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Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:30 AM

Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs

A Muslim group is holding what it calls the UK's first summer camp against terrorism.

The three-day event in Coventry is expected to see more than 1,000 young Muslims at sessions teaching religious arguments to use against extremists.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:30 AM
We neede more of this king of activity. Not only over here but in the Muslim countries too. Bullets, bombs, and missiles are not doing the job.

I would welcome some feedback from you at ATS.

Is this the way forward, or should we continue or so called War Against Terror?

I know it is difficult to consider education when you see the hatred these extremists display. If I knew how to embed photos here, I could show you some examples taken at a recent so called peace rally in London. Shocked the hell out of me.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

I know it is difficult to consider education when you see the hatred these extremists display

You know, I can justify their hatred towards the West, if you want, we can have the debate right here in this thread.

That being said, Muslims are in a stable condition in UK, and as you can see, in stable conditions they are naturally becoming moderate (what ever that means).

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:52 AM
I am very glad to see this report. All of the sweeping prejudice against an entire social organization because of a small group of extremists is sickening.

I am not of their faith, but I can sympathize. You see, as a citizen of the USA, I am lumped in with the minority of idiots and extremists here as well. Even though I stand apart from their lunacy, it takes only a mention in an international forum and "bang", labeled right along with them.

I wish them all the luck and support possible. Show the majority side of followers and their true nature and stop all of this "one bad apple ruins a bunch" nonsensicle bigotry and hatred.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:37 AM
I will solve the problem, in uk in one of the city 's the police chief is a muslim, the commissioner of police is a muslim, send the muslim police chief also then we will get better result, then we can get the answer, let them know the muslim top cop is coming in the duty dress, so they will fear no more, and they will get a way to reduce terrorism,, i think in mafia style

Mod edit: Caps removed. Please see The use of All Caps Thank you - Jak

[edit on 7/8/10 by JAK]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:37 AM
Very positive! Perhaps this will help dispel the myth that all Muslims are terrorists.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by gem_man
Very positive! Perhaps this will help dispel the myth that all Muslims are terrorists.

That is not even a myth, it is an outright lie.

Only people who have an agenda to hate wants to believe such BS. It is a want, but anyone with brain can go to Google and find some terrorists who weren't Muslim.

Like the University massicars, or maybe the CIA drone attacks, or maybe the Zionist regimes, the previous World Trade Centre Bombings etc etc etc

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:20 AM
That is great to see that there are islamic devils willing to seek peace. I wish that would take place in the United States.

The thing is the true Muslims hate the United States, so I dont think we will be seeing any sweat and speedo turbins down our city streets.

There are two kinds of muslims I have known the one. I served in the military with several so called muslims, It was just what they associated with. As far as I know they didnt practice any of the 5 pillars and they loved to drink. Just like many people say they are Christian but truly they are just saying there Christian becasue they feel they should. The true Muslim will not reject terrorism and has hate towards thee United Sates.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by humbleseeker

- Where did you learn about "who a true Muslim is"?

- "Who/What defines a Muslim"?

Hopefully these two questions doesn't shortcut your brain

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:50 AM
A true muslim is one who practices the 5 pillars of Islam

A muslim by word is a person who just says there a muslim but dosnt realy follow there faith.

Christians are the same way many Christians say I am a Christian but never go to church only pray in time of need, and couldnt find the bible because of all the dust pilled on it.

Oh that almost shortcutted my brain by I managed to put it together, somehow.

The thing is You cant just say you are something and be it. its a religion not a race its a choice not something your born into.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by humbleseeker
A true muslim is one who practices the 5 pillars of Islam

Where did you get that information from?

A muslim by word is a person who just says there a muslim but dosnt realy follow there faith.

Yeah, very true.

Christians are the same way many Christians say I am a Christian but never go to church only pray in time of need, and couldnt find the bible because of all the dust pilled on it.

Also very true.

Oh that almost shortcutted my brain by I managed to put it together, somehow.

I gave you a wink, so don't take it personally. And you still didn't answer my questions.

- Where did you learn "who a true Muslim is"?
You said five Pillars of Islam, but didn't say where you got that information from.

- "Who/What defines a Muslim"?
You didn't answer it at all.

The thing is You cant just say you are something and be it. its a religion not a race its a choice not something your born into.

Yes very true.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by oozyism]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Well if I dig out my old text book from comparative religions in college the 5 pillars are these

I am quoting Histroy of world Religions chapter 17 page 549 David S Noss

"For many centuries Muslims have felt obligated to engage in the following"
1 The Creed, which is the central utterance of Islam. "There is no god but Allah"

2. Prayer they are suppose to pray five times a day I am not going to write the whole page on it but basically they have to act in a devotional way five times a day.

3Giving, Muslims believe in giving 2 1/2 percent.

4. Fatsing during the month of Ramadan

5 Pilgrmage. They have to make that trip to mecca if they can

Now I wont say that a person is not a muslim if they dont follow these to a T but the 5 pillars basicly sums up how a muslim should live.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by humbleseeker

I am quoting Histroy of world Religions chapter 17 page 549 David S Noss

OK enough of the questions, I will get straight to the point:

- The Quran defines a Muslim (Quran is the source of Islam).
- The five pillars are subtracted from the Quran, but that is not the only things Muslims are obliged to follow.

Now when you talk about terrorism, you have to realize that Quran is against terrorism.

At no time does the Quran condone attacks against innocent people, even if Muslims are desperate, they should have faith and fight, rather than targetting innocent (defenseless) people as forms of revenge or what ever they call it these days.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Well I dont know enough about the koran to know what it promotes or dosnt. I know that the Christian bible can be construded into promoting wars and has done so in the past. I am probably correct in saying that Radical Islam is going about the same way and twisting there doctrine to promote there terrorist activities. Regardless the East hates the West and the West must defend itself. You know it dose stink to have to classify a bunch of people becasue of some bad apples, but I believe in profiling in order to fight crime and terrorism. I think many of our problems comes form being to politicly correct and worried that we might hurt someones feelings. I am not worried about the middle east my concern is with the United States.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by humbleseeker
Well I dont know enough about the koran to know what it promotes or dosnt. I know that the Christian bible can be construded into promoting wars and has done so in the past. I am probably correct in saying that Radical Islam is going about the same way and twisting there doctrine to promote there terrorist activities. Regardless the East hates the West and the West must defend itself. You know it dose stink to have to classify a bunch of people becasue of some bad apples, but I believe in profiling in order to fight crime and terrorism. I think many of our problems comes form being to politicly correct and worried that we might hurt someones feelings. I am not worried about the middle east my concern is with the United States.

Exactly, the you don't know much about the Quran therefore your conclusions are mostly false.

I understand that people have the capability of manipulating people, that is not the topic here.

People don't use the Quran to justify terrorism, but past philosophies and past respected individuals.

Let me give you an example of who Osama bin Laden follows:
Some claim he is a Wahabi, therefore follows the famous teachings of "Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahab".

In that sense he is not following the Quran, or making interpretations from the Quran, but merely following Mohammad ibn abdul Wahab blindly (because he was a respected man).

Some claim Osama Bin Laden followed Sayyid Qutb, therefore he is a Qutbi, not a Wahabi (that is the argument Wahbis are making).

The fact of the matter is that Sayyid Qutb was a product of injustice, and not Islam. He was unjustly arrested and locked up by the Western backed Egyptian government (for expressing his opinions), then later arrested again, then later sentenced to death by the same Western backed Egyptian government.

All of that in light, you have to realize where the source of the problem is, it isn't Islam, it is the injustice which is creating extremists who would go through extreme values to get rid of those injustices.

The injustice is backed by the West, especially the US, therefore the US is the source of the problem, not them.

If the US stops meddling in foreign affairs, no body would give a damn about the US, but we all know what they have been doing for so long.

Iran was a Democracy, Iraq was a Democracy, what happened? Did you know it was the US which broughف both of those nations to what it is today. Heck Saddam came to power because of a CIA backed coup. The Shah came to power because of a CIA backed coup.

I can go on in regards to the atrocities, the coups, the assassinations, the proxy wars etc the US has implemented all across the world, but am I speaking to deaf years?

Think about Venezuela for second, go research what happened in that place, how Chavez was abducted, if not for a revolution there would be Western backed dictators in Venezuela right now, and Chavez would be in prison.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 07:57 AM
Well thank you for the enligtenment. I am sure that the United States has done these things and is still participating, in what you would consider less than honorable activity. It is a shame if that is true, even know I am sure that what was taking place, was to give the United States some type of advantage during each of those situations.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 04:44 AM
This is really marvelous step. This kind of activity must be regarded as a positive intention to solve out the terrorism problems of west Muslims. People from other religions must also support them but also should stand with them. So they feel to be supported by every community.

Islam and terrorism is two different things, west has to understand this too. Muslims need support to deal with this kind of bull#.

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