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[HOAX]Disclosure!! (The Day of Declaration)[HOAX]

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posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by justjoemusic
My guess, through my specific channels are....

this is some student on his summer holidays bored so thought he would come on here and play a game to see how quickly he can get his thread on the main page of ATS!

I am not what you think I am. I do not come here to play games.
I do not come here for fame or for acknowledgement.

I have no need or desire of acceptance. I am already accepted by the healing love energy i live within, that exists within and without.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:35 AM
Threads like this should be banned. Their only purpose is for the creators of these threads to get their jollies.

I have some disclosure for you.....

Find a new hobby.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:35 AM

Just Throwing This Out In The Water... Could the BP oil spill still be gushing into the ocean for the purpose of testing the peoples resolve. I mean it is our planet they are fu**ing up really isnt it? Yet we do absoloutly nothing. Perfect for testing the waters if they were wishing to bring in the new world order but werent sure if we would have a revolution or not. See how far they could push us before we react and what not... Like the post title says....just throwing this one out there. - Spirit777

Just Throwing This Out In The Water...

No offense but I think there's more than one thread just being thrown out there. You might have much to say and share but there's certainly no need for the drama. In my opinion you don't seem to be "gifted" with more than most. I do suspect we will see and soon.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by 21st century man

I'll grab the Popcorn mate, you grab us some lawn chairs!!

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:38 AM
I can tell that OP has just finished reading all the posts from Hidden_Hand ( He's probably delved into the Ra material as well. OP, if you're truly trying to operate under service to others, you should probably offer more valuable information than the basic principles that you have stated. The Law of One that you reiterate has been known for thousands upon thousands of years; merely stating what the law is will not help mankind gravitate towards a positive polarity. You must become a teacher, not a mouth. Show the way instead of simply verbalizing what the way is. That's like you coming on here and saying "math is 2+2" instead of saying "2+2 is 4." Despite this, I appreciate your being, and see that you are genuinely trying to help, even if your methods aren't very effective.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:38 AM

This thread looks similar to other few threads I have read before.

So I guess, we are heading to another dimension (or something like that), right?
And then, our main goal won't be individualism (as in this realm, dimension or whatever) but it will be a more group centered ideology, right?

Just wondering am I right..

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by xiuhtecuhtli

Originally posted by Spirit777

N,S,E,W of the earth’s north pole.

North from the north pole... How far north? Because you could make it all the way to the south pole. And south would be also south. Can't get my head around it. East and west can also mean south in the end, you just have to go far enough.
Damn aliens, hiding in the south pole, who would thought to look for them over there?

Patience will reveal all in time as they get closer to you, revealing, exactly where they are positioned.

There location is not important other than that they can be visible from the four corners of the earth.

What is important is their message to Humanity.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

Isn't that they guy who got banned from WOW while at work? LOL...

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:42 AM
what is the point of this thread ?

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:42 AM
spirit 777 is harmless, he is not the voice of maitreya... hes a very naughty boy !

couldnt resist it.

seroiuosly, i have a friend that was sectioned, and put in a hospital for mental health issues, he has paranoid schizophrhenia, and has it to this day.
he has completley changed, very spiritual now, has even said the exact same things that spirit777 says.
its very common for people with paranoid shizophrenia to get into new age religion, spirituality, numerology etc.
i know this because i wanted to help my friend, and researched his condition.
i am certain that spirit777 is afflicted with the same condition, and as such dont go too hard on the guy, he cant help it, and really does believe the things he is saying.doesnt mean he is right though.
remember there ar lot of mentally damaged people in this world, and its not usually outwardly visible.

[edit on 9-8-2010 by hans kammler]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Spirit777

I for one think it unlikely that you are playing a joke, and that leaves channeling as the possibility I lean toward. But I don't know for sure, I mean you could be a crazy dumb-ass or a punk-ass prankster.

I hope you are channeling and are right about disclosure because I am anxious to get this show on the road. There isn't much time.

[edit on 9-8-2010 by Student X]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:45 AM
Has anyone bothered looking at this guys other threads?

In this thread posted him he asks us ATS'ers whether we think UFO's are man-made. Then goes on to state that he himself is unsure whether they actually exist!!!

"I agree to a degree but then the worlds elite has planned and staged many fabrications of the truth. Why not the alien one too.

What if they do not exist but we are being made to believe to some degree that they do?

What if the visits are staged. All the lights in the sky, could this not be project blue beam bouncing images off the ionosphere?" -Spirit777

So hang on? he's questioning whether spaceships and such are staged yet claims that there are 4 positioned around earth? What the hell?

I mean someone states that they believe the govt made them and he says "Personally i am still divided. Unfortunatly it comes down to a matter of faith as the facts are simply not there to tip the scales one way or the other. "

How can he be divided? he is a feck'n higher being. I mean jeeeeez!

Honestly this guy opens a thread asking to debate Alien life, states within it his queries to why he himself is unsure whether to believe alien life, then goes ahead and opens another thread saying that he himself is in fact a higher being?? Lol i smell BS.

Would love a reply Spirit777 because no-ones believing you now. We're just sticking around to watch you crash and burn. You and your somehow "north of the north pole" positioned spaceships!


posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:46 AM
SO umm yea current GMT is about 1145 as I post where is my "Disclouser." Mods you need to kill this thread, there is not infomation we are going to get and this is just a tatic to gain flags and stars for the OP this is a waste of space on this website.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by Vicodin

Originally posted by Spirit777

Originally posted by Vicodin
Would love to see anything specific soon, like look there or try that, or even close your eyes and see whats happeing...

It is already happening.

You but only need accept.

Peace and blessings.

I need to accept everything, or something specific.
It is already happening means what? that we have been slaves since we was made ?

Please all this love and peace is great dont get me wrong, But getting into business is when ?

Just be.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Spirit777

Might aswell sit around to watch the show.

So, "Maitreya", are you some kind of walk-in or something?

What separates you and your story, you and you message, from every other "prophet" that we've had on ATS, and what makes you stand out? Show me and every other member on ATS that you're the "daddy" and maybe, people will believe.
In fact, maybe you don't even want to be separate from all the other stories, maybe you've got a card up your sleeve that links everything together, now that'd be impressive.

Here's a list of some of the "prophets", or "truthers" we have had:

My Experiences From 10 and up

Warnings From The Benevolents!

Many of you are actually aliens

The Truth Behind the Et Conspiracy

Window Of Opportunity

I don't want to sound hostile, but without using your vague riddles, please show us.

I've always wondered why so called enlightened ones use riddles, it really doesn't make sense.

PS, do you know who i am?

[edit on 9-8-2010 by OrionTri]

[edit on 9-8-2010 by OrionTri]

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by mattifikation
This Maitreya seems weak and ineffective. I move that we elect a new Maitreya immediately. I nominate that guy who had the 80 page thread about horse trainers.

What seems weak and ineffective to you?

Peace and blessings.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Spirit777

There location is not important other than that they can be visible from the four corners of the earth.

Worlds a sphere dude. No corners on our little planet. A higher being wouldn't make such a stupid metaphorical error.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Spirit777

Originally posted by xiuhtecuhtli

Originally posted by Spirit777

N,S,E,W of the earth’s north pole.

North from the north pole... How far north? Because you could make it all the way to the south pole. And south would be also south. Can't get my head around it. East and west can also mean south in the end, you just have to go far enough.
Damn aliens, hiding in the south pole, who would thought to look for them over there?

Patience will reveal all in time as they get closer to you, revealing, exactly where they are positioned.

There location is not important other than that they can be visible from the four corners of the earth.

What is important is their message to Humanity.

Peace and blessings.

You claim ultimate knowledge, but don't understand simple geometry? First you say the spaceships are located N,S,E,W of Earth. Then you change your story and say they are N,S,E,W of the North Pole.

Now the ultimate font of knowledge is backtracking - AGAIN - turning the statement into some sort of metaphorical reference to the four corners of the Earth.

No offense, seriously, but an educated 12 year old would have spoken with more eloquence regarding metaphors and geometry. Please, stop trying to convince others that you have ultimate knowledge. I don't know your motives, but you are talking as if you have severed your ties to reality. I'm honestly concerned. I HOPE this is a joke, because the only other explanation is that you are sick.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:50 AM
If spirit77 was this "maitreya" then wouldn't everyoneone be able to understand what s/he was writing,even if they did not read english???

Well my Indonesian buddy could not read the english you wrote...

And these ships...soon they will become "more visible" you they must be at least slightly visible now then-except no astronomers on the planet have been telling us of the ships arrival.

No telescopes have detected them.

Guess they must be outta phase with our dimension or something?

Sorry to sound like a cynic,but IMO Creme is either delusional,mad,a fraud or all of the above.

But then you would know Creme well as you have been communicating telepathically with him for decades...

Guess what folks?

Thats right-you do not need some kind of mythical "leader"(or any leader)to make your life better,more worthwhile-you can do that all by yourself...

This whole Leader worship crap has been going on for far too long already,and is perpetuated by "leaders" who seek to control your behaviour,thoughts,finances and lives.

Be your OWN leader.

SS out.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:51 AM
From the stance some moderators have taken in this thread it seems that they would want us to go out and post our silliest predictions and act holier then thou... alsko known as trolling.

Wasn't it decided that member predictions should reside in BTS?

Don't get me wrong, i like to read some of the better predictions that have thought and substance put into 'em. This thread however has none.

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