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Iran stoning case lawyer seeking asylum in Norway

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posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:23 PM

The lawyer defending a woman sentenced to death by stoning in Iran said on Sunday that he has applied for asylum in Norway,

The 31-year-old said he fled to Turkey last week after learning Iranian officials intended to arrest him.

Mostafaei maintained a blog that sparked a worldwide campaign to free his client, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who was convicted of adultery. In July, Iranian authorities said they would not carry out the stoning sentence for the time being, but the mother of two could still face execution by hanging for her conviction of adultery and other offenses.

I don't know what to say,

Hope he fairs well.

Courageous man,

Mostafaei — an outspoken lawyer who also has defended many juvenile offenders and political prisoners

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:32 PM
Iran: Man accused of homosexuality to be executed

An Islamic court convicted Hamidi of sodomy, although the victim admitted last month that he fabricated the claims because he was pressured by his family. In addition, the court did not present any evidence to substantiate the accusations against Hamidi, and his lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei, was absent from the hearing after being forced to flee due to his involvement in Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani's trial, who been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.

His attorney was, Mohammad Mostafaei,
So now this man will be executed?

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Wonder if it's possible for us to fully appreciate his courage ?

I hope he's able to find refuge in Norway or other nation, although he'd still feel the need to look over his shoulder constantly, most likely

I'll be honest and admit I just can't make sense of it. Islam permits it's male followers to marry four wives, doesn't it ?

Yet the wives are not permitted four husbands

So polygamy when practised by males is part of the belief system

And if one of the four wives is attracted to another man, it's a crime punishable by death and/or stoning, or both ?

I'm sorry, but somehow religion has to be phased out. We can't and won't progress, otherwise

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:47 PM
WELL GOD DAMMIT! bastards!

Handing out judgment in such cruel ways, it's unreal. The ignorance, the complete stupidity, what in the world is that justice department thinking?

As for the lawyer, i would never return to that country. I would leave and pray to any who is listening for eternal torment on those who conduct these awful ways of judgment.

WTF Europe, USA, Russia? Siege that god damned medieval #hole, and never allow a regime like that to ever return.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Iran: Man accused of homosexuality to be executed

Again, I'm sorry, but I'm not in a politically-correct or tolerant frame of mind at the moment, it being 3 a.m. here after a long day

I just don't have it in me to pander to the mindset evidenced in the last two news items

So PC be damned and here's what I think (I've been of the same opinion for a number of years, beginning before political correctness was foisted on the world like a mammoth, stinking gag:

Islam needs to get its head out of its groin. And fast

This atavistic and perverted obsession with all things genital and sexual is the hallmark of a backwards religion and mind-set

Poor man to be executed for his sexual preferences ... you won't see this and it very probably wouldn't be what you want to hear ... but go to your death and give thanks for the freedom from this insane world that death will provide you

If by the remotest chance you bump into Allah in the Afterlife -- spit in his eye and damn him to hell -- for not getting off his backside and sorting out his followers long ago.

I doubt you'll find him however. Hope you find something though -- something better than the human zoo from which death will release you

So go to your death with a smile. And try not to notice all those excited witnesses to your murder or the fact that most of them will be clutching their overheated genitals and breathing heavily as your spirit and body part company

That's it. My disgust is total. Sue me

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Dock9

So PC be damned and here's what I think (I've been of the same opinion for a number of years, beginning before political correctness was foisted on the world like a mammoth,

What was once a morally correct ideology as become a means of controlling the masses.
Think about it.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

What was once a morally correct ideology as become a means of controlling the masses.
Think about it.

I know

Something dies inside me every time I hear people pandering to what they believe is 'political correctness' and worse, as they attempt to intimidate others into compliance (in fora, discussion-boards and real life )

They're incapable, because of their fear (and it is fear, far more than it's well-intentioned) of conveying their genuine beliefs and opinions

And of course, when they continually switch-off their natural intelligence and sense of justice -- then those qualities atrophy and die

Then, people are merely lumps of meat - unthinking - their natural rudder (of discernment ) broken

They breed and break their offsprings' spontaneity

Will only take another generation or two and the world will be sleepwalking as it spouts nonsense as truth

From that point, it will be easy-peasy for the authorities to declare it 'illegal' for the terrified masses to mouth anything other than the garbage fed to them

There's a prime example of this already out there. A moment's thought and you'll realise which one I mean

Thank God I won't be around to hear the masses nodding and agreeing that the weather is 'fine' when it's actually grey and raining (a benign example) because there is NO way I will ever submit to being returned to this planet/dimension ever again. I've made up my mind. It will be my unceasing mantra as I take my last breaths

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 02:02 PM
Just another embarrassment for the human race.

I think we should all get together and create a new invisible man in the
sky to worship. One who is a little more ~up~ with the times. I mean
stoning is so "last millennium."

And with the coming global population crisis...I think we should leave
the homosexuals out of any punishments this time. Maybe even give them
some sort of special consideration, maybe a medal or something. I don't
know. Maybe their own book in the bible...the book of Bruce perhaps.
Just thinking out loud...

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Dock9

they attempt to intimidate others into compliance

Where do we go from here?

I will be gone but I can see the ramifications, the political correct masses will end up losing all their freedoms under oppressors they fought for,

unless, fill in the blanks.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by rival

I mean
stoning is so "last millennium."

Ha, that's funny,

What gets me is how we as a human race are still so barbaric, Some of the people that embrace these archaic laws are highly educated.

I wonder how the story will end.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 07:38 PM
According to CNN report, he slipped across the border to Turkey about the same time that his wife was picked up and detained (she says held hostage) by Iranian officials who claim she was part of harboring him. She was only recently released (two weeks in prison) and reunited with their daughter. According to her, her brother and father were also arrested. Their status is now in limbo (they were only released on bail) with a trial looming...

Not feeling the warm fuzzies for this lawyer who bailed on his family in order to save his own neck... Why did he not ensure they were safe, as well?

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 07:42 PM
Asylum granted.

So, he's safe and well in Norway and his wife is in Iran (with their daughter) facing trial.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
Asylum granted.

So, he's safe and well in Norway and his wife is in Iran (with their daughter) facing trial.

He's a legal professional, so forward planning ?

Having been granted asylum by Norway, he will now be able to bring his wife and hopefully other family to Norway also ?

He's not short on spine, we know that, or he wouldn't have fought the cause of those who supposedly committed the grave crime of believing what they did with their genitals was their own affair

Hope the Iranian lawyer succeeds in extricating his family from that cleric-ridden insane institution known currently as 'Iran' (although I will also oppose any attack upon Iran by that doubly-insane institution known as ' Israel & Its Lap-Dog the US ' )

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Dock9

Hope it was something that was taken into account. Granted, I've only read one article so far, but in the interview with the wife she says that she doesn't know if she will be banned from staying or is forbidden to leave Iran. She also says she expects it will be more than a year before she might see her husband again and that's if nothing goes wrong at the upcoming trial...

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

We should suspect he's in a far better position now (having been granted asylum by Norway) to fight his own family's case, than he would have been in Iran

As well, he's shown by example to millions of Iranians, that there's a slim possibility of escape from the steely-claws of insane Iranian clerics and their religious-laws

At the same time, the Scandinavian nations are infested now with fundamentalist Muslims who --- if things run par to course -- will probably declare it their religious duty to kill the Iranian lawyer

So he'll have to tread carefully, one step at a time

First, I hope he's able to use every international court at his disposal to fight the case of his immediate family

Step Two: God willing, as the muslims like to say, it would be nice if he could prevent the Iranians from murdering someone for their sexual bent, i.e., the man currently facing death on account of his homosexuality (not that a bit of homosexuality is repellent to the average muslim male, if accounts are to be believed ).

Then, if the good lawyer succeeds that far, perhaps Allah would be kind enough to keep him alive and well and out of the clutches of his murderous ex-countrymen, in order he can devote some time to dragging them a few inches up from the stone-age

Would be nice if Norway deported the Muslim contingent from its lands, too. Be a nice kick in the teeth for those inventers of 'multiculturalism' and just, too. For we see every day how Israel refuses to comply with the garbage edicts it's imposed (via its US and UK lap-dogs) ion the rest of the world

I liked Scandinavia the way it was -- prior to the tide of Middle-Easterners and hope that tide retracts soon

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