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[HOAX]Disclosure!! (The Day of Declaration)[HOAX]

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posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Spirit777

Originally posted by Anam Gra
Ok Maitreya, you've piqued my interest, Im assuming you mean that you are being channelled by Antonio?? is that right? Tell us more practical things then, how will this change effect us, how can we prepare physically?? What about our current physical environment, how will that be affected??? You a friend of Seth??

That is correct.

This change will affect you and all others around you through a process of self realisation.

A metaphysical change will be felt throughout humanity. It will awaken you to that which is necessary at this particular junction of humanity's evolution.

You can prepare through acceptance.

Our current physical environment has begun to self heal through protection first.

Seth is another name for Lucifer. Lucifer is half of who we are, yes.
God is the other half of who we are.

Good and bad. Yin and Yang.

They are all friends and tools that teach us to evolve.

Peace and blessings.

Thank you for your reply, and for the record they were sincere questions, ie from a similar attitude as Tripple-helix. The Seth I spoke of was 'Jane Roberts' Seth, not Lucifer, but I take your point. Do you mean then that we are to lose our physicality..and on to the 5th or 5th dimension??

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:55 AM
*yawn* we are....waiting.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by umigo
If your so loving why are you surrounding yourself with symbolism of the dark people. Look at your avatar, you must be the snake

The snake exists dormant in each of us. There is no escaping this.

The dark people you speak of, the occultists are our brothers and sisters.
Those that have helped create a world for my emergence.

They are very misunderstood by the majority of humanity.

We often fear that which we do not overstand.

This is not to say the snake, the serpent, Lucifer, the devil are bad or evil.
Humanity is bad and evil, as well as it is good and loving.

Negative and positive are polarities we each live with.

They are tools which help us experience extremes.

When we have cycled and spiralled through these extremes enough we move beyond them but not first without attaining inner balance.

Signs and symbols are the language of the gods of the earth.

They are used for those of us who are more esoteric in nature.
They are used to reassure the sensitive visionaries that exist alongside us today and that have existed alongside us throughout our physical experience on this plane.

Peace and blessings

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by hans kammler
spirit 777 is harmless, he is not the voice of maitreya... hes a very naughty boy !

couldnt resist it.

seroiuosly, i have a friend that was sectioned, and put in a hospital for mental health issues, he has paranoid schizophrhenia, and has it to this day.
he has completley changed, very spiritual now, has even said the exact same things that spirit777 says.
its very common for people with paranoid shizophrenia to get into new age religion, spirituality, numerology etc.
i know this because i wanted to help my friend, and researched his condition.
i am certain that spirit777 is afflicted with the same condition, and as such dont go too hard on the guy, he cant help it, and really does believe the things he is saying.doesnt mean he is right though.
remember there ar lot of mentally damaged people in this world, and its not usually outwardly visible.

[edit on 9-8-2010 by hans kammler]

Hold on a second..are you equipped to make a clinical diagnosis from Spirit's postings?? Pop psychology....or psychiatry, come to that, is a very dangerous occupation, regardless of the bizarre nature of what is being said.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:57 AM
I have a few more questions. Was the name Maitreya taken on ATS? How come you have a name that suggests loads of other people thought of it before you?

Mods can we please get Spirit777 the ATS alias Maiteya?

I mean who else would have it really? Probably some crazy guy who thinks he's Maitreya... I say we take the alias Maitreya off the crazy guy, and give it to the real Maitreya Spirit777!

Who's with me?

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:58 AM
I have got to say i take umbrage at being mucked about by a bored poster who is just 'airing his fads'.

I tuned into the thread for the all important disclosure and instead i am served up this semi-coherent babble.

Yes im sure it is all perfectly harmless but you are a time-thief who has stolen 10 minutes of my time which i shall never get back.

Thanks a bundle space-brother.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:58 AM
Well this is my first ever post on this site. I have been looking through this site for many years...not all in one go lol, i mean ive visted and looked about but never signed up.

This thread is a load of rubbish
Its now nearly 1pm GMT ( im in essex ) and ive not seen anything.

Like someone previously said...theres plenty of fakers, hoaxers, mentally ill people posting here on these boards that believe far weirder things than the guy who posted this.

Any one can sit there and make up lies its really easy
I think the poster should go see someone at Whipps Cross Hospital for some mental health checks....i dont want to sound rude but sometimes its for the best.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by justjoemusic
well... You said between 10am-11am "someone" will give disclosure in this thread!! well its now 12:07pm and NO disclosure about anything... oh actually yes, I think we have all disclosed that this is all complete bunk.....

I have disclosed to you that I am the avatar that our space brothers will communicate to the world through. I have disclosed that the 4 spaceships around the earth will be coming into close proximity relatively soon.

If you are not moved it is because you are no open to this truth.

In time you will be

Peace and blessings.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

The name was taken,along with "lord maitreya" and even "marylin maitreya"(I like that one
Type Maitreya in at the n=bottom of this page:

[edit on 9/8/2010 by Silcone Synapse]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Spirit777

So some guy off ATS has been given these magical powers to communicate with aliens lol.

You have become very vague about the time frame in which these "crafts" will be visible. At first you made out they would be visible as of 11am your saying you dont know when and will be sometime in the future.....

fake, Hoax...zzzzzz

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

To be honest, its all good so far!! Positive and soul enhancing! Personally, Id like to hear some more, sure the craic's good!!

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:01 AM
This is what makes ATS look bad. Many people come on this site to get enlightened and people like this need to have their accounts banned for false classification. You don't play with people's minds; that's a fool's game.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty

Originally posted by Spirit777
What is flawed about the message i convey to you?

The fact that you were exactly 1 minute too late?

The fact that you didn't 'predict' the person who would post here would be you?

The fact that the message says nothing whatsoever?

Piece and jam.


I was early.

I am separate from Antonio.

It says everything and nothing

Peace and blessings.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Spirit777
If you are not moved it is because you are no open to this truth.

Yeah jeez man, your totally "no" open to the truth.
Awk cute, look at the fancy higher being make spelling mistakes, guess he's not used to his physical form.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Vesica
Disclosure!! Finally, im so happy.

If you are sincere then that is good for you.

If you are not then that is not good for you.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Spirit777
Just be.

Just be writing more than one liners.

Second line.


posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Spirit777
I was early.

I am separate from Antonio.

It says everything and nothing

Peace and blessings.

So far i've come to the idea that you have placed yourself (an alien soul) in "antonios" body and that you are going to use him to speak through. The reason for not knowing anything in your old threads is because you are not antonio, just using him; as if you have just walked into his body.

I think i've heard that one before.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Chad as much as i agree with you, This guy may be telling the truth about the stars being spaceships. I thought this last night after a very brief experience were i swear i saw a flash from the star. But i couldnt be sure.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by MrGummyPants

There's nothing to be confused about. Spirit777 is, for lack a better way to put it, gathering info on the public via this forum- their attitudes to beliefs about aliens. To dismiss the OP as being crazy or inconsistent is irrelevant.

This S*** is NO JOKE. The elites are crafting the messages they will be employing on us via more "respectable" channels.

What he wrote yesterday, the fake breaking news of the speech about Obama calling for a NWO, is probably what we will indeed hear soon enough. Probably around Christmas 2012. 2012 is the biggest social engineering experiment ever to grace the world.

Ain't that right, Spirit?

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 07:06 AM
I can only speak for myself, and I for one choose not to cast a stone. I really don't think it is so important of the "who" is sharing this "message", but the message itself, which is pretty obvious a lot of folks are missing here just from their responses. Who cares it may be some guy sniffing bus fumes in London somewhere? You can't deny the fact, that if you know right from wrong in your heart, the message is clear.

I am far from being a religious person, I prefer to talk to trees and watch the wildlife around me. That is my church. I do know though, the last person with the same message that did show proof, ended up on a cross. Actually it seems a lot of people down through history have had a rough way to go trying to just share the fact that love is the key.

I know there are a lot of us that can wrap their minds around the fact that we are all one. So, if this is indeed the case, is not this fellow a aspect of us? One aspect trying to remind us what it Should be all about?

Just sitting here thinking about it, I think the only ones that got away with spreading a simple message which is basically the same ,was the Beatles, and even they sang, "All You Need is Love." Ok, maybe more have sang the same type of tune, that's not really important either. It still boils down to the message.

Recall if you will the old cliche', "Don't shoot me, I am just the messenger."

As far as the N,E,S,W, I think there is some truth to that as well. Even folks on here have been discussing the "Unusual Stars" they have been seeing lately. Even I posted awhile back I saw one "Move" across the sky and it was very startling to say the least. I KNOW what I saw, and I know others here know that feeling.

Like someone mentioned earlier, if the message of this post touches someone in a good way, or resonates with them well to becoming a better person, then that's a good thing and you can't deny it, and that is something ATS is about I think. Opening eyes to the Good the Bad the Ugly.

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