posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 11:50 PM
Okay so im sitting on the couch watching a show called Paranormal Files: Fact or Faked. It was a particular episode where they were investigating a
UFO sighting. I then hear my sons grandmother in the kitchen yell "Its all fake. Idiots these days will believe in anything", her knowing full well
that I believe in aliens and take an interest in reading about them.
So I just brushed it off, as annoying as it was. Then she goes to sit down and eat and the television says "So is it fact? or faked?" and there she
goes again "Fake. Its all fake."
I just cant stand when people do this. Its like if you dont believe in it, thats fine, but dont sit there while im trying to watching a show and
ramble on and on about it.
I dont have a problem with people not believe, but its the people who dont even do there research or never has read anything about it, and watch judge
judy all day, that I do mind making rude comments about it and things that I believe in.
Does ANYONE else know anybody who does this?
Makes me want to punch a wall! :bnghd: