posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 10:59 AM
It is not only Matt Simmons that seems to have been silenced... But another gentleman named Lindsay Williams, author of "The NON-oil crisis". He
was a pastor on seven camps for the AlYeska pipeline. he was granted executive privileges by the consortium due to his perceived value to the
operation and the counseling fees and associated personnel "downtime" costs he saved them by virtue of his ministry there.
Lindsay sat on the board meetings for years, took meticulous notes and wrote a book with no bibliography (use of anyone elses material). His info has
been verified via interview.
He has been silent for over a month when the last time I heard him was he gave a radio interview on Rense... begging, pleading with folks to move out
of the region due to the (according to his source) ultra-high pressures involved.... he claimed that this deal (the well / voilcano) was unstoppable
and that they knew it.
Now we see that there are two wells-- the original proposal says so and they seem to be about 2500' apart. (assuming the Lamber coordinates represent
feet as the unit of measure from reference)
My point is that Lindsay has been oddly quiet too...
Was he misinformed deliberately to leak disinfo? or has he taken a step too far and is now under threat again... He says this happened once before to
him and he took his family 'underground' for a while when that threat appeared before.