Recently I have been reading stories about a man named Emanuel Swedenborg.
But what really struck me about him was his supposed psychic powers. I would appreciate it if viewers would take the time to read through all of this
information I am about to post below, because there is some very fascinating stuff. And I rarely ever hear about it. Forgive me if this post seems a
little messy, I am collecting posts that were made in a thread on a different forum. This might seem a little link crazy, but all of these references
are needed
(The second paragraph here)
"In 1762 Swedenborg went into a trance and described the assassination of the Russian Tsar Peter III."
""When the news of Swedenborg's death reached John Wesley, the Methodist leader was in the neighborhood of Liverpool, visiting his friend Richard
Houghton, Esq., a pious gentleman who had been favorably impressed with Swedenborg's teachings and who exchanged letters on that subject with the
Rev. Thomas Hartley. Evidently Wesley's mind was then under a rather powerful influence working in Swedenborg's favor, for Houghton repeats a
significant comment that Wesley then made: "We may now burn all our books on theology. God has sent us a teacher from heaven, and in the doctrines of
Swedenborg we may learn all that is necessary for us to know."
In view of subsequent events one might almost take this extreme statement for sarcasm were it not for the fact that Mr. Houghton repeated it to a
friend of his to induce him to read the writings of the inspired Swede. The friend was the Rev. John Clowes, rector of St. John's, Manchester, whose
acceptance of Swedenborg was preceded by a supernatural experience.[761] (Appendix G.) Clowes later became a powerful leader in the spread of the new
The Liverpool incident must have occurred early in April, 1772, thus within six weeks after Wesley is said to have received Swedenborg's
extraordinary communication announcing the day of his death. Of course the man's actual death on the day predicted would have been a startling
argument in favor of his claims to supernatural knowledge. Shortly afterward, however, came an equally clear proof of another of Swedenborg's claims,
his assertion, namely, that miracles do not convince anyone.[762] For, as we shall see, Mr. Wesley was able to throw off all favorable influences as
soon as he found that Swedenborg's teachings militated against his inner convictions."
The story of Clowes' conversion is listed here under "Appendix G"
"Toward the end of February, 1772, Wesley was at a meeting with some of his ministers, among whom was the Rev. Samuel Smith. 60 During the meeting a
letter arrived for Wesley. He read it; his face registered surprise; he turned and read it to his ministers. As far as Mr. Smith could recall, the
contents were as follows:
"Sir-I have been informed in the spiritual world that you have a strong desire to converse with me; I shall be happy to see you if you will favor me
with a visit.
"I am, Sir, your humble Servant,
According to Mr. Smith, Wesley frankly acknowledged his desire to converse with Swedenborg, but said he had never mentioned it to anyone. He was about
to leave on a six months' tour of his churches, however, so he wrote Swedenborg, saying he would see him thereafter. Smith says he later learned that
Swedenborg wrote back, that the proposed visit would be too late, as he himself would go into the spiritual world the 29th of the next month.