reply to post by Mythic Chris
As several other people, including Moderator's, have stated, post wisely.
Yes, there are threads which many a member regretted, as well as posts.
The edit button, within the alloted time, is your best bet of course.
Two other things I will recommend as options.
U2U a Moderator, if it is your thread, and it is not going far, ask for it to be put into the always open
Trash Bin, meaning it is completely
gone away.
You're going to need to state the reason other than you posted crap.
Remember though, if it is actually inspiring conversation, it might be a good idea to leave it alone, which a Moderator will recommend to you too.
If you mis-spoke, clarify your original thoughts, and intent.
Now on to the second option.
U2U a Moderator, if it is your post, and be polite, and request they edit it.
Meaning re-write it yourself and ask them to put in the edit, if it is minor.
The Moderator's will always assist, if it is within their powers, to do so.
Making High-Quality Threads : Ask and I'll Point You In The Right Direction
If you would like advice or suggestions about how to post a little more decisively, feel free to drop on by the above thread, and I will help you
If I can of course.
And remember as well you can U2U anyone and ask for a little help.
[edit on 6-8-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]