posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 09:23 AM
Okay, I have been away from ATS for a bit (for any length) and I come on today and I see this post about the Moon being full of water:
The Moon is full of water! Caltech scientists says
So, I had just been looking around the internet and I saw this story in
Moon Water Dreams Evaporate
The inside of the moon might not be all wet after all. A new study suggests that, contrary to recent work, the lunar interior is as bone-dry as
scientists thought 40 years ago, when NASA astronauts lugged home the first moon rocks.
New analyses of chlorine in those rocks, published
Aug. 5 in Science, indicate that the moon contains just one–ten-thousandth to one–hundred-thousandth the water that the Earth’s interior
Researchers have long argued over whether the moon contains water on its surface — frozen in shadowy craters, for instance. Such water
would not be native to the moon, but instead delivered there over time by comet impacts. The new studies tackle a more fundamental question: How much
water did the moon contain inside when it formed, 4.5 billion years ago?
So, what the heck? I put this in General Conspiracies as it seems to me that there is an active group trying to get a point across... I just don't
know what is the True one. Now, my mind says: No way is there water on the Moon. But... I guess I want there to be water on the Moon.
So, what the heck is NASA, the MSM, Japan and India got going on. And Russia. They all (except NASA) want to get to the Moon. Why so badly? First
timers? Know something is there that they was to get or see?
Why, with all the apparent knowledge we seem to possess about the outreaches of Space/Universe can we not know all what there is to know about the
freaking Moon-right next to us?
Very flustrating for someone trying to learn about Space etc. Thoughts?
MODs: Sorry if put in wrong place but I have to say it sure looks like an organized attempt to distort the truth-on a large scale!