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to Sue or to Poo

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by mattifikation

I think you have the wrong end of the poo stick here my friend, the thing that people are griping about is the double standards we are seeing here.

Yes if we go to the countries of their origin, then we would (on a large present age of time) adapt to their belief systems or traditions as we try to fit in, but as soon as they come to our countries of origin then they can sue us, complain and try to change our traditions to suit them here, and to force on us their beliefs and toilet traditions!

Can you imagine what would happen if a westerner tried to sue the government of an Islamic country about the toilets and that they should provide a specific toilet type to suit a Christian etc, we would be laughed out of court, banged up and beaten to a pulp, then be taken away for being an infidel, then who only knows after this,

Wee Mad Mental

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by flycatch
reply to post by mattifikation

Cool it. I have been to the middle east and used there bomb site. I adapted and did not wine. So shove it up your bun hole.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by flycatch]

Don't bark orders at me, tough guy. I don't care where you've been or where you've done your business, it's immature and insulting to have two pages of people laughing at another religion's culture.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:19 PM
Well they could always line the seat with tissue. That is always an alternative. And if a religion tells one how to poo, its gone way too far to not be considered a crime against humanity. And that is a general statement.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:21 PM
I'd like to see govt buildings in islamic countries make special sinks and toilets for we westerners.

I dont care to wash in a sink someone has had their feet in and I'd as soon dig a "cat hole" to take care of business somewhere by a tree.

These restrooms look disgusting.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by mattifikation
Let's all laugh and make fun of another culture's religious beliefs and traditions. Ha ha ha, you Muslims poop funny, you're doing it wrong! Ha ha ha ha, I can't believe you don't know how to sit on a toilet! You Muslim people should just get over your silly beliefs on proper ways to do things. And hey, while we're at it, let's all laugh at the Jews because they need kosher versions of everything, HA HA HA.

You people all make me sick. If you were in a strict Islamic country, you'd pitch a fit if they made you or your wife cover your face for being female but when they come here you expect them to just drop their traditions and beliefs in order to be less "weird" to you.

The lawsuit, that's not for me to decide. What has me fuming at you people is that you all think it's some big joke at the expense of Muslims because they have a different poop squat then you. Welcome back to fifth grade, I guess.

And we wonder why the world is so hateful and divided. Sheesh.

It starts with the toilets, but when will it stop? Next thing you know we will have someone suing a fashion line for not being 'muslim friendly', or suing a petshop because they sell dogs (which have a fatwa against them), or suing Woolworths because they sell pork right next to their other meat. You go to another country, you embrace the culture. If they want a special toilet they can build one in the privacy of their own home. Don't like it? Then GTFO!

I can just imagine it now, walking into a public restroom. You've got your Gents, Ladies, Disabled and now Squatters? Come on guys, its ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by mattifikation

Originally posted by flycatch
reply to post by mattifikation

Cool it. I have been to the middle east and used there bomb site. I adapted and did not wine. So shove it up your bun hole.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by flycatch]

Don't bark orders at me, tough guy. I don't care where you've been or where you've done your business, it's immature and insulting to have two pages of people laughing at another religion's culture.

Cool it with the snapping at people, as i have stated before people aren't scoffing at other religions it is the fact that we have to put up with this nonsense to start with, people always will laugh at toilet humour, you cannot get away from this fact. People will always have an opinion one way or another about this subject and it is best to allow a democratic and free method of sharing these opinions, we have that in this country.

there are benefits in both toilet systems however it is the double standard which is the issue, if we have a seated toilet they should use it at their comfort, and if they do want to stick to their religious beliefs that is upto them and should either hover or stand on the bowl, but be careful and make sure things are clean after usage, you will be advocating us in the west adding a water pipe so they can use this instead of paper, but the simple mater is when in rome, do as the romans do. We have not evolved our sanitary technologies to a standard method in the west to have someone from another country come and try to change us back to a less sanitary method of pooing just because they do not know / want to use a toilet like ours.

Also if this does get taken and passed by the PC brigade in the UK, do you know what is at stake with the results, firms and factories, council led facilities and hotels to name a very small few would have to put changes into place to allow the adaptations of standard toilets into squats, which would lead to segregation of races into different hotel rooms, office toilet bathrooms, work places etc, let alone the cost of these adaptations on businesses that are currently recovering from a recession.

Wee Mad Mental

[edit on 7/8/2010 by weemadmental]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:56 PM
There seems to be a lot of rules for where and when you can defecate within the Muslim faith, some are listed here but I can't see anything about only using squat toilets, if anything the link seems to suggest that Muslims are supposed to only defecate in an open field, so I would guess that it's more of a cultural rule then a religious one, and if so then I don't see why a business should go to extra expense to accommodate it.

I lived in Austria for a while and my girlfriends house had "normal" toilets but instead of you poo dropping straight down into water there was a kind of porcelain shelf where it stayed until you flushed, I never did get to the bottom of why that was, something to do with needing to inspect it for health reasons.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:16 PM
What happens if you loose your balance while you are squatting there. Yeck, what a disaster that must be now and then.

Hey, I don't like using pubic toilets, but that would be even worse.

I do prefer to wash up, and could go for better standards for toilets all around. Why do the bottom of stalls have to be exposed. I sure could go for a lot more privacy when having to do my business in a public stall.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:22 PM
This reminds me of an occasion when the author Spider Robinson (of "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" stories) had sent his publisher a functional-diagram of the type of toilet used in NASA space flights. In effect, there's a fan inside the toilet that literally draws the poo away from the astronaut using it.

Along the margin, Robinson wrote the following: "As near as I can tell, the $#|+ is supposed to hit the fan."

But I agree that this should be a "frivolous lawsuit" because you can bet your sweet bippy that, a Westerner trying to use the low-rider toilets in a Muslim country would simply be told to get used to it & cope...No way would THEY bend over in the same way they demand US to bend over for their personal/religious sensibilities.

BTW, edited to add:
In the OP, the third picture...I hope that guy is wearing Depends Undergarments. He's not going to get anything into the toilet (squatting OR sitting) with his pants still pulled up.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:40 PM
The development of type of toilet we have in the west is down to health and safety, we have water in the bowl to mask smells and also to stop you choking to death on fumes from the sewer, this is why there is a big issue with the waterless urinary in the us at present.

We have a seat due to comfort and puts us in a comfy popping position, we have water flushing to take our waste away which also takes a lot of the nasty bacteria away. Why should we be forced by law to except a dangerous toilet design so some Muslims are happy?,

In regards to the previous comment about religious toilet usage, it is not about pooping in a field, its pooping in general and the way they should always do it is by squatting, and cleaning with water as this the way Allah did it in the desert.

Wee mad mental

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by weemadmental
In regards to the previous comment about religious toilet usage, it is not about pooping in a field, its pooping in general and the way they should always do it is by squatting, and cleaning with water as this the way Allah did it in the desert.

Ahhh, I see, thank you for explaining that

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:54 PM
what I find the most amusing about this story is that squatting might be the better option and no one realises it.

there was a tv series all about toilets & poo called "kenny's world"
in the series he went all around the world checking out the wierd differences in toilets & habits from country to country.

Turns out that squatting is actually the more natural & healthier way to poo.
A doctor was explaining to 'kenny' one episode about how when you squat your insides align differently to when you sit on a western toilet.
He also said that when you sit you have to force it out, whereas squatting was apparently easier.

its a strange world we live in.


kenny (movie) wiki
Kenny's World (spin off series)

[edit on 7/8/10 by B.Morrison]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Thou shalt poo in the loo and not upon the loo.

Whom so ever pooeth upon the loo may looseth their balanceth and falleth into that which has been lefteth.

...and when they sayeth unto the Lord, " how shall we know what a loo iseth"?

He spaketh unto them:

Thou shalt know a loo by its works. It shall have a seat for thy bum and not thy feeteth.

It shall also have a manner in which to carry away that which was left. It shall be pulled once, nay even twice if thou eateth the meal of Mexican feasting. Thine pull shall not exceed three. Thine pull shall be Two but only after a count of one.

So sayeth the Lord.

And they were happy and feasted upon heavily peppered enchilada's and tamale's, nay even the occasional tequila. and it was good.

Thus ends the message.

Blessing upon you all.

[edit on 7/8/10 by felonius]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Hmmm, what do the disabled and elderly do? I wonder? When you can no longer squat is there a punishment?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:14 PM
A GREAT thread! Well done!

I am fed up of seeing the UK and other countries bend over and get #ed up the arse by muslims, arabs and so forth.

That employee is lucky to live in such a clean and well developed country.

If he doesn't like our country then he can # off back to arab land

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:20 PM
This has got me lmfao.... i don't know what else to say except take a dump the way you chose to... freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by mattifikation
Listen you maggot! The only reason your cult is sounding off is the economic power the Middle Eastern Nations have accquired. We of the West have allowed this to happen because of our greed for light crude which the Bristish discovered in your barren waste lands.
We the people of the Christian faith are being pushed by your kind and believe it or not a rebbelion is brewing that will squash your cult of death. Your beliefs and customs are a deterent to the growth of mankind and will be stopped.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by flycatch]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:28 PM
Sharing a public toilet seat is actually not that bad. Shaking hands with someone is waaay more unhygienic, and it is equally more disgusting to share a toilet seat with someone that puts their feet on it, instead of their ass.

Such a disgustingly ridiculous non-issue. Tell them to go crap outside on the sidewalk.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:36 PM
I can see people from the orient and near East squatting down to do their business. But what is not said is how do older people who have to go get up after doing their business. I mean the knees and thigh muscles just will not allow me to get up. Do they have handles on the sides to help you up???.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Brothers

Yes, they will try to accommodate the less agile by installing handles and rails on the walls to hold yourself in place and to help you get up. Though, not always.

Anyway, this is such a non-issue. I couldn't ever see this happening, a "toilet revision" in the United States or abroad. It's the way of our culture to use toilets, and it would be backwards for *us*, to install holes in the floor instead, or an extra stall similar to the handicapped stall.

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