posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:14 AM
Yes, this is an old topic that has been discussed to death at ATS, but I just can't help dropping my own two cents:
1)The video quality issue: 'Victor' claims that he copied this tape while converting it from a Videotape to DVD format. So, and let's play along
with the story for a moment, it's possible that this footage could actually have been shot in the 1970s. It would be presumptive to assume that this
was shot in the mid 1990s. So, that being said, is the quality of the high quality file any worse than that which could be expected from a 1978
betamax video camera?
2)The date/time stamp and zoom out: Byrd has an excellent point here. However, it's possible that:
a)'Victor' copied the footage from a screen with another camera.
b)The zooming has been done by the people who handled this footage. We need to be clear about what is 'raw' and what has been formatted for the
original documentary.
3)The pen light issue: Doctors use lights to check out a patient's eyes when they are having a seizure. Though the alien may be sensitive to light,
the doctors may have decided that the current crisis has justified the use of a light that could cause minor eye damage.
4)The breathing issue: The alien might be able to breath if it was
a)Genetically engineered for earth landings.
b)Actually related to an animal that evolved on earth.
It also can be argued that the fact that this thing is in bad health makes the environmental questions less significant. Humans, for example, can
live in environments with abnormal oxygen levels for short periods.
5)The rough handling issue: Though it seems illogical to make someone who is sick go through interviews, it may be that this alien is the equivalent
of a POW. Perhaps the bumps and discolorations are the result of torture? Perhaps the medics/officers are being deliberately rough with him? If he
were an 'ambassador' he (or it) would surely have returned home when the illness first appeared.
6)The 'telepaths': Would a real telepath need to rub his head? That seems pretty corny to me, as real telepathy, if it exists, would not involve
muscle activity or the movement of any physical parts within the body. If this is a telepathic interview, why is the voice monitor someone else
identified there?
7)The wobbly motion of the alien: The premise of the tape is that this is a sick alien and, as I have tried to argue above, an imprisoned alien. If
it were cold, beaten, and sick I can imagine how it would realistically bobble like that.
8)The magnification issue: As someone else has pointed out, the Navy (or Air Force or whomever) could have set the camera up a foot away from the
aliens nose or filmed it from head to foot. However:
a)It would make sense for a government agency to film an historic event from multiple angles. The existence of a wide angle shot does not preclude
the existence of a close-up.
b)It may be -- if we are to play along with the storyline behind the film -- that only a certain number of people can be near the alien if the
telepathy is to work. Perhaps nearby cameramen would mess up the human telepath and so only a few, mentally disciplined people can be nearby?
9)The 'Victor' isn't dead issue: Well, have you guys ever wondered if this film could be true while 'Victor's' backstory is false? It's
possible that this tape was deliberately leaked by the government so as to prepare the public for the way aliens look. Showing a sick, nearly dead
alien would also go a long way towards proving that the aliens are mortals and not gods.
I am not saying that I believe this is real. I am saying, though, that some of the 'disproofs' offered can be spun in a way that makes this all
semi-believable. Ultimately, though, this is a story that can never be verified and so believers are left with a situation where they can only use
speculation to prove what may be fiction.
[edit on 15-3-2005 by onlyinmydreams]
[edit on 15-3-2005 by onlyinmydreams]
[edit on 15-3-2005 by onlyinmydreams]