete secrecy. Speaking of tunnels, I have discovered what looks to be a tunnel in the vicinity of Area 51. Judging by the large piles of dirt adjacent to the tunnels I theorize that this is a construction entrance for the Area 51 underground facilities.

Google map image of tunnels

I couldn't find discussion of this on the website so sorry if it's a repost.

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