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how do the masons here on ats feel about the NWO?

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posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by dontreally

Here is a little information about them.

It is an apendant body much like the shrine. It's philanthropy is helping children's Muscular Dystrophy. Sometimes a name is just a name.

And sometimes a name is not just a name, but succinctly contains the entire ethos/nature of what that body is all about.

Bohemian "Grove" . Behema means 'animal' in Hebrew. And as we know, attendees to bohemian grove go all animal like during their midsummer getaway. dionysian rites, homosexuality, drinking the blood of animals, and who knows what else.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:20 AM
And is it not possible that they give to charity AND engage in this sort of behavior?

Is the former supposed to atone for the latter?

I wouldnt be surprised to find out they 'give' to charity as a way to mislead people about the nature of the order. where do they get the money for this donation? Do they bake cookies? Where does this funding come from, if not from the crooked and corrupt business ventures that im sure many masons are involved in.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
And is it not possible that they give to charity AND engage in this sort of behavior?

Is the former supposed to atone for the latter?

I wouldnt be surprised to find out they 'give' to charity as a way to mislead people about the nature of the order. where do they get the money for this donation? Do they bake cookies? Where does this funding come from, if not from the crooked and corrupt business ventures that im sure many masons are involved in.

I dont think this is even worth trying to respond too. You have a twisted look at what Freemasonry is about.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by dontreally

From reading your long posts, you're religiously intolerant on the verge (if not there already) of extremism. You were rejected and now you found some other venue, but instead of growing, you're playing the "my beliefs are right, yours are wrong".

You say you're tolerant of religions as long as they follow your strict requirements? That seems contradictory.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:15 PM
On further consideration "dontreally", the word fundamentalist was NOT the accurate word I should have used to describe you, and I apologize. What I should have said was "extremist". You say Torah is the only way, and it does have worthy tenets. But when you say it is the ONLY way, that becomes alarming. You were denied membership into a fraternity that exists partly as a response to this type of thinking. As I said, many tenets are palatable. So go have a Torah party,parade, barbecue picnic , fireworks, mutual admiration session, and a grand old bigass Torah celebration. Thats fine, knock your bad self out. Enjoy ! But it seems that most here dont care as we have our own beliefs thankyouverymuch.
Can we now get back to the original topic of the post?

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 10:41 PM
Reality check. Reality check. Reality check.

The Tall Cedars of Lebanon have their name because the basic mythos of Blue Lodge, or Craft Masonry, deals with the construction of the first Temple, that is to say the Temple built by Solomon. In the construction of that Temple, Lebanon contributed the timber in the form of... oh, yeah, you guessed it, tall (meaning old, large, very nice) cedars. This wood was valued both for its practicality (it was bug-resistant and tended to last a long time) and its aromatic qualities.

So, there you go.

No need to pull out the giant book of Gematria. I doubt that the creators of this organization, which is basically a dinner club, bothered with anything of the sort.

Some Masonic organizations have rituals of great and profound meaning with complex layers of influences that can take a lifetime to untangle. And some are just fun organizations for some fellowship and charity work. The Tall Cedars fall into the later category.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by dontreally

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by dontreally

Here is a little information about them.

It is an apendant body much like the shrine. It's philanthropy is helping children's Muscular Dystrophy. Sometimes a name is just a name.

And sometimes a name is not just a name, but succinctly contains the entire ethos/nature of what that body is all about.

Bohemian "Grove" . Behema means 'animal' in Hebrew. And as we know, attendees to bohemian grove go all animal like during their midsummer getaway. dionysian rites, homosexuality, drinking the blood of animals, and who knows what else.

and all that is wonderful and exciting, but the grove is not masonic at all. It may have some members who are masons, but it's not masonic. And I don't think they hump each other and drink animal blood either. That is the kind of stuff rabid fundamentalists would come up with. While they were trying to claim they want to be like Jesus.

It's OK to fear what you don't understand, but don't spread lies about it too, it makes you look like a cheap hooker. Don't be that guy.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 07:56 AM
Im sure every Mason feels different towards the ideas of the "nwo." I think the world would be a much more peaceful place with only one religion, or none. I believe that a one world government would also lead to less war and more peace. I also feel the earth would be better off with less people. An alternative would be that all the world come to share Masonic ideals, such as tolerance for all religions, fellowship, charity. etc.......but I truly doubt that will ever happen.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by aMason
Im sure every Mason feels different towards the ideas of the "nwo." I think the world would be a much more peaceful place with only one religion, or none. I believe that a one world government would also lead to less war and more peace. I also feel the earth would be better off with less people. An alternative would be that all the world come to share Masonic ideals, such as tolerance for all religions, fellowship, charity. etc.......but I truly doubt that will ever happen.

Your argument is sound, but the problem is the humans involved. I am a big fan of Socialism and Communism if it is done the way the insects do it, but when humans get involved then you get corruption, and things are no longer equal.

A one world government could work, but it would have to be the perfect people in charge, and that never happens. Typically the ones that wind up in charge are the ones seeking power, influence, and personal greed. A one world government would be too much power for those types, and we would all suffer.

As for a one world religion, that can never work, because religion is based entirely on faith, no scientific proof is available. Therefore, the world religion would be putting all their eggs in one basket based entirely on a leap of faith. I don't think that is a good idea. Currently I believe Christians and Muslims are seeking to make their religion the one world religion, but I hope neither one succeeds.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by dontreally

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by dontreally

Here is a little information about them.

It is an apendant body much like the shrine. It's philanthropy is helping children's Muscular Dystrophy. Sometimes a name is just a name.

And sometimes a name is not just a name, but succinctly contains the entire ethos/nature of what that body is all about.

Bohemian "Grove" . Behema means 'animal' in Hebrew. And as we know, attendees to bohemian grove go all animal like during their midsummer getaway. dionysian rites, homosexuality, drinking the blood of animals, and who knows what else.

and all that is wonderful and exciting, but the grove is not masonic at all. It may have some members who are masons, but it's not masonic. And I don't think they hump each other and drink animal blood either. That is the kind of stuff rabid fundamentalists would come up with. While they were trying to claim they want to be like Jesus.

It's OK to fear what you don't understand, but don't spread lies about it too, it makes you look like a cheap hooker. Don't be that guy.

you dont think they hump each other? Have you seriously not read anything about bohemian grove? Even Nixon called it a 'god damn faggoty place'... Its well known that they hire only male workers. And its also well known that male prostitutes are hired for the mid summer getaway. All of this is heavily documented.

And aside from all this evidence, have you not read anything about paganism? Just because youre a 'freemason' does not give you superiority in your mystical knowledge; cause apparently its lacking here. Neo Platonism and Pythagorean philosophy doesnt shun homosexuality. Infact, any constraining morality based on human vperception is considered a 'sin' against ones natural instict; or the 'will of god'. Homosexualty has always been heavily practices, hence why the greeks were so fond and so known for it! It wasnt just the greeks either. The persians, indians, and pagans of north african and the middle east did it aswell. Dionysian rites were all about engaging the lower animal nature, and that was often realized in a sensual display for ones own manly nature; expressed in acts of homosexual rapture. Blood letting also is not abnormal in these environments, or blood drinking. They both incite a shift in consciousnes that adds to the rapture of the lower animal drives.

All of this is true and MOST people with an understanding of this subject will attest to that. Others either know and are playing stupid. Why, i dont know. If they believe its morally justifiable what do they have to be embarrassed or guilty of? most people here are masons anyways. If you believe in the libertine pagan ethos, than you should be indifferent to what a moral 'brute' and simpleton like me has to think.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Names can mean something or are meant to convey a certain aura, but sometimes, a name, is just a name.

reply to post by dontreally

Well, you can "believe without a shadow of a doubt that masonry is used to conceal the activities of the 'illuminati'" all you want, but without showing any proof of it means nothing.

I don't care about the Bohemian Grove because they don't affect me as its a group of men going in the woods and doing God knows what. What someone does on their personal time is not my business. I'm about keeping out of other's life - non intrusive (ie small government). I'm also about religious tolerance meaning I'm not going to force you into my faith.

Figuratively, sure, you'll still be dirty, but not literally...a shower will make you smell good when you use soap.

No, I'm pretty sure there is such things as the New Testament, but Jews don't follow it, Christians do. You're a born-again zealot of Judaism. That way of life is dangerous and leads to nothing good.

reply to post by dontreally

And its your choice to believe in orthodox Judaism. To say you're tolerant of religion if they follow your strict beliefs is like me saying, "I believe in free speech, but only if you say what I want you to say."

reply to post by dontreally

You are preaching intolerance as you are against anything that doesn't follow you're sects line of thinking. You also are denying the validity of other Holy Books.

reply to post by dontreally

So what? This thread is about the Freemasons, not the Bohemian Grove.

[edit on 25-8-2010 by KSigMason]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Nephi1337

Thats just life in general buddy, nothing new there. There will always be good and bad in everything, its how you individually live your life not to prove to anyone else how good you are, but too be a good man because its the right thing too do. That goes for anyone Mason or not.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to
I am a MM as well as a member of another esoteric organization. I am writing on ATS for the first time but I am already excited about all the various topics. But speaking specifically about masonry, it is nothing more than a mystery system of degree's designed for the soul purpose of cultivating man to the level of divine man. Anything else is not masonry, or any other esoteric organization/fraternity for that matter. The only purpose of the mystery systems throughout history, and this goes back to the kingdoms of ancient northeast Africa and Mesopotamia, is to raise a man to the highest vibrational level he can achieve on earth. If anyone tells you different even if he is a mason he is not telling you the truth. post by dontreally


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by dontreally

until you have been to the grove and seen first hand, you will not know what goes on there. To think otherwise, is ignorant. Think of all the lies that are spread about any given topic, masonry in general. We are told that we eat babies, have blood rituals, sacrifice virgins, drink beer at lodge, all kinds of crazy lies. It would be impossible to take regular people and throw them into a crazy situation and expect them to keep it a secret. Common sense shows that someone has an agenda and they will do whatever it takes to further that agenda. People don't know what happens at the grove because it's secret. I haven't been there, so I don't know. But I won't go spreading rumors about things I don't know about. I can tell you all about masonry in the blue lodge and the Scottish Rite. I can tell you all about computer repair and networking, and I can tell you about making and drinking beer. I can't tell you how to fly the space shuttle, or what goes on at the grove.

If we are to deny ignorance, then the only way to do that is to only provide the truth. the truth comes from first hand information. Anything else is rumor and innuendo. Or proliferating ignorance. I will do my part, will you?

[edit on 26-8-2010 by network dude]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:11 PM
sorry posted under the wrong accoun damn peopel at work not logging off.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by FreeSpeaker]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
Have any of the posters who think all masons are evil actually been to a lodge? It just seems odd to me that these conspiracy theories keep going and going, when it is so easy to get inside the lodge and join. I somewhat understand, since I too read all these silly theories when I first got into conspiracy theories. I am sure there are still rogue lodges, like P2 in the '80s, but to say all masons are evil is kinda silly.

Why in Heavens name would I want to go into some place that worships Lucifer, here is the beginning of just how evil the Shriners or freemasons are!

Those sites are trash and people opinions don't count as truth you misguided ignoranmass....

I think maybe before you open your mouth and put your foot in it join a masonic lodge its costs 100-300 bucks and learn how dumb you really sound...

IF all you spew is nonsense from what you read I would say you have no expeirence in life that has anything to do with Free Mason did you know there are only 3 degrees not 33 or 90 or 60 as some may think the other names and degrees are not actual desgrees but rites of passage just another way to learn about yourself and others nothing more there is no sinister things happening in lodges but how ever there are warped individuals that think as individuals and being a mason doesnt funk there flow their up bringing does and the way they were loved and raised so before you start spewing non sense and posting stupid links to warped individuals sites, learn for yourself and the only way to do it is join a lodge until you do that keep your ranting to your own brain, bacuase no one cares execpt me

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