posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 04:53 PM
This whole scenario seems familiar to me somehow......
I have read about it somewhere, but where was that.
Let see, enough power to destroy most of the earth
wars and rumors of wars
strange talk of happening in the heavens
A new star (created by man) a tribute to the wtc.
the tower of babyl (elevator to the heavens)
strange new illnesses, that we cant fix
ice age
global warming
technology so fast we cant keep up
But that can't be right. How could the bible possibly explain this.
Lets keep believing that we are in control. Whew... I feel better.
I was begining to think the bible might be true.
Im glad we are smarter than to believe something so stupid.
There will never be ww3. We wont nuke each other. And surely
people wont die for their beliefs.
Well gotta go. Heading up to wal-mart, then to mcdonalds and maybe get a movie or two. See, every thing is just the way we want it.